Tightrope walker crossed Niagara Falls
Famous American tightrope walker Nik Wallenda (Nik Wallenda) dared to go over Niagara Falls on the rope.
Fasten the cable at a height of 50 meters, one end of which was located in the United States, and the other - in Canada.
It took half an hour to overcome the hard way over the raging waters length of 550 meters.
The authorities of the two countries were allowed to violate the ban that exists on the holding of such tricks over Niagara Falls for hereditary kanatahodtsa who got six times in the Guinness Book of Records. Thus, Nik Wallenda became the first person 128 years to cross the waterfall so risky way.
1. To trick Vallenda preparing two weeks in conditions close to real masimalno: artificial wind and water spray from a fire truck. To meet the demands of the event's sponsor, the American television channel ABC, Vallende had to break the family tradition to perform all the stunts without insurance.
2. Within a century the intersection of Niagara Falls on the rope or cable was prohibited by law, and those who tried to do it, to finish her "march" in prison. Nick Vallende managed to get the governments of the US and Canada permission to your trick. This was facilitated by the fact that the city of Niagara Falls has lost half of its population, and the Niagara Falls ceased to attract the attention of tourists. Thus, coincided interests of business and a passion for risk diabolical Nick Vallendy.
3. A few words about this daredevil. He is 33 years old, he is a representative of the seventh generation of the famous "flying Vallend" - acrobats of world renown. Nick was only two years old when he first walked through the wire. And he saw in Niagara 6 years. One of the pioneers of "flying Vallend" grandfather Nick Charles Vallenda said: "Life is only on the wire, everything else - just wait." Carl Vallenda died in 1978 when he fell from the wire in San Juan. Wife Vallendy too acrobat and also walking on a wire. They have three children, but Nick does not want to walk in his footsteps. Therefore, children only cheer their father cries. All of them and their mother were present at the transition Nick Vallendoy Niagara Falls.
4. In any case, the TV channel ABC led the transfer delayed compared to the actual time for a few seconds. Nobody, not even Nik Wallenda, is immune from falling. And as his wife says: we walk on a wire, and if we fall, then die. Guide channel required to Vallenda put on a waterfall during the transition harnesses. He has long resisted this condition, because never before in his life, neither he nor his ancestors did not use any insurance funds. Even his wife was against it: "It's the same as if Madonna suddenly starts singing to the soundtrack." However, ABC insisted on his condition.
5. On the "Twitter" during the transition that took only 20 minutes', received 353 thousand. Messages about 14 thousand. Per minute. When Vallenda graduated transition, he said he was going after a few years to go on a rope slung over the Grand Canyon.
6. During the 550-meter path acrobat hedging rescue helicopter and a group of divers. Vallenda was wearing moccasins special non-slip suede soles made for him mother. Throughout the "travel" Vallenda using a wireless device maintained contact with his father - also known tightrope walker - which corrected and encouraged him. In addition, he managed to even respond to questions from journalists.
7. Falls on the Niagara River, on which water flows into Lake Erie Lake Ontario - the most powerful in North America. The height of drop of water - 52 meters, and flow rate - 1833 cubic meters per second.
8. First Niagara in 1859 passed the famous French circus tightrope walker, Jean-Francois Gravle. He spent several years in a row surprised the audience "walk" over the waterfall, executing all sorts of tricks, none of which he repeated twice. So, one day he carried on the shoulders of his manager. Last Tightrope Dancer went over Niagara Falls in 1910. However, it Vallenda was the first who made the transition to such a close distance from the falls.
9. The intersection of Niagara Falls watched more than 13 million. Viewers. It was also a record. Among the audience were a couple Lori Martin and Steve Trotter. Unlike other spectators wore their interest historic character. The fact that 17 years ago, they also defeated the Niagara Falls in a barrel. And they stayed alive. My question is: "How do they react to trick Vallendy?" - Ms. Martin said that their adventure took place when they were tipsy after drinking tequila. Then, choose from the barrel, Trotter and Martin went to jail, where stayed for 4 days.
Source: bigpicture.ru
Fasten the cable at a height of 50 meters, one end of which was located in the United States, and the other - in Canada.
It took half an hour to overcome the hard way over the raging waters length of 550 meters.

