Dancing (Drunk) forest
10 photo + letter.
Source: Internet.
This forest is located about 38 kilometers from the Curonian Spit National Park, on the Baltic Sea.
The Dancing Forest - a unique natural phenomenon. Pine trees in the forest are bent in the bizarre "postures," as if in a dance. Some suites even trunks into the ring. It is believed that if a person get through through a ring, making a wish, it will come true. Another belief says that the place where the trunks form such rings - is the border of positive and negative energy. And if you crawl across the ring with the right hand, then extend the life of one year.
The reasons for the abnormal structure of the trees still uncertain. Among the versions - and the impact of the wind, from which trees and sloping bend; and damage from insects (butterflies of the family Tortricidae) attacking pines young 5-20 years and damaging shoots; and even a "turbulent energovorot."
There is also a legend that in these places was hunting Prussian Prince Bart. Pursuing the deer, he heard a beautiful melody. Coming into the clearing, the prince saw a young girl playing the lyre. She was a Christian, and her name was Predislava. The prince asked her to marry him, but she said that will only marry a man of their faith. Bart has agreed to convert to Christianity, only if she proves her strength invisible God, show that it is more robust trees around. Predislava played, the birds fell silent, and the trees began to dance. The prince took off his hands and gave the bracelet to his bride. Here in this place many years later and I grew up "dancing" forest.
In fact, this part of the forest was planted in 1961. Anomalies were found only in the last few years.
A forest was planted in order to preserve the uniqueness of the Curonian Spit.
Braids body consists of sand coated with a thin (several centimeters thick) topsoil. The formation of this layer was happening for decades
When you walk through the woods, a feeling that is in you at this moment about 0, 5 spirits
Source: Internet.
This forest is located about 38 kilometers from the Curonian Spit National Park, on the Baltic Sea.
The Dancing Forest - a unique natural phenomenon. Pine trees in the forest are bent in the bizarre "postures," as if in a dance. Some suites even trunks into the ring. It is believed that if a person get through through a ring, making a wish, it will come true. Another belief says that the place where the trunks form such rings - is the border of positive and negative energy. And if you crawl across the ring with the right hand, then extend the life of one year.

The reasons for the abnormal structure of the trees still uncertain. Among the versions - and the impact of the wind, from which trees and sloping bend; and damage from insects (butterflies of the family Tortricidae) attacking pines young 5-20 years and damaging shoots; and even a "turbulent energovorot."

There is also a legend that in these places was hunting Prussian Prince Bart. Pursuing the deer, he heard a beautiful melody. Coming into the clearing, the prince saw a young girl playing the lyre. She was a Christian, and her name was Predislava. The prince asked her to marry him, but she said that will only marry a man of their faith. Bart has agreed to convert to Christianity, only if she proves her strength invisible God, show that it is more robust trees around. Predislava played, the birds fell silent, and the trees began to dance. The prince took off his hands and gave the bracelet to his bride. Here in this place many years later and I grew up "dancing" forest.

In fact, this part of the forest was planted in 1961. Anomalies were found only in the last few years.
A forest was planted in order to preserve the uniqueness of the Curonian Spit.
Braids body consists of sand coated with a thin (several centimeters thick) topsoil. The formation of this layer was happening for decades






When you walk through the woods, a feeling that is in you at this moment about 0, 5 spirits
