The most "promising" job
Achtung! DANGER !!! McDuck is looking for "fresh meat» ...
If you have not, and you do not have a laptop, it does not matter! Interplanetary McDonald's Corporation will vam.m ))))
3 Scrin via Sevastopol info
I, for example, are unlikely to give up this month to earn a plasma panel, laptop and stylish clothes!
But we must first know how many tens of thousands of dollars I'll get ...
For non-native, 5.58 hryvnia is about 65 cents. Or, at 160-hour working month (which in itself is a fucking blood pressure - 160 hours at McDonald's) equals $ 109 per month.
To ask the question - what such a plasma, stylish rags and damn I buy a laptop for $ 109, the bovine tapeworm, being of good cheer, responds:
Fine, just fine!
Free cash! Corporate morons! Freedom of speech!
Interestingly, 109 dollars a month gets a member of the team! Not a member of the team, obviously, gets even smaller, such as 30 dollars a month. I know that all employees free food McDonalds meal at this restaurant, and once a month and more are organized merrymaking in which the scientific method decimation choose the most desperate and shot in the head sent to meat processing plant in the burgers. Eat your friends, work at McDonalds. I also heard that if you come to McDonald's, and did not like the waiter, he spits in your fries, and if you like - in coffee.
If you have not, and you do not have a laptop, it does not matter! Interplanetary McDonald's Corporation will vam.m ))))
3 Scrin via Sevastopol info

I, for example, are unlikely to give up this month to earn a plasma panel, laptop and stylish clothes!
But we must first know how many tens of thousands of dollars I'll get ...

For non-native, 5.58 hryvnia is about 65 cents. Or, at 160-hour working month (which in itself is a fucking blood pressure - 160 hours at McDonald's) equals $ 109 per month.
To ask the question - what such a plasma, stylish rags and damn I buy a laptop for $ 109, the bovine tapeworm, being of good cheer, responds:
Fine, just fine!
Free cash! Corporate morons! Freedom of speech!
Interestingly, 109 dollars a month gets a member of the team! Not a member of the team, obviously, gets even smaller, such as 30 dollars a month. I know that all employees free food McDonalds meal at this restaurant, and once a month and more are organized merrymaking in which the scientific method decimation choose the most desperate and shot in the head sent to meat processing plant in the burgers. Eat your friends, work at McDonalds. I also heard that if you come to McDonald's, and did not like the waiter, he spits in your fries, and if you like - in coffee.
