Petersburg - Red Sails 2010
"Scarlet Sails" - an annual citywide celebration of graduates of schools of St. Petersburg, a unique event of international level, show the audience that every year millions of people become.
For the first time "Scarlet Sails" took place in 1969. Since then, the city-wide celebration for graduates has become an annual event in which the Neva went sailing and raised real red sails. During the perestroika years celebration "Scarlet Sails" was not carried out, but in 2005 it was decided to revive the tradition.
Writes blogger andrestrelnikov:
I do not go, maybe I do not like very much mass celebrations, but there's a little bit and decided porufit shoot as it will).
Overcoming the huge crowd of gay people different, my friends and I met at the coveted gate and went to the roof ...
15 ph
The first thing we saw there - were crowds of people on the other roofs, it must be said that the "AP" can be called "Happy Rufer," maybe people were wherever possible to climb, they are periodically removed militsionEry, but the thirst for spectacle was invincible) When we climbed to the house, we were the first, and by the end of the festival there took the man 20.
The attraction for those who are used to and likes to ride in rush hour on the subway.
A little more stolpotvoreniya- negativnh as one of the symbols of this holiday.
It's time to nastraivatsya fireworks, the weather clear, overcast clouds and everything seems to be the black sky.
With these barges will be made in the center of the fireworks, and on the left a long pontoon secured floodlight illumination.
Take a closer look.
At 01.40 began pyrotechnic show.
The final volley.
The ship went through a diluted span the Trinity Bridge, walked along Palace Embankment, made a U-turn at the Winter and took it towards the Peter and Paul Fortress. All beauty ended around 02.15.
For the first time "Scarlet Sails" took place in 1969. Since then, the city-wide celebration for graduates has become an annual event in which the Neva went sailing and raised real red sails. During the perestroika years celebration "Scarlet Sails" was not carried out, but in 2005 it was decided to revive the tradition.
Writes blogger andrestrelnikov:
I do not go, maybe I do not like very much mass celebrations, but there's a little bit and decided porufit shoot as it will).
Overcoming the huge crowd of gay people different, my friends and I met at the coveted gate and went to the roof ...
15 ph
The first thing we saw there - were crowds of people on the other roofs, it must be said that the "AP" can be called "Happy Rufer," maybe people were wherever possible to climb, they are periodically removed militsionEry, but the thirst for spectacle was invincible) When we climbed to the house, we were the first, and by the end of the festival there took the man 20.
The attraction for those who are used to and likes to ride in rush hour on the subway.
A little more stolpotvoreniya- negativnh as one of the symbols of this holiday.
It's time to nastraivatsya fireworks, the weather clear, overcast clouds and everything seems to be the black sky.
With these barges will be made in the center of the fireworks, and on the left a long pontoon secured floodlight illumination.
Take a closer look.
At 01.40 began pyrotechnic show.
The final volley.
The ship went through a diluted span the Trinity Bridge, walked along Palace Embankment, made a U-turn at the Winter and took it towards the Peter and Paul Fortress. All beauty ended around 02.15.