Best April Fools jokes XX century
People - creating very trusting and willing to believe anything, even if it sounds like a blatant nonsense. Many of us take advantage of this and arrange on top of each other funny jokes. But much more interesting to hold the rally on the scale of the whole country through the media !!! I bring to your attention the 10 most successful and interesting, according to the Museum of Hoaxes, April Fools' jokes media that misled gullible citizens around the world.
1. Harvest spaghetti in Switzerland.
The most unsurpassed joke XX century is still considered a BBC TV report April 1, 1957. In his program «Panorama» Air Force showed the plot of a bumper crop of spaghetti in Switzerland. "In Switzerland, this year has seen a bumper crop of spaghetti - told a news anchor - of course, in this country collecting spaghetti does not reach such an industrial scale, as in Italy. Many have probably seen pictures of the grand plantations in the Po valley. In Switzerland, as it is rather a family matter ... "The story was accompanied by documentary footage: a family of Swiss farmers together to tear trees pasta and fold in the basket. After that, the BBC studios followed by numerous telephone calls in which people are interested in, where you can buy these trees and how to grow them. Thousands of people were asked to send pasta seedlings. Particularly curious expressed surprise that the pasta grow vertically rather than horizontally. But the most interested in the question: "How to grow spaghetti trees on his land?". In the edition of the TV channel they tactfully replied: "Put spaghetti sprout in a jar with tomato sauce and hope for the best» :)
2. Sid Finch - baseball star.
April 1, 1985 in the Journal of Sports Illustrated appeared one of the most brilliant April Fools hoaxes journalist George Plympton. He said that a new baseball star - a previously unknown pitcher Hayden Sid Finch. The article reported that Finch 28 years, and before that he studied at Harvard and spent some time in the Far East in search of inner peace. Finch had never played baseball, but was seen, because of their unique talents. He could throw the ball at a speed of 168 miles per hour (~ 270 km / h), with high accuracy is achieved at 103 mph (~ 166 km / h). In his article, Plimpton also notes some oddities Finch. So, he wore shoes only on one leg, playing the French horn and is able to speak in cryptic language of Zen. The article was not without photos of Sid Finch, who portrayed the unknown to the general public high school teacher Joe Burton. Although the article was hidden manner indicated on the April Fool's joke, many simply do not understand the draw. The magazine received more than 2 thousands of letters with the request to tell us more about the phenomenon. A week later, the magazine was forced to print an ad on progress journalist hoaxes.
3. Color TV.
1962. In Sweden, while there was only one TV channel and broadcast it exclusively in black and white. April 1 Technical Engineer television, Kjell Stensson, appeared on the news and announced a new technology, through which viewers can take a color signal to its old black-and-white TVs. All that was required of them - is to pull a nylon stocking on the television screens that Stensson did on the air as an example. Like thousands of people from their screens with him. The most interesting is that this regular color broadcasts appeared in Sweden in 1970, April 1 :)
4. The Republic of San Seriffe.
In 1977, the British newspaper The Guardian published a seven special supplement devoted to San Serriffe, a small republic, consisting of several poluzaselennyh islands in the Indian Ocean. A series of articles described the romantic beautiful landscapes and unique culture of the country. The two main islands were named Upper Caisse and Lower Caisse. The name of the capital was Bodoni, and the country's leader was General Pica. Phones newspaper did not stop to call all day as readers sought more information about the beautiful place for a holiday: how to get to a previously unknown state, how much rest on the islands? Few realize that this country is really there, and all that is connected with this country has been named in honor of printing terminology :)
5. Nixon for President !!!
1992: Transfer of national public radio "Voice of the Nation" has announced that Richard Nixon, much to the surprise, once again going to become the President. The new slogan of his election campaign read: "I have not done anything wrong and I will not do it again." As proof of the announcement was accompanied with post election speech Nixon. Listeners responded immediately, filling the show calls expressing shock and outrage. Only in the second half of the show, its host John Hockenberry (John Hockenberry) announced that the statement was a joke. But Nixon's voice was parodied by comedian Little Richie (Rich Little).
6. Goryachegolovye ice worms.
In 1985, in the April issue of the journal «Discover» announced the opening of the distinguished biologist Pazz April (Aprile Pazzo), a new species of worms in Antarctica, which were called "hotheaded naked ice worms." The new species has been notable for the fact that these worms could move in a century the ice at high speed, literally proplavlyaya ice in front of him due to the high temperature of bone plates on the head, which is heated because of the numerous blood vessels. The worms have used this feature to hunt penguins, melting the ice beneath them and attacking them after they fell into the hole. But the most shocking in this article has outlined the hypothesis that goryachegolovye worms could be implicated in the mysterious disappearance of the Antarctic explorer Philippe Poisson (Philippe Poisson) in 1837. "For ice worms we may be no different from the penguins" - quoted the researcher. In this article it's so many letters with reviews, how many do not come to any article of all time magazine.
7. Hamburger for left-handers.
In 1998, Burger King placed an advertisement in USA Today, declares the introduction of the new dishes on their menu - "left-handed burger" - specially designed for the 32 million left-handed Americans. According to the advertisement, the new burger included the same indigrienty as the original (lettuce, tomato, bun, etc.), but all the ingredients were rotated 180 degrees for the pleasure of southpaws. In the following days Burger King announced that despite the fact that the news about the new burger was a joke, thousands of people come to the restaurant and asked them "left-handed burger." At the same time, according to the news, many right-handed people asked, "right-handed burger».
8. Change the value of π.
April 1, 1998 «New Mexicans for Science and Reason» published an article which said that the legislators of Alabama, it was decided to change the value of "pi" to 3.14159 to 3. As the argument is the fact that the number 3 more in line with "Biblical value" of "Pi" than its well-established option. First, the article did not get much publicity, but when it was first published on the Internet, instantly dispersed by known news sites, after which the state began receiving guidance paper bags and do gigs - emails to overturn this decision. Over time, it turned out that this article was a joke-a protest against attempts to vote for the abolition of the study of the theory of evolution in school. The author of the joke turned out to be a scientist Mark Boslou.
9. Sale of Bell The Liberty Bell.
In 1996, The Taco Bell Corporation announced the purchase of The Liberty Bell, and rename it The Taco Liberty Bell. Hundreds of outraged citizens called the National Historic Park in Philadelphia where the bell housed to express their anger. The excitement calmed down only when Taco Bell, announced that the statement was just a joke. The main theme of the day was the Press Secretary Mike McCurry White House on the issue of sale of the bells. A few bewildered, he said that the Lincoln Memorial had also been sold. According to him, the memorial is now the name will sound like Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial.
10. The unique event.
At the end of March 1976 the British astronomer Patrick Moore (Patrick Moore) announced the radio station BBC Radio 2 about the "great event in the history of astronomy." It was reported on April 1 at 9:47 am planet Pluto will pass behind Jupiter, which will lead to a temporary reduction in force of Earth's gravity, which results will be the opportunity to experience for some time a feeling of weightlessness. Moore told listeners that if they bounce into the air, just at the moment when the alignment happens, they will feel strange floating sensation. Just a few minutes after the appointed time on the radio station began receiving calls from people who have their own experience to feel the amazing effect of the flight, and one woman, and all claimed that hovered a few minutes in his room with a table and chairs :)
Source: vit65d.ya.ru

