And about dogs and about cats
It took 14,000 years, after the domesticated dog. The cat was domesticated 7,000 years later.
It is believed that the ancestors of dogs were wolves who came to human settlements. A cat was the ancestor of the cat itself. To strengthen the cat as a constant form of the animal took 12 million years.
In the personal characteristics of the cat and dog can compete: Cats hearing better than dogs, the upper limit is 65 kHz, it is 2 times - than in the dog. A canine better smell, due to the huge number of receptors in the nose - 200 000 000, also because of the constantly wet nose (better known moisture holding odors)
The study showed that visual memory in cats does not lag behind the memory of monkeys. But as it turned out: short-term memory in dogs is more developed than in cats, especially up to 60 seconds.
Dog nose prints folds are unique as a fingerprint people
Life expectancy of dogs is 12-14 years, with his whole life he stands his master 5-10 thousand dollars
Life expectancy of a cat is 9-15 years, the cost of keeping a cat is about 2-8 thousand dollars
Scientists claim that the owners of cats often have university degrees and diplomas.
Just scientists believe that dog owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol, rarely get sick and have better health.
The smallest cat, inscribed in the book of records Ginnesa- Himalayan-Persian blyupoynt, whose name is Tinker Toy; When fully formed is its length was only 19 cm.
The smartest dogs - Doberman Pinscher, Collie, Golden Retriever, Poodle, German guard. And cats, regardless of breed, have an average level of intelligence, not less than that of the five most intelligent dogs.
It is believed that the ancestors of dogs were wolves who came to human settlements. A cat was the ancestor of the cat itself. To strengthen the cat as a constant form of the animal took 12 million years.
In the personal characteristics of the cat and dog can compete: Cats hearing better than dogs, the upper limit is 65 kHz, it is 2 times - than in the dog. A canine better smell, due to the huge number of receptors in the nose - 200 000 000, also because of the constantly wet nose (better known moisture holding odors)
The study showed that visual memory in cats does not lag behind the memory of monkeys. But as it turned out: short-term memory in dogs is more developed than in cats, especially up to 60 seconds.
Dog nose prints folds are unique as a fingerprint people
Life expectancy of dogs is 12-14 years, with his whole life he stands his master 5-10 thousand dollars
Life expectancy of a cat is 9-15 years, the cost of keeping a cat is about 2-8 thousand dollars
Scientists claim that the owners of cats often have university degrees and diplomas.
Just scientists believe that dog owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol, rarely get sick and have better health.
The smallest cat, inscribed in the book of records Ginnesa- Himalayan-Persian blyupoynt, whose name is Tinker Toy; When fully formed is its length was only 19 cm.
The smartest dogs - Doberman Pinscher, Collie, Golden Retriever, Poodle, German guard. And cats, regardless of breed, have an average level of intelligence, not less than that of the five most intelligent dogs.