We again ahead of the rest

The world community quite kind to the intellectual property issues. Anyway, that part of it which is without prejudice to the critical financial himself ready to pay for this property. And consider this issue so important that applies to violators rather unpleasant financial sanctions.
For example, according to the report, the US Trade Representative (namely it has been compiling a ranking of countries), the State may exclude from the "Generalized System of Preferences", which gives the right to import goods to the United States for the reduction of duties.
Ukraine had once pleased with a black mark in the period from 2001 to 2005.
The current situation is perhaps even more neglected, because our country is not just led an honorable rating, and received the status of a "priority foreign country", which USTR usually does, limiting the list of top ten violators Convention.
The current situation Ukraine has earned not only inadequate and totally ineffective protection of property rights and not for the author is not quite clear rating system royalties, but also the fact that Internet piracy and illegitimate use of the software has a truly national scope - the same unlicensed software is very widely used in government agencies (who would doubt).
Understandably, the second in this list is the Russian. There were also regular participants without such ratings in China, India and Indonesia. Priyatnomy managed to get ahead of such worthy competitors.