Mantis in detail

Amateur wild 50-year-old Jimmy Hoffman examines the vegetation around your house in Costa Brava, Spain, in search of the praying mantis. Find the desired insect, it can wait up to two hours to make the perfect shot.

7 Photo © Jimmy Hoffman / solent

1. "My favorite picture - where mantis preparing to catch a butterfly. Unfortunately for mantis, butterfly was faster, and she was able to fly. I took the picture at the right moment, and it was something special for me, because I waited for two hours. After that I decided to call this picture "patience."

2. "I am interested in nature since childhood, and I always liked especially insects. Bogomolov I love most of all because of their rapacity, shapes and colors. I also like that they can rotate his head in all directions and look at you with a "smart" form. They can be found in grass. This is usually best done in the morning, because they usually sit on the plants - bask in the sun. "

3. For three mantis sitting on a branch.

4. Three mantis larvae are on the stalk of rose past the spike.

5. Praying Mantis eating species aphids Ameles.

6. mantis eats lacewings