The authorities of the two countries were allowed to violate the ban that exists on the holding of such tricks over Niagara Falls for hereditary kanatahodtsa who got six times in the Guinness Book of Records. Thus, Nik Wallenda became the first person 128 years to cross the waterfall so risky way.
1. To trick Vallenda preparing two weeks in conditions close to real masimalno: artificial wind and water spray from a fire truck. To meet the demands of the event's sponsor, the American television channel ABC, Vallende had to break the family tradition to perform all the stunts without insurance.

2. Within a century the intersection of Niagara Falls on the rope or cable was prohibited by law, and those who tried to do it, to finish her "march" in prison. Nick Vallende managed to get the governments of the US and Canada permission to your trick. This was facilitated by the fact that the city of Niagara Falls has lost half of its population, and the Niagara Falls ceased to attract the attention of tourists. Thus, coincided interests of business and a passion for risk diabolical Nick Vallendy.

3. A few words about this daredevil. He is 33 years old, he is a representative of the seventh generation of the famous "flying Vallend" - acrobats of world renown. Nick was only two years old when he first walked through the wire. And he saw in Niagara 6 years. One of the pioneers of "flying Vallend" grandfather Nick Charles Vallenda said: "Life is only on the wire, everything else - just wait." Carl Vallenda died in 1978 when he fell from the wire in San Juan. Wife Vallendy too acrobat and also walking on a wire. They have three children, but Nick does not want to walk in his footsteps. Therefore, children only cheer their father cries. All of them and their mother were present at the transition Nick Vallendoy Niagara Falls.

4. In any case, the TV channel ABC led the transfer delayed compared to the actual time for a few seconds. Nobody, not even Nik Wallenda, is immune from falling. And as his wife says: we walk on a wire, and if we fall, then die. Guide channel required to Vallenda put on a waterfall during the transition harnesses. He has long resisted this condition, because never before in his life, neither he nor his ancestors did not use any insurance funds. Even his wife was against it: "It's the same as if Madonna suddenly starts singing to the soundtrack." However, ABC insisted on his condition.

5. On the "Twitter" during the transition that took only 20 minutes', received 353 thousand. Messages about 14 thousand. Per minute. When Vallenda graduated transition, he said he was going after a few years to go on a rope slung over the Grand Canyon.

6. During the 550-meter path acrobat hedging rescue helicopter and a group of divers. Vallenda was wearing moccasins special non-slip suede soles made for him mother. Throughout the "travel" Vallenda using a wireless device maintained contact with his father - also known tightrope walker - which corrected and encouraged him. In addition, he managed to even respond to questions from journalists.

7. Falls on the Niagara River, on which water flows into Lake Erie Lake Ontario - the most powerful in North America. The height of drop of water - 52 meters, and flow rate - 1833 cubic meters per second.

8. First Niagara in 1859 passed the famous French circus tightrope walker, Jean-Francois Gravle. He spent several years in a row surprised the audience "walk" over the waterfall, executing all sorts of tricks, none of which he repeated twice. So, one day he carried on the shoulders of his manager. Last Tightrope Dancer went over Niagara Falls in 1910. However, it Vallenda was the first who made the transition to such a close distance from the falls.

9. The intersection of Niagara Falls watched more than 13 million. Viewers. It was also a record. Among the audience were a couple Lori Martin and Steve Trotter. Unlike other spectators wore their interest historic character. The fact that 17 years ago, they also defeated the Niagara Falls in a barrel. And they stayed alive. My question is: "How do they react to trick Vallendy?" - Ms. Martin said that their adventure took place when they were tipsy after drinking tequila. Then, choose from the barrel, Trotter and Martin went to jail, where stayed for 4 days.

Source: bigpicture.ru