lyubitelm puzzles, ask for help (4 photos)
Good day comrades
Today assorted gifts from the D / P and found just such a Chinese puzzle
(I generally like the plan mozgolamalki)
I can not assemble the frame of the device that
about the meaning is clear, it is necessary to conduct a "bow" to "Star»
but then what the hell ???
Stand in the box (and her) no signs opoznovatelnyh ktomu "Made Ying China»
Internet did not find anything similar
those in the know - tell me how it should work (vsmysle not unravel like and how it juzat)
So foto№1 set unassembled
Sorry, photo 2
Photo №3 stand
Well, the last №4 itself "star»
Today assorted gifts from the D / P and found just such a Chinese puzzle
(I generally like the plan mozgolamalki)
I can not assemble the frame of the device that
about the meaning is clear, it is necessary to conduct a "bow" to "Star»
but then what the hell ???
Stand in the box (and her) no signs opoznovatelnyh ktomu "Made Ying China»
Internet did not find anything similar
those in the know - tell me how it should work (vsmysle not unravel like and how it juzat)
So foto№1 set unassembled

Sorry, photo 2

Photo №3 stand

Well, the last №4 itself "star»
