The temple complex of Khajuraho
Khajuraho - once the capital of a powerful dynasty Chandella now this small (by the standards of India) town with a population of about 10,000 people located in the state of Madhya Pradesh in central India. It is part of world heritage and are very popular among tourists. Here is one of the main attractions of India - the millennial temple complex.
The once sleepy village of Khajuraho in the central part of the mills today attracts more than 150 visitors a year, and airlines are in fierce competition for the right to fly in this place. Indeed, in many temples of Khajuraho it is not only the image of the Hindu gods and scenes from the life of the royal family, but also the famous "Encyclopedia of Indian art of love." Nowhere else in the world of sensuality is not expressed with such intriguing candor in these sculptures.
Posted in [mergetime] 1225367071 [/ mergetime]
One theory of the bas-relief shows the love the teacher to practice before shyly smiling students. The following students have also "pass the exam", showing enviable ingenuity.
In some temples bas "tell" the legend of the origin of the kind of rulers. Here - the moon-god Chandra (Chandra) admires the beautiful girl bathing. Next - wanting to seduce her, he takes the shape of a young man. But, from this passionate union has born a boy, blessed by the gods.
So, like frames of film flashed before the eyes of tourists scenes illustrating the Hindu doctrine of tantra, which is opposed to austerity he believes that sensual love ennobles man, brings him closer to absolute truth. So even a hint of any frivolity in the images of sacred images and goddesses Indians missing.
Posted in [mergetime] 1225367175 [/ mergetime]
The temples of Khajuraho reflect the brilliant flowering of art, which was patronized by powerful rulers Chandella. Location temples saved from Muslim raids and led them into neglect after sunset Chandella in the XIII century. Overgrown with dense forest in for several centuries, they were once again "discovered" in 1838 by Englishman T. Burt. According to legend originally there were 85 temple buildings, and in the course of excavations here dug numerous ruins.
The remaining twenty-five churches, a UNESCO world heritage site, were built in the IX-X centuries. Buildings reflecting the art and architecture of North India in ancient times, remarkable epic proportions and surprisingly harmonious composition and wonderful sculptures executed. Here, more than 800 images of gods and goddesses, warriors and animals, musicians and dancers, sensual virgins.
Posted in [mergetime] 1225367329 [/ mergetime]
The walls also illustrate the normal life of the Indians
A couple of pictures nepornograficheskogo nature
Posted in [mergetime] 1225368026 [/ mergetime]
Theme created with the assistance of colleagues Olekot. Sedna whose brazen dead computer

The once sleepy village of Khajuraho in the central part of the mills today attracts more than 150 visitors a year, and airlines are in fierce competition for the right to fly in this place. Indeed, in many temples of Khajuraho it is not only the image of the Hindu gods and scenes from the life of the royal family, but also the famous "Encyclopedia of Indian art of love." Nowhere else in the world of sensuality is not expressed with such intriguing candor in these sculptures.
Posted in [mergetime] 1225367071 [/ mergetime]
One theory of the bas-relief shows the love the teacher to practice before shyly smiling students. The following students have also "pass the exam", showing enviable ingenuity.

In some temples bas "tell" the legend of the origin of the kind of rulers. Here - the moon-god Chandra (Chandra) admires the beautiful girl bathing. Next - wanting to seduce her, he takes the shape of a young man. But, from this passionate union has born a boy, blessed by the gods.

So, like frames of film flashed before the eyes of tourists scenes illustrating the Hindu doctrine of tantra, which is opposed to austerity he believes that sensual love ennobles man, brings him closer to absolute truth. So even a hint of any frivolity in the images of sacred images and goddesses Indians missing.
Posted in [mergetime] 1225367175 [/ mergetime]
The temples of Khajuraho reflect the brilliant flowering of art, which was patronized by powerful rulers Chandella. Location temples saved from Muslim raids and led them into neglect after sunset Chandella in the XIII century. Overgrown with dense forest in for several centuries, they were once again "discovered" in 1838 by Englishman T. Burt. According to legend originally there were 85 temple buildings, and in the course of excavations here dug numerous ruins.
The remaining twenty-five churches, a UNESCO world heritage site, were built in the IX-X centuries. Buildings reflecting the art and architecture of North India in ancient times, remarkable epic proportions and surprisingly harmonious composition and wonderful sculptures executed. Here, more than 800 images of gods and goddesses, warriors and animals, musicians and dancers, sensual virgins.
Posted in [mergetime] 1225367329 [/ mergetime]
The walls also illustrate the normal life of the Indians
A couple of pictures nepornograficheskogo nature



Posted in [mergetime] 1225368026 [/ mergetime]
Theme created with the assistance of colleagues Olekot. Sedna whose brazen dead computer
