Tree for those who did not
German Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design held the fifth annual exhibition of designer firs. © i-cherski took the liberty to select the most entertaining options. 16 prints
So, do the Christmas tree at home!
Let's start with the simplest Christmas trees. Sprigs for her many easily find yourself in the balcony. At the same time, and it razgrebut. Author Marina Eggen.
The best that can be done with dropouts office equipment. A little sad and not enough balls. But you can light a candle. Author: Kai Zirz
This Christmas tree is not exactly necessary to throw away - she herself gradually melt.
Author: Lambert Kamps
Perhaps the most conceptual option. For those with herringbone associated only with the need to constantly gather dull vacuuming needles throughout the apartment. Authors: Prisca Fey & Katrin Sonnleitner
Eggs in pouches of firs or "herringbone laid an egg." Touching? Author: Simone Gier
Great way to get from one branch are many small firs. Besides, the only way to put the tree in a champagne glass. Authors: Christina Irrgang & Moritz Willborn
For those who can not imagine New Year's Eve without a TV. In my view, it is much better that there is usually sings, dances and jokes. Author: Piero Glina
Do not rush to throw clothes green. From it, too, can build a Christmas tree. Author: Cornelia Sieg
More Cornelia Sieg. Good gift to motorists and excuse compacted Christmas trees all around.
For mnepodobnyh beings who managed to fall under the Christmas tree with the flu. Whole year waiting for this rare opportunity. Waited. I believe that any of the tablet packing can be a cut.
Author: Jerome Nelet
Bosses saved at corporate? It's nothing. Find any bottle and stick round stickers. Better, perhaps, still green, to the smell of pine needles at once. Just have time povodit dance until you do not get fired for overspending stickers.
Author: Flo Schwab
Another option guaranteed recycling Christmas trees. Cheese with holes + cherry tomatoes. Brilliant.
Author: Melanie Symkiewiez
For those who celebrate the New Year flew to Africa or was brutally abandoned supermarket owners to work on New Year's night. I would also decorated balls of tangerines.
Author: Volker Albus
Perhaps the most budget option. Well, except for Christmas trees, painted on the wall with chalk.
Author: Melanie Szymkiewiez
Also, in general, not too expensive. No, it's not me. This may have the author, Stefan Jakubik.
Do not rush to send dick sellers Bible. Of them can be cut Christmas trees are great. However, of the bibles too. A burn at the stake should not I, but the author's ideas - Katrin Sonnleitner
Posted in [mergetime] 1230704560 [/ mergetime]
© vechny_iskatel
So, do the Christmas tree at home!

Let's start with the simplest Christmas trees. Sprigs for her many easily find yourself in the balcony. At the same time, and it razgrebut. Author Marina Eggen.

The best that can be done with dropouts office equipment. A little sad and not enough balls. But you can light a candle. Author: Kai Zirz

This Christmas tree is not exactly necessary to throw away - she herself gradually melt.
Author: Lambert Kamps

Perhaps the most conceptual option. For those with herringbone associated only with the need to constantly gather dull vacuuming needles throughout the apartment. Authors: Prisca Fey & Katrin Sonnleitner

Eggs in pouches of firs or "herringbone laid an egg." Touching? Author: Simone Gier

Great way to get from one branch are many small firs. Besides, the only way to put the tree in a champagne glass. Authors: Christina Irrgang & Moritz Willborn

For those who can not imagine New Year's Eve without a TV. In my view, it is much better that there is usually sings, dances and jokes. Author: Piero Glina

Do not rush to throw clothes green. From it, too, can build a Christmas tree. Author: Cornelia Sieg

More Cornelia Sieg. Good gift to motorists and excuse compacted Christmas trees all around.

For mnepodobnyh beings who managed to fall under the Christmas tree with the flu. Whole year waiting for this rare opportunity. Waited. I believe that any of the tablet packing can be a cut.
Author: Jerome Nelet

Bosses saved at corporate? It's nothing. Find any bottle and stick round stickers. Better, perhaps, still green, to the smell of pine needles at once. Just have time povodit dance until you do not get fired for overspending stickers.
Author: Flo Schwab

Another option guaranteed recycling Christmas trees. Cheese with holes + cherry tomatoes. Brilliant.
Author: Melanie Symkiewiez

For those who celebrate the New Year flew to Africa or was brutally abandoned supermarket owners to work on New Year's night. I would also decorated balls of tangerines.
Author: Volker Albus

Perhaps the most budget option. Well, except for Christmas trees, painted on the wall with chalk.
Author: Melanie Szymkiewiez

Also, in general, not too expensive. No, it's not me. This may have the author, Stefan Jakubik.

Do not rush to send dick sellers Bible. Of them can be cut Christmas trees are great. However, of the bibles too. A burn at the stake should not I, but the author's ideas - Katrin Sonnleitner
Posted in [mergetime] 1230704560 [/ mergetime]
© vechny_iskatel