Mythical Creatures
Many of you have heard of griffins, golems, Minotaur, basilisks,
Manticore, centaurs, hydras, harpies, cyclops, chimeras ...
Well, I can do that for a long time ... so perchislyat and etc., etc. ...
But I wonder: Has anyone heard anything about such monsters as the Abraxas,
problems, Charybdis ?? ..
Being a rooster head - the Hellenistic god Abrasax (or Abraxas), which is often called the Demiurge, IAO.
He accompanies the solar symbols: a rooster each morning announcing the return of the sun - a symbol of rebirth, and whip with a shield with which he is often portrayed - symbolize the heat of the midday sun.
Abrasax often depicted in the magic amulets and gems Hellenistic age; Alexandrian Gnostic Basilides Abrasax called "365 Great Ruler of Heaven" and the creator of the physical universe.
Abrasax belongs to the category zmeenogoy solar deity, which indicates the marked aspect of this god.
Thus, Abrasax sunny cock, creator of the world, symbolizes the productive power of the sun.
But, unlike Christ, it is not directly related to the Higher Aspect of the Solar Logos, the Creator.
Problems as a fantastic tribe belongs to the ancient creatures of imagination, continue to exist in the Middle Ages.
Under this name is usually described by some Ethiopian tribe, all people who are born without a head and facial features - a nose, eyes and mouth - are on the chest.
Charybdis in the ancient Greek epic - personified representation of all-consuming sea depths (Charybdis etymologically means "maelstrom," although there are other interpretations of the word).
The Odyssey Charybdis portrayed as a sea god that lives in the Strait under a rock in the distance of an arrow's flight from the other rocks, which served as the seat of Skills.
Well, one more, probably about it all the same, many have heard ...
Scylla (Scylla)
Scylla - a sea monster from Greek mythology.
Scylla Charybdis according along with Greek mythology was a mortal danger to anyone who sailed past her.
Author: DraK
Manticore, centaurs, hydras, harpies, cyclops, chimeras ...
Well, I can do that for a long time ... so perchislyat and etc., etc. ...
But I wonder: Has anyone heard anything about such monsters as the Abraxas,
problems, Charybdis ?? ..

Being a rooster head - the Hellenistic god Abrasax (or Abraxas), which is often called the Demiurge, IAO.
He accompanies the solar symbols: a rooster each morning announcing the return of the sun - a symbol of rebirth, and whip with a shield with which he is often portrayed - symbolize the heat of the midday sun.
Abrasax often depicted in the magic amulets and gems Hellenistic age; Alexandrian Gnostic Basilides Abrasax called "365 Great Ruler of Heaven" and the creator of the physical universe.

Abrasax belongs to the category zmeenogoy solar deity, which indicates the marked aspect of this god.
Thus, Abrasax sunny cock, creator of the world, symbolizes the productive power of the sun.
But, unlike Christ, it is not directly related to the Higher Aspect of the Solar Logos, the Creator.

Problems as a fantastic tribe belongs to the ancient creatures of imagination, continue to exist in the Middle Ages.

Under this name is usually described by some Ethiopian tribe, all people who are born without a head and facial features - a nose, eyes and mouth - are on the chest.

Charybdis in the ancient Greek epic - personified representation of all-consuming sea depths (Charybdis etymologically means "maelstrom," although there are other interpretations of the word).

The Odyssey Charybdis portrayed as a sea god that lives in the Strait under a rock in the distance of an arrow's flight from the other rocks, which served as the seat of Skills.

Well, one more, probably about it all the same, many have heard ...
Scylla (Scylla)
Scylla - a sea monster from Greek mythology.
Scylla Charybdis according along with Greek mythology was a mortal danger to anyone who sailed past her.

Author: DraK
