110 years Aurora
May 1, 1900 the stocks of the New Admiralty was launched on the cruiser "Aurora". He participated in four wars, was a training ground for cadets and ship-museum. The history of the legendary ship is so overgrown with myths, it is hard to figure out where the fairy tale, and where profit.
Myth № 1.
Volley at the Winter Palace in 1917 was not, it's just a beautiful legend.
True story. Historians proved that shot still was. But do not volley. They were shooting blanks. There was also a version that the sailors fired ... just to compare notes. At sea, this accuracy is extremely important. However, as assured marine specialists in 1917 to control the time to watch the ship fought bottles.
Myth № 2.
"Aurora" has survived in its original form.
True story. In fact, the body of the legendary "Aurora" tab 1897 was withdrawn in 1984. On the 70th anniversary of the October Revolution (1987), the repair was completed. As a result, there was a completely new "Aurora" - the one we see now. Among the most notable differences from the original - the application of the welds on the new housing technology instead of rivets. Old as the body was sunk in the Gulf of Finland, at the base of "Streams". However, it is actively sawing souvenirs.
Myth № 3. Cruiser was intended to support a fleet of battleships in the battle in the oceans.
True story. In fact, he could not solve this problem because of the lack of (in the 1900s.) For the cruiser cruising range, low speed, poor armament and protection. Therefore, since 1908, he served as a training cruiser.
Myth № 4. Team "Aurora" consisted mainly of Petrograders.
True story. Most of the men were born in Vyatka province, so it is believed that the banner of "Aurora" was transferred for permanent storage in the city of Vyatka (now Kirov) and stored in the local museum. According to others, it is not the flag of the ship, and with the boat "Aurora", which was brought home one of the sailors
Myth № 5. «Aurora» took part in the defense of Leningrad.
True story. Not certainly in that way. He participated not the cruiser and its tools. In 1940-1945 gg. "Aurora" stood in Oranienbaum. In 1941, the big guns were taken from the cruiser and installed on the approaches to Leningrad from the south (the battery "A" for the defense Duderhof Heights, at the turn of Crow Mountain - Kiev highway) for the defense of the city.
Admiral Rozhdestvensky, who at the beginning of the XX century led our fleet, was a curious person. Among uymy "quirks" Admiral was the following - he had a habit of giving warships entrusted to him insulting nicknames. Thus, the cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" he was called "idiot" Battleship "Sisoy Great" - "Disability haven", and so on. As part of the squadron were two ships with women's names - a former yacht "Svetlana" and "Aurora". The first commander of the cruiser called the "maid" and "Aurora" was awarded the title of 'prostitute podzabornaya ».
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May 1, 1900 the stocks of the New Admiralty was launched on the cruiser "Aurora". He participated in four wars, was a training ground for cadets and ship-museum. The history of the legendary ship is so overgrown with myths, it is hard to figure out where the fairy tale, and where profit.
Myth № 1.
Volley at the Winter Palace in 1917 was not, it's just a beautiful legend.
True story. Historians proved that shot still was. But do not volley. They were shooting blanks. There was also a version that the sailors fired ... just to compare notes. At sea, this accuracy is extremely important. However, as assured marine specialists in 1917 to control the time to watch the ship fought bottles.

Myth № 2.
"Aurora" has survived in its original form.
True story. In fact, the body of the legendary "Aurora" tab 1897 was withdrawn in 1984. On the 70th anniversary of the October Revolution (1987), the repair was completed. As a result, there was a completely new "Aurora" - the one we see now. Among the most notable differences from the original - the application of the welds on the new housing technology instead of rivets. Old as the body was sunk in the Gulf of Finland, at the base of "Streams". However, it is actively sawing souvenirs.

Myth № 3. Cruiser was intended to support a fleet of battleships in the battle in the oceans.
True story. In fact, he could not solve this problem because of the lack of (in the 1900s.) For the cruiser cruising range, low speed, poor armament and protection. Therefore, since 1908, he served as a training cruiser.

Myth № 4. Team "Aurora" consisted mainly of Petrograders.
True story. Most of the men were born in Vyatka province, so it is believed that the banner of "Aurora" was transferred for permanent storage in the city of Vyatka (now Kirov) and stored in the local museum. According to others, it is not the flag of the ship, and with the boat "Aurora", which was brought home one of the sailors

Myth № 5. «Aurora» took part in the defense of Leningrad.
True story. Not certainly in that way. He participated not the cruiser and its tools. In 1940-1945 gg. "Aurora" stood in Oranienbaum. In 1941, the big guns were taken from the cruiser and installed on the approaches to Leningrad from the south (the battery "A" for the defense Duderhof Heights, at the turn of Crow Mountain - Kiev highway) for the defense of the city.

Admiral Rozhdestvensky, who at the beginning of the XX century led our fleet, was a curious person. Among uymy "quirks" Admiral was the following - he had a habit of giving warships entrusted to him insulting nicknames. Thus, the cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" he was called "idiot" Battleship "Sisoy Great" - "Disability haven", and so on. As part of the squadron were two ships with women's names - a former yacht "Svetlana" and "Aurora". The first commander of the cruiser called the "maid" and "Aurora" was awarded the title of 'prostitute podzabornaya ».
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