Amazing mushroom
Probably the most amazing mushroom planet - a mushroom Plasmodium. In addition to its picturesque view, this mushroom has one more amazing quality - it can move.
This amazing mushroom (its other name - Slezevik) consists of a multi-core protoplasm. Its dimensions may be quite varied - 1 mm to 1 to 5 meters
To meet this fungus can be in our forests. He loves dark, damp places, under the bark of trees, under fallen leaves. Feeds fungus throughout his body, absorbing nutrients.
When they end the fungus begins its movement. He moves through its outgrowths of protoplasm. Its speed is not great - only one centimeter per hour. Plasmodium afford to get on the stump and settle there for a while.
Reproduction of this fungus is also quite amazing. By the time when sporulation occurs, Plasmodium is selected on the exposed surface, and fully converted. His body is going into a ball, covered with a crust and become fully spore body.
It grows fruiting bodies, which may be of different shapes and colors.
They develop and disputes that at break of fruiting bodies, carried by the wind. When introduced into the right environment for her, she begins to prorostat and wonderful mushroom again begins its life cycle.

This amazing mushroom (its other name - Slezevik) consists of a multi-core protoplasm. Its dimensions may be quite varied - 1 mm to 1 to 5 meters

To meet this fungus can be in our forests. He loves dark, damp places, under the bark of trees, under fallen leaves. Feeds fungus throughout his body, absorbing nutrients.

When they end the fungus begins its movement. He moves through its outgrowths of protoplasm. Its speed is not great - only one centimeter per hour. Plasmodium afford to get on the stump and settle there for a while.

Reproduction of this fungus is also quite amazing. By the time when sporulation occurs, Plasmodium is selected on the exposed surface, and fully converted. His body is going into a ball, covered with a crust and become fully spore body.
It grows fruiting bodies, which may be of different shapes and colors.
They develop and disputes that at break of fruiting bodies, carried by the wind. When introduced into the right environment for her, she begins to prorostat and wonderful mushroom again begins its life cycle.