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Return to Stavograd

The author writes, atanvarnoalda:

Once upon a time - or rather, five years ago - I came across on television the marvelous series Airwolf. The series tells the story of an elite (naturally) the American (and how!) Agency (of course), which has awesome cool (of course) the helicopter, with which they (of course) save the world from his own grandmother (and what they are still can do?).
Well, you know, what a masterpiece of cinema, but not the point. "It" is that in two series Airwolf-team as well (so called the coolest helicopter) flew to save the Soviet nuclear power plant in the city-hero Stavograde.
I see you are beginning to understand what is funny.

So tacked ... we flew!

As I said, our story begins in the snowy Stavograde:

It was Stavograde that in the Taimyr region, there is a secret Stavograd Nuclear Facility:

Now it's time to introduce you to one of the heroes of the story.
Meet Dr. Dimitri Bronski. It does not look much, but this tovarisch responsible for this complex Facility.

This esteemed colleague Bronsky. It does not mean anything, and we do not see ... but look at the stripe on his chest! What a beautiful sickle-and-hammer in a frame of flowers! What does the SNF, you ask? Well, I told you! This means Stavograd Nuclear Facility!

But full of talk about the little things! For over our SNF thickened cloud trouble. The fact is that increasing the level of SNF critical Ovnoursov!

The level has already reached 100 OMZH. If Bronski very quickly that something does not undertake, SNF turn into a pumpkin!
First Bronski not believe his eyes. Together with his girlfriend Battle Alekzandriey Rostoff (what, normal Russian name!) Dimitri looks at Ovnoursometr.

Look carefully to the plate on the far wall. This - not the "Facility"! This - "Stavograd yadrena plant" !!!

But no matter how much Bronski and Alexander did not look at the scoreboard reading "Hdёnor SFOR ???" and "IDD» ...
How many would not twirled knobs for the same Hdёnorom and Nedvzho ...
Ovnoursy not going to return to normal.

Desperate, Bronski calls Dimitrijevic in Capital:


Dimitrijevic, though a communist, but also a man, and suffering tortured Ovnoursami scientists are not indifferent to it. He sits down at the phone and calls for help Stavogradtsam storm of enemies, enemies tamer, whip the bourgeoisie - the best general of the country, the commander of the Kirov!

Kirov I definitely like it. Well, look at him! Hero! Brravy Soviet Soldier!

And what form! Judging from the stripe, Kirov commanding elite divisions of Soviet kryakozyabry General Purpose.

Note the holster for Mauser. The gun is aimed very correct.

Arriving at the SNF, Kirov immediately raised in the air two "Messers" with orders to fire yadrena reactor and the bubbling Ovnoursov priumerit fervor.

But no matter how fired Messer and his Kanonen Raketen, no matter how much Adevazh used or discarded RCHO or was fired NPCs and LYN and do in the air Q, TS and De ...

Ovnoursy did not want to go down any OMZH share, despite the alarms Y and N.

Perhaps an astute reader, you have long wanted me to ask: "Alda and which looks glorious team supervertolёta? Surely they will not save the scientists where Adevazh powerless? "Forgive me, dear reader, it's true for you! Yes, as we speak, a team of "Airwolf" prog-prolёtyvavshaya for county spotted Ovnoursov emissions into the atmosphere, turned his iron horse and rushed to Stavograd. Unfortunately, the commander of the Kirov, for all its virtues, was a committed communist, and therefore he did not understand that the American helicopter spy without permission invaded SNF only for assistance. He rudely told to sit down to our rescue, and imprisoned them with the cheese helicopter to a hangar for his personal guard battalion of Nazi-Whites!




In case the Americans will be stupid enough to do so, Kirov ordered inside the hangar hang a sign "Smolensk air base." And suddenly it works, and Americans are confused, angry thought Kirov.

But no, the Americans did not buy this cheap trick, and cheered: it turned out that SNF present their good friend, the KGB-Schnick Arkoff:

... But hark! What do I hear? It turns out that while we were talking, Dimitri Bronski went to the infirmary ...

... Took out the protective suit ...

... Stole vintage armored car from which Lenin spoke ...

... And he went to the core of Reactor yadrena to manually spin the broken through Ovnoursy back into the tube!

Kirov and Alexandria could only watch in fear as their favorite male and a leading expert in danger.

Note the shoulder straps Kirov: stars on them are different!

If something goes wrong, it will not save neither A nor N nor sun, nor even have! Even OL and F will not save the brave Dr. Bronsky ...


Dear reader, the worst happened. The ill-fated Ovnoursy did not want to come back and work for the good of mankind, and the doctor gave Bronski lethal dose OMZH. Here he falls heavily into the emergency Chukchi OUT ...


But fear not, dear reader! Team Airwolf not throw the eminent scientist! They dragged for a moment the helicopter out of the hangar, lifted him into the air and rescued Demetrius! Hooray!

Unfortunately, not all Americans cheered the demonstration of superior technology. Suspicious Kirov again locked the helicopter and the Americans also locked by opening the room, though the door was written "No entry".

But one of the Americans could make their caps explosives, and the door was blown even before a meal Kirov had decided to deploy his sandwich.

Hearing the explosion, Kirov shouted "For mnooooy!" And showed where:

And the rush began.



Americans fled, cleverly hiding and using the terrain, and ran to the emergency exit in the Chukchi hangar ...

But then they came to the main Russian forces:

And then I arrived, and the pursuit, rattling Mausers and pistol, and put on his cap waving dashingly.

Alas, the Americans were back in prison!

Who will save them?

Salvation is near! Already half an hour ago, the chief of the agency went to his boss, the mysterious CSM, and asked to let him go in Stavograd.

Smoker eyed slave fatherly look and decided that he will be able to leak into the Union without arousing suspicion.

And now, valiant Negro reached within an hour from Washington, DC, to the border of the USSR.


Going into the customs, he introduced himself Novgorod engineer who returned from a trip to Poland.

And you're not very tanned guy? & Quot ;, watchful customs officer asked with a star on her forehead.

But our hero was able to resist the temptation and not sued the Customs for racial insult. After glancing at the sleeve of customs, he realized that in a free country is not the United States and the Soviet Union in a communist country!

Crook could our hero get to Stavograda ... no. No. I'm going to surprise you, dear reader. I was surprised when I first found out about it ... well surprise you and me to see this sign:

It turns out that the city Stavograd actually called Stavrogradom!
However, it does not matter: this pointer explicitly been put to confuse spies; because the distance between Vitebsk and Smolensk - 127 kilometers, not 101! So, the location of Becoming (p) determine the fence on this sign can not be, well, the real name and even more so.

It is important that the sign did not stop our hero. He successfully reached Stavograda, went through all the cordons, made his way inside and freed of friends, and they all fired bubbling Ovnoursy of the laser and of the maser and the phaser and grandfazera also fired on the safe side, and Ovnoursy fallen to safe ten OMZH and became all well and prelstivo and perestroyka.

Rejoice as you and with them, the reader, for all is well that ends well.

Thank you for having read it.
We Commander Kirov We give you honor!

via atanvarnoalda