1. Harvest spaghetti in Switzerland.

The most unsurpassed joke XX century is still considered a BBC TV report April 1, 1957. In his program «Panorama» Air Force showed the plot of a bumper crop of spaghetti in Switzerland. "In Switzerland, this year has seen a bumper crop of spaghetti - told a news anchor - of course, in this country collecting spaghetti does not reach such an industrial scale, as in Italy. Many have probably seen pictures of the grand plantations in the Po valley. In Switzerland, as it is rather a family matter ... "The story was accompanied by documentary footage: a family of Swiss farmers together to tear trees pasta and fold in the basket. After that, the BBC studios followed by numerous telephone calls in which people are interested in, where you can buy these trees and how to grow them. Thousands of people were asked to send pasta seedlings. Particularly curious expressed surprise that the pasta grow vertically rather than horizontally. But the most interested in the question: "How to grow spaghetti trees on his land?". In the edition of the TV channel they tactfully replied: "Put spaghetti sprout in a jar with tomato sauce and hope for the best» :)

2. Sid Finch - baseball star.

April 1, 1985 in the Journal of Sports Illustrated appeared one of the most brilliant April Fools hoaxes journalist George Plympton. He said that a new baseball star - a previously unknown pitcher Hayden Sid Finch. The article reported that Finch 28 years, and before that he studied at Harvard and spent some time in the Far East in search of inner peace. Finch had never played baseball, but was seen, because of their unique talents. He could throw the ball at a speed of 168 miles per hour (~ 270 km / h), with high accuracy is achieved at 103 mph (~ 166 km / h). In his article, Plimpton also notes some oddities Finch. So, he wore shoes only on one leg, playing the French horn and is able to speak in cryptic language of Zen. The article was not without photos of Sid Finch, who portrayed the unknown to the general public high school teacher Joe Burton. Although the article was hidden manner indicated on the April Fool's joke, many simply do not understand the draw. The magazine received more than 2 thousands of letters with the request to tell us more about the phenomenon. A week later, the magazine was forced to print an ad on progress journalist hoaxes.
3. Color TV.

