Can the sun!
Now the sun's energy for the future, you can store up to a half liter bottle. You can do this by using amazing gadget called Sun Jur, will be on sale in the perpetual kid. Is it worth $ 40 a miracle.
3 photos via priroda.su
The lid of a jar embedded solar panel and solar cell that captures the illumination of the room. When the room darkens the photocell "send commando" three LED bulbs that fill your room and "preserve" the sunlight.
There is "a lunar analog" lamps, which also costs $ 40.
3 photos via priroda.su
The lid of a jar embedded solar panel and solar cell that captures the illumination of the room. When the room darkens the photocell "send commando" three LED bulbs that fill your room and "preserve" the sunlight.
There is "a lunar analog" lamps, which also costs $ 40.