Chevrolet Astro Lll. 1969god. (8 ph)
In the 60s HHveka, in the wake of the development of astronautics and jets have avtodizaynerov, new samples for stylistic borrowings. Represents an example of such:
Chevrolet Astro III. An experimental car, built in 1969. Engine - gas turbine with a capacity of 317 hp
Two back "exhaust pipes" made an impressive diameter to ensure free flow of hot gases - an indispensable condition of the gas turbine (there could focus a la "Marilyn Monroe with her skirt inflationary" no prokanaet!)
In this photo Astro III without a nose cone. It becomes immediately clear that the car is made on a "tricycle". As clearly shown how to penetrate the interior.
Steering, in the conventional sense, no. Managed by «Astro» with two "sticks" (in quotes - because in 1969 such a concept did not exist yet)
Rear-view mirrors replaced the camera, with which ieobrazhenie monitor output pezhdu chairs.
Lights are located on the sides of the front.
From the airplane the world has migrated and the aerodynamic brake as a "flap" at the edge "of the wings»
Transparent "scheme" trajectory of the cap when opening the cab
Chevrolet Astro III. An experimental car, built in 1969. Engine - gas turbine with a capacity of 317 hp
Two back "exhaust pipes" made an impressive diameter to ensure free flow of hot gases - an indispensable condition of the gas turbine (there could focus a la "Marilyn Monroe with her skirt inflationary" no prokanaet!)
In this photo Astro III without a nose cone. It becomes immediately clear that the car is made on a "tricycle". As clearly shown how to penetrate the interior.
Steering, in the conventional sense, no. Managed by «Astro» with two "sticks" (in quotes - because in 1969 such a concept did not exist yet)
Rear-view mirrors replaced the camera, with which ieobrazhenie monitor output pezhdu chairs.
Lights are located on the sides of the front.
From the airplane the world has migrated and the aerodynamic brake as a "flap" at the edge "of the wings»
Transparent "scheme" trajectory of the cap when opening the cab