1962. In Sweden, while there was only one TV channel and broadcast it exclusively in black and white. April 1 Technical Engineer television, Kjell Stensson, appeared on the news and announced a new technology, through which viewers can take a color signal to its old black-and-white TVs. All that was required of them - is to pull a nylon stocking on the television screens that Stensson did on the air as an example. Like thousands of people from their screens with him. The most interesting is that this regular color broadcasts appeared in Sweden in 1970, April 1 :)
4. The Republic of San Seriffe.

In 1977, the British newspaper The Guardian published a seven special supplement devoted to San Serriffe, a small republic, consisting of several poluzaselennyh islands in the Indian Ocean. A series of articles described the romantic beautiful landscapes and unique culture of the country. The two main islands were named Upper Caisse and Lower Caisse. The name of the capital was Bodoni, and the country's leader was General Pica. Phones newspaper did not stop to call all day as readers sought more information about the beautiful place for a holiday: how to get to a previously unknown state, how much rest on the islands? Few realize that this country is really there, and all that is connected with this country has been named in honor of printing terminology :)
5. Nixon for President !!!

1992: Transfer of national public radio "Voice of the Nation" has announced that Richard Nixon, much to the surprise, once again going to become the President. The new slogan of his election campaign read: "I have not done anything wrong and I will not do it again." As proof of the announcement was accompanied with post election speech Nixon. Listeners responded immediately, filling the show calls expressing shock and outrage. Only in the second half of the show, its host John Hockenberry (John Hockenberry) announced that the statement was a joke. But Nixon's voice was parodied by comedian Little Richie (Rich Little).
6. Goryachegolovye ice worms.

In 1985, in the April issue of the journal «Discover» announced the opening of the distinguished biologist Pazz April (Aprile Pazzo), a new species of worms in Antarctica, which were called "hotheaded naked ice worms." The new species has been notable for the fact that these worms could move in a century the ice at high speed, literally proplavlyaya ice in front of him due to the high temperature of bone plates on the head, which is heated because of the numerous blood vessels. The worms have used this feature to hunt penguins, melting the ice beneath them and attacking them after they fell into the hole. But the most shocking in this article has outlined the hypothesis that goryachegolovye worms could be implicated in the mysterious disappearance of the Antarctic explorer Philippe Poisson (Philippe Poisson) in 1837. "For ice worms we may be no different from the penguins" - quoted the researcher. In this article it's so many letters with reviews, how many do not come to any article of all time magazine.
7. Hamburger for left-handers.

In 1998, Burger King placed an advertisement in USA Today, declares the introduction of the new dishes on their menu - "left-handed burger" - specially designed for the 32 million left-handed Americans. According to the advertisement, the new burger included the same indigrienty as the original (lettuce, tomato, bun, etc.), but all the ingredients were rotated 180 degrees for the pleasure of southpaws. In the following days Burger King announced that despite the fact that the news about the new burger was a joke, thousands of people come to the restaurant and asked them "left-handed burger." At the same time, according to the news, many right-handed people asked, "right-handed burger».
8. Change the value of π.

April 1, 1998 «New Mexicans for Science and Reason» published an article which said that the legislators of Alabama, it was decided to change the value of "pi" to 3.14159 to 3. As the argument is the fact that the number 3 more in line with "Biblical value" of "Pi" than its well-established option. First, the article did not get much publicity, but when it was first published on the Internet, instantly dispersed by known news sites, after which the state began receiving guidance paper bags and do gigs - emails to overturn this decision. Over time, it turned out that this article was a joke-a protest against attempts to vote for the abolition of the study of the theory of evolution in school. The author of the joke turned out to be a scientist Mark Boslou.
9. Sale of Bell The Liberty Bell.

In 1996, The Taco Bell Corporation announced the purchase of The Liberty Bell, and rename it The Taco Liberty Bell. Hundreds of outraged citizens called the National Historic Park in Philadelphia where the bell housed to express their anger. The excitement calmed down only when Taco Bell, announced that the statement was just a joke. The main theme of the day was the Press Secretary Mike McCurry White House on the issue of sale of the bells. A few bewildered, he said that the Lincoln Memorial had also been sold. According to him, the memorial is now the name will sound like Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial.
10. The unique event.

At the end of March 1976 the British astronomer Patrick Moore (Patrick Moore) announced the radio station BBC Radio 2 about the "great event in the history of astronomy." It was reported on April 1 at 9:47 am planet Pluto will pass behind Jupiter, which will lead to a temporary reduction in force of Earth's gravity, which results will be the opportunity to experience for some time a feeling of weightlessness. Moore told listeners that if they bounce into the air, just at the moment when the alignment happens, they will feel strange floating sensation. Just a few minutes after the appointed time on the radio station began receiving calls from people who have their own experience to feel the amazing effect of the flight, and one woman, and all claimed that hovered a few minutes in his room with a table and chairs :)
Source: vit65d.ya.ru