Poison us Komrad!
Do not joke, unfortunately. Warning.
Recently, there zhudko felt bitterness in the mouth. Sin on much the same, the increased love of dark beer. It turned out, everything is much more prosaic, matter and worse. Google and behold, found that from this misfortune happened to me. POISONING pine nuts!
I bought this product
From him the whole problem. As it turned out, the Chinese it. Phones and yatsa they learned to fake, it came to pine nuts. DO NOT BUY! A terrible feeling. What's wrong with my body, I'm afraid even to think. Komrad, be careful! Do not repeat my mistakes.
Information about the poisoning of peeled pine nuts:
1. Symptoms:
Weakness and bitterness in the mouth, which is enhanced when eating. Bitterness does not appear immediately in the second - the third day after eating pine nuts. Feel: from the "weak bitterness while eating" to "unbearable bitterness continually" (in this case bitter saliva or vice versa dry mouth). Along the way, may experience the following symptoms, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, inflammation of the joints, worsening liver disease, gall bladder and digestive system.
2. The degree of poisoning.
It depends on the amount of consumption of nuts and individual sensitivity, as well as the condition of the body. The dose of a few grams (just 5-10 cores) weak poisoning runs over 3-7 days mostly without medication. A dose of 30-50 grams, the average degree of poisoning, runs from 5-10 days, preferably use hepatoprotectors (CARS Liv52, Essentiale, Alahol), ascorbic acid intake. A dose greater than 50 grams causes severe poisoning, requires the use of hepatic vitamin and absorbents (activated carbon Atoxil et al.). As with any poisoning, you should drink plenty of fluids: mineral water without gas, stewed fruit, tea with lemon. Also it helps to cope with the symptoms of the use of neutral (oat, oatmeal), and acidic foods (sour soup, sauerkraut, etc.). Exacerbate symptoms: any sweets, fatty, spicy foods.
3. Consequences.
Generally known. But clearly, that the poisoning causes some irreversible changes in the body. It has been observed that some time after recovering the feeling of bitterness in the mouth can come back. After eating contributing to that products that have not affected people do not cause any effect.
4. Distribution area
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the same pattern in Canada, USA, Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, the Netherlands, Australia, etc. etc.
6. Information about this.
yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=Р SC% 80% D0% B5% D1% 85% D0% B8 +% D0 % BA% D0% B5% D0% B4% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B2% D1% 8B% D0% B5 +% 2B +% D0% B3% D0% BE% D1% 80% D0% B5% D 1% 87% D1% 8C & clid = 48648 & stpar2 =% 2Fh0% 2Ftm912 47% 2Fs1 & stpar4 =% 2Fs1 & lr = 187
ru.w ikipedia.org/wiki/Кедровый_орех
translate. google.com.ua/translate?hl=ru&sl=en&u=http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_nut
www.cons med.ru/farmakologiya-drugoe/view/6776
meys ter.ru/content/view/189/13/
www.mr-msk.ru/ story / 14/2007/09/28 / story_1821.html
In Minsk, after the mass poisoning pine nuts was banned realization of pine nuts. Suppliers - Chinese. Available Chinese nuts generously treated with pesticides. Here is the link: www.tiga.by/news/print/id/4197
Recently, there zhudko felt bitterness in the mouth. Sin on much the same, the increased love of dark beer. It turned out, everything is much more prosaic, matter and worse. Google and behold, found that from this misfortune happened to me. POISONING pine nuts!
I bought this product

From him the whole problem. As it turned out, the Chinese it. Phones and yatsa they learned to fake, it came to pine nuts. DO NOT BUY! A terrible feeling. What's wrong with my body, I'm afraid even to think. Komrad, be careful! Do not repeat my mistakes.
Information about the poisoning of peeled pine nuts:
1. Symptoms:
Weakness and bitterness in the mouth, which is enhanced when eating. Bitterness does not appear immediately in the second - the third day after eating pine nuts. Feel: from the "weak bitterness while eating" to "unbearable bitterness continually" (in this case bitter saliva or vice versa dry mouth). Along the way, may experience the following symptoms, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, inflammation of the joints, worsening liver disease, gall bladder and digestive system.
2. The degree of poisoning.
It depends on the amount of consumption of nuts and individual sensitivity, as well as the condition of the body. The dose of a few grams (just 5-10 cores) weak poisoning runs over 3-7 days mostly without medication. A dose of 30-50 grams, the average degree of poisoning, runs from 5-10 days, preferably use hepatoprotectors (CARS Liv52, Essentiale, Alahol), ascorbic acid intake. A dose greater than 50 grams causes severe poisoning, requires the use of hepatic vitamin and absorbents (activated carbon Atoxil et al.). As with any poisoning, you should drink plenty of fluids: mineral water without gas, stewed fruit, tea with lemon. Also it helps to cope with the symptoms of the use of neutral (oat, oatmeal), and acidic foods (sour soup, sauerkraut, etc.). Exacerbate symptoms: any sweets, fatty, spicy foods.
3. Consequences.
Generally known. But clearly, that the poisoning causes some irreversible changes in the body. It has been observed that some time after recovering the feeling of bitterness in the mouth can come back. After eating contributing to that products that have not affected people do not cause any effect.
4. Distribution area
Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, the same pattern in Canada, USA, Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, the Netherlands, Australia, etc. etc.
6. Information about this.
yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=Р SC% 80% D0% B5% D1% 85% D0% B8 +% D0 % BA% D0% B5% D0% B4% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B2% D1% 8B% D0% B5 +% 2B +% D0% B3% D0% BE% D1% 80% D0% B5% D 1% 87% D1% 8C & clid = 48648 & stpar2 =% 2Fh0% 2Ftm912 47% 2Fs1 & stpar4 =% 2Fs1 & lr = 187
ru.w ikipedia.org/wiki/Кедровый_орех
translate. google.com.ua/translate?hl=ru&sl=en&u=http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_nut
www.cons med.ru/farmakologiya-drugoe/view/6776
meys ter.ru/content/view/189/13/
www.mr-msk.ru/ story / 14/2007/09/28 / story_1821.html
In Minsk, after the mass poisoning pine nuts was banned realization of pine nuts. Suppliers - Chinese. Available Chinese nuts generously treated with pesticides. Here is the link: www.tiga.by/news/print/id/4197