Central Museum of Armed Forces
So, today we look at the exhibits Central Museum of Armed Forces. This is my first theme, so strongly do not beat.
89 photos
Trophies of the Red Army, captured in battles with the robber bands.
7, 71-mm-Enfield rifle Mauser, obr.1914g., English.
7 71vintovka of Enfield, obr.19037., English.
6, 35-mm gun Mauser orb.1910-1914gg., Germanskiy.Iz personal collection I.V.Stalina.Postupil commandant of the Kremlin in 1987.
7, 62-mm aircraft gun system Shpitalniy and Komarin (ShKAS) Given the chairman of the SNK VM Molotov Tula factory workers in 1934., For the opening of the XVII Congress of the Party.
machine gun MG-34 German
7, 62-mm automatic system Schmeisser arr. 1944. MP-44 "shturmgevera» Germany
The development of rockets (RS) was conducted in the USSR from 20 hgg.V 1933. It was centered in the RS RNII.Pervye samples intended for aircraft armament, they were created in 1938g.Togda also began work on multiple launch rocket systems for land voisk.Ustanovku BM-13 has created a group led I.I.Gvaya.REshenie kkonstruktorov about mass production was made 21.06.1941g.V beginning of the war did the factory installation im.Kominterna in Voronezh and at the "Compressor" in Moskve.Veduschaya role in the production of missiles belonged to the Moscow plant im.Vladimira Ilicha.V Gorky shells produced in Gaza and installation of the plant milling stankov.Vleningrade shells were produced at the plant Kalinin and installation at the plant in 1941 adopted im.Marksa.Vavguste adopted setting with shells of caliber 82 mm.Chastyam compounds and rocket artillery was named Gvardeiskie-mortar Parts ( GMCH) .Komanduyuschim appointed V.V.Aborenkov.Za years, soldiers made a 10000samohodnyh installations and more 12mln.RS.Vsostave GMCH, there were 38 separate devizionov, 114 regiments 11brigadi 7 Motto rocket artillery.
14, 5-mm anti-tank rifle Simonov, 1941 arr. (PTSD).
500kilogramovaya high-explosive bomb
89 photos

Trophies of the Red Army, captured in battles with the robber bands.
7, 71-mm-Enfield rifle Mauser, obr.1914g., English.
7 71vintovka of Enfield, obr.19037., English.

6, 35-mm gun Mauser orb.1910-1914gg., Germanskiy.Iz personal collection I.V.Stalina.Postupil commandant of the Kremlin in 1987.

7, 62-mm aircraft gun system Shpitalniy and Komarin (ShKAS) Given the chairman of the SNK VM Molotov Tula factory workers in 1934., For the opening of the XVII Congress of the Party.

machine gun MG-34 German
7, 62-mm automatic system Schmeisser arr. 1944. MP-44 "shturmgevera» Germany

The development of rockets (RS) was conducted in the USSR from 20 hgg.V 1933. It was centered in the RS RNII.Pervye samples intended for aircraft armament, they were created in 1938g.Togda also began work on multiple launch rocket systems for land voisk.Ustanovku BM-13 has created a group led I.I.Gvaya.REshenie kkonstruktorov about mass production was made 21.06.1941g.V beginning of the war did the factory installation im.Kominterna in Voronezh and at the "Compressor" in Moskve.Veduschaya role in the production of missiles belonged to the Moscow plant im.Vladimira Ilicha.V Gorky shells produced in Gaza and installation of the plant milling stankov.Vleningrade shells were produced at the plant Kalinin and installation at the plant in 1941 adopted im.Marksa.Vavguste adopted setting with shells of caliber 82 mm.Chastyam compounds and rocket artillery was named Gvardeiskie-mortar Parts ( GMCH) .Komanduyuschim appointed V.V.Aborenkov.Za years, soldiers made a 10000samohodnyh installations and more 12mln.RS.Vsostave GMCH, there were 38 separate devizionov, 114 regiments 11brigadi 7 Motto rocket artillery.

14, 5-mm anti-tank rifle Simonov, 1941 arr. (PTSD).

500kilogramovaya high-explosive bomb
