Coloring pictures as high art
Since the appearance of photos of people oppressed by the absence of her flowers. So quickly found the master, who began to paint pictures for the exhibition and the "paper" publication. The story of this craft, the transition to high art, deserves a separate large study.
With the advent of color photography paint has only historical images in order to "bring" them to a modern audience, to enhance the sense of reality. The huge stimulus this subtle and hard work enabled the emergence of computer technology for processing graphics.
Despite all the "wonders of Photoshop" Today, as before, to paint a picture of complete similarity with the color is almost impossible. But some virtuosos sometimes almost succeeds.
I want to show the most interesting experiments in coloring pictures presented at the historic photoblog Shorpy.
For example, Times Square in New York in 1943:
I do not immediately understand that this is not a color photo!
Let's now imagine the American Civil War in Color:
This military depot in Nashville, 1864 Yes, it turned out not very realistic, though beautiful!
It is a remarkable portrait of Lincoln 1865 .:
This lumberjack!
There is also the option:
The famous photo of Atlanta 1864 with a shop for the sale of black slaves:
1903 shop in New Orleans:
1905 Aquarium in Detroit:
Terminal in Manhattan 1907 .:
1911 fire brigade:
Prikinte how much time should be spent that byrasskasit a Christmas tree 1920 g of.?:
1920 Club mermaids (Mermaid Club) in Philadelphia:
1943 Indianapolis:
Simply brilliant work - an evening of Dallas in 1942:
An absolute masterpiece of coloring - Grand Central Terminal, 1941:
Trying to introduce color Belorussky Railway Station in 1941 ...
Source: visualhistory.livejournal.com
With the advent of color photography paint has only historical images in order to "bring" them to a modern audience, to enhance the sense of reality. The huge stimulus this subtle and hard work enabled the emergence of computer technology for processing graphics.
Despite all the "wonders of Photoshop" Today, as before, to paint a picture of complete similarity with the color is almost impossible. But some virtuosos sometimes almost succeeds.
I want to show the most interesting experiments in coloring pictures presented at the historic photoblog Shorpy.
For example, Times Square in New York in 1943:
I do not immediately understand that this is not a color photo!
Let's now imagine the American Civil War in Color:
This military depot in Nashville, 1864 Yes, it turned out not very realistic, though beautiful!
It is a remarkable portrait of Lincoln 1865 .:
This lumberjack!
There is also the option:
The famous photo of Atlanta 1864 with a shop for the sale of black slaves:
1903 shop in New Orleans:
1905 Aquarium in Detroit:
Terminal in Manhattan 1907 .:
1911 fire brigade:
Prikinte how much time should be spent that byrasskasit a Christmas tree 1920 g of.?:
1920 Club mermaids (Mermaid Club) in Philadelphia:
1943 Indianapolis:
Simply brilliant work - an evening of Dallas in 1942:
An absolute masterpiece of coloring - Grand Central Terminal, 1941:
Trying to introduce color Belorussky Railway Station in 1941 ...
Source: visualhistory.livejournal.com