Passed in the wrong place at 5 million
The Porsche 911 was seriously damaged in the accident, which occurred on Monday evening, July 5 at Uralmash, according to E1. Foreign car moved from the street to the street of Ilyich Victory. At the intersection of Avenue of Cosmonauts and street Voykova driver of the vehicle had to make the maneuver in order to avoid a pedestrian who was crossing the road in the wrong place.
The car hit the curb, spun and threw him into the opposite lane of the road where the car was Renault. Fortunately, in this moment the driver in the car Renault was not. In an accident no one was hurt. As for the Porsche 911, from the scene of the accident he was taken on a car hauler. Behind the wheel of the Porsche 911 was a 24-year-old man, his experience of driving is about 4 years old.
Porche, which cost about 5 million rubles from the accident scene was taken to the car hauler.
2 photo + video via e2-e4
The car hit the curb, spun and threw him into the opposite lane of the road where the car was Renault. Fortunately, in this moment the driver in the car Renault was not. In an accident no one was hurt. As for the Porsche 911, from the scene of the accident he was taken on a car hauler. Behind the wheel of the Porsche 911 was a 24-year-old man, his experience of driving is about 4 years old.
Porche, which cost about 5 million rubles from the accident scene was taken to the car hauler.
2 photo + video via e2-e4