Ghostbusters at the New York Library
Do you know what the most men's profession in the world? Do you know? And we'll show you: most men's profession in the world - a ghost hunter!
Well, of course! After all, a woman, if he sees a ghost, immediately faint, or will scream, or worse - will start to clap and laugh as visitors of the New York Public Library, where in the reading room (which has more than a hundred years) announced ghosts !
Yes, you heard right! May 8 in broad daylight three ghosts showed up in the reading room of the New York Public Library!
13 ph via rocan.ru
Ghosts behaved very strangely. One of them sat down at the table and, as if nothing had happened, began to read the book.
Second, apparently, looked in the dictionary meaning of the word "paranormal".
And the third - decided to take advantage of free internet!
Have no idea what might be needed ghost on the Internet!
Take a closer look? Yup! Service questions and answers. "Can there life after death?»
But apparently someone from visitors to the library all the same thought of call Ghostbusters! And they came!
Strong and brave men who are not afraid of no ghosts, and most importantly - to adequately react to them! The applause and camera flashes Ghostbusters take the case!
Ghosts felt wrong
and darted around the room
Applause from all parts of the room completely disoriented ghosts
and forced them to move towards the light
There they were overtaken and our brave ghost hunters! ))
This flash mob was organized by a group of fun and creative guys from «Improv Everywhere»
Improv Everywhere organized chaos and joy in public places. Guys are based in New York. Since its inception, the movement was carried out more than 100 missions, improves mood around, using undercover agents.
Well, of course! After all, a woman, if he sees a ghost, immediately faint, or will scream, or worse - will start to clap and laugh as visitors of the New York Public Library, where in the reading room (which has more than a hundred years) announced ghosts !
Yes, you heard right! May 8 in broad daylight three ghosts showed up in the reading room of the New York Public Library!
13 ph via rocan.ru

Ghosts behaved very strangely. One of them sat down at the table and, as if nothing had happened, began to read the book.

Second, apparently, looked in the dictionary meaning of the word "paranormal".

And the third - decided to take advantage of free internet!

Have no idea what might be needed ghost on the Internet!

Take a closer look? Yup! Service questions and answers. "Can there life after death?»

But apparently someone from visitors to the library all the same thought of call Ghostbusters! And they came!

Strong and brave men who are not afraid of no ghosts, and most importantly - to adequately react to them! The applause and camera flashes Ghostbusters take the case!

Ghosts felt wrong

and darted around the room

Applause from all parts of the room completely disoriented ghosts

and forced them to move towards the light

There they were overtaken and our brave ghost hunters! ))
This flash mob was organized by a group of fun and creative guys from «Improv Everywhere»
Improv Everywhere organized chaos and joy in public places. Guys are based in New York. Since its inception, the movement was carried out more than 100 missions, improves mood around, using undercover agents.
