Here Audi flew and yeah ... (5 photos + video)
Elegant coupe Audi R8 driven at high speed in a burgundy "Chevrolet" at the intersection of University Avenue and the main directions of Moscow State University. According to eyewitnesses, the sports car raced at the red light. Behind the wheel of an expensive car was 19-year-old Roman K., and his passenger was 17-year-old Nastasia and Mr. Alexander C.
- The car sped toward the Vernadsky Prospekt at high speed, - said an eyewitness of the incident. - For the sports car barely had time two jeeps protection - Range Rover and Porsche. At the crossroads of the car, without reducing the speed flew into the side of the "Chevrolet".
From hitting the two cars washed up on beds. Audi driver and his passengers escaped with a fright, but the driver of the "Chevrolet" much less fortunate - with broken ribs, scapula and badly bruised Victor Charles rushed to the hospital.
Despite the protests of relatives, the perpetrator of the incident has been sent for a medical examination to determine the presence of alcohol in his blood and drugs.
Materials mreporter.ru, life.ru

- The car sped toward the Vernadsky Prospekt at high speed, - said an eyewitness of the incident. - For the sports car barely had time two jeeps protection - Range Rover and Porsche. At the crossroads of the car, without reducing the speed flew into the side of the "Chevrolet".

From hitting the two cars washed up on beds. Audi driver and his passengers escaped with a fright, but the driver of the "Chevrolet" much less fortunate - with broken ribs, scapula and badly bruised Victor Charles rushed to the hospital.

Despite the protests of relatives, the perpetrator of the incident has been sent for a medical examination to determine the presence of alcohol in his blood and drugs.

Materials mreporter.ru, life.ru
