"To date, there is a certain stereotype tank layout: caterpillar mover, one tower with weapons, rectangular body. But engineering fantasy is much richer. Designers developed the most exotic designs bronemonstrov who, for one reason or another have not appeared on the battlefield. One such project was the tank sharohod, ie fighting machine in the shape of a ball. "Look under the cut! "The movable shield for protection against rifle bullets and other" B. Mayer, the Soviet Union, in 1927 two hollow cylinder in the height of a man, at the center - a soldier with a machine gun. The only member of the crew he moved the unit on the battlefield, stepping feet on brackets on the inner surface of the wheels. In fact, this erratic broneschit or mobile bronetochka. For this sharotanka lacks only the engine & quot;
"Five-collapsible" kontrtank "F. Borodavkova, USSR, 1930.
"Bronebochku" rolled on the enemy soldiers sitting inside, clutching the hands of the bracket. Brakes were retractable knife stops. The lack of armaments makes it unclear purpose of the device - presumably, it can be regarded as an armored personnel carrier for a rapprochement with the advanced trenches of the enemy. Safely reaching the advanced crew dismounted and attacked the enemy trench »
"Shoduket" Lukin, or "two-wheeled Skorokhodova Tango", USSR, 1928
The most impressive and striking idea - bronemonstr diameter of 12 m with a dozen guns. Design student dropout (expelled from the Leningrad Institute of Technology for academic failure, as all free time devoted to the development skhoduketa) brings to mind the least cumbersome "Tsar Tank" (or "war chariot") NN Lebedenco 1917 with wheels with a diameter of 9 m & quot;
"Sharotank I. Lisova, USSR, 1928
Tank in a huge bowl with cannons and machine guns in the side sponsons along the axis of rotation. The engine was placed in the center on gimbals, and move it "change the center of gravity." The design is feasible in principle, but, like all monocycles cumbersome and clumsy »
"Five-collapsible" kontrtank "F. Borodavkova, USSR, 1930.
"Bronebochku" rolled on the enemy soldiers sitting inside, clutching the hands of the bracket. Brakes were retractable knife stops. The lack of armaments makes it unclear purpose of the device - presumably, it can be regarded as an armored personnel carrier for a rapprochement with the advanced trenches of the enemy. Safely reaching the advanced crew dismounted and attacked the enemy trench »
"Shoduket" Lukin, or "two-wheeled Skorokhodova Tango", USSR, 1928
The most impressive and striking idea - bronemonstr diameter of 12 m with a dozen guns. Design student dropout (expelled from the Leningrad Institute of Technology for academic failure, as all free time devoted to the development skhoduketa) brings to mind the least cumbersome "Tsar Tank" (or "war chariot") NN Lebedenco 1917 with wheels with a diameter of 9 m & quot;
"Sharotank I. Lisova, USSR, 1928
Tank in a huge bowl with cannons and machine guns in the side sponsons along the axis of rotation. The engine was placed in the center on gimbals, and move it "change the center of gravity." The design is feasible in principle, but, like all monocycles cumbersome and clumsy »