These ominous muzzle, eyes bulging and alien carcass
These ominous muzzle, eyes bulging and alien carcass certainly looks quite alarming. But the photographer John Hallmin sees the hidden beauty of these creatures. That male strekozki Arrow chashenosnaya (Enallagma cyathigerum) balances between two dry blades of grass ... Simpatishnіy, if you look closely))
6 ph via radulova
Among the moths flying in the night to the light, there is a homely whitish butterfly with the Latin name Cerura vinula, or large harpy. Very little butterfly is remarkable. But its caterpillar! Enough to see once to remember. Here it crawls along a branch ...
Again strekozka with dew drops on the head
Horsefly with emerald eyes ...
... And the black ant.
Horsefly demonstrates their colorful eyes
while the Itsy Bitsy Spider prepares to make the jump.
Hoverfly (lat. Syrphidae) - a family of two-winged insects of the suborder korotkousyh. Eats something.
6 ph via radulova

Among the moths flying in the night to the light, there is a homely whitish butterfly with the Latin name Cerura vinula, or large harpy. Very little butterfly is remarkable. But its caterpillar! Enough to see once to remember. Here it crawls along a branch ...

Again strekozka with dew drops on the head

Horsefly with emerald eyes ...

... And the black ant.

Horsefly demonstrates their colorful eyes

while the Itsy Bitsy Spider prepares to make the jump.

Hoverfly (lat. Syrphidae) - a family of two-winged insects of the suborder korotkousyh. Eats something.
