The scalpel instead of a brush (12 photos)
Meet Mark Evans - designer skin.
He uses instead of a brush knives and scalpels.
And it works valued at several hundred thousand pounds.
It's funny that Mark accidentally discovered his talent this ...
"Muhammad Ali»
"Putin VV»
"Winston Churchill»
"Steve McQueen»
«The Notorious B.I.G. »
When he began experimenting, the first work was a two-tone Jimi Hendrix.
Dogs ...
He calls his work mikroskulpturirovaniem.
One of his works was purchased for 250 thousand. Pounds.
A fragment of the painting "The Crucifixion»
"Race bulls»
"$ 1»
As always, Mark accidentally discovered at the talent of the artist on the skin. One day at a Christmas party at his grandmother poverdilas leather vest he poprooval her patch, eventually learned to draw on the skin with a knife.
via amelito
He uses instead of a brush knives and scalpels.
And it works valued at several hundred thousand pounds.
It's funny that Mark accidentally discovered his talent this ...
"Muhammad Ali»
"Putin VV»
"Winston Churchill»
"Steve McQueen»
«The Notorious B.I.G. »
When he began experimenting, the first work was a two-tone Jimi Hendrix.
Dogs ...
He calls his work mikroskulpturirovaniem.
One of his works was purchased for 250 thousand. Pounds.
A fragment of the painting "The Crucifixion»
"Race bulls»
"$ 1»
As always, Mark accidentally discovered at the talent of the artist on the skin. One day at a Christmas party at his grandmother poverdilas leather vest he poprooval her patch, eventually learned to draw on the skin with a knife.
via amelito