Lapse Minsk
Tired of popular print advertising Belarusian citizens with rainbow enthusiastically greeted a video about the country, which on its own initiative and without any help from Minsk took Artem Pryadko.
In just a few hours after the three-minute video in livejournal spread across the world: Belarusians in different countries relished advertising the capital and the main attractions of Belarus, which, despite the roughness is by far the best roller imidzhevym country.
Author Artem Pryadko 30 years old, he engaged in photo and video that is both for him and the work and passion. For 10 years, I am interested in time-lapse shooting (from the German zeit - time and raffen - collect) - it is a special kind of film and photography, at which the photograph a series of pictures of the same object with the same survey points at regular intervals. The intervals can last from a fraction of a second (continuous shooting) until hours or even days. In a demonstration of the film at normal speed there is an effect of acceleration of movement - the illusion of a higher speed of the processes. All once we saw instantly drop down and fading flower on the screen - this is slozhnoproiznosimaya lapse recording, which is also called the technique Stop Motion. - So do rarely removed, and all slightly different techniques. Earlier this summer it occurred to me how to make a movement of the camera output smoother. So I decided to work this idea into practice, shoot a little bit in his spare time. However, some points there and thanks to the work - this footage from a balloon castles and ruins (filmed for transmission channel LAD "History and geography & quot;).
"This movie was just my experiment, and became the subject of Minsk, because it is about me and more calm object for filming hard to think. And, of course, I knew that the movie on this topic will be of interest Minsk dwellers - said Artem browser portal www.interfax.by. - I shoot video a few days in the summer and a few fall. The process took about 12 days together with the installation. Jobs, in my view, is simple, interesting, although it requires great concentration and attention to technical detail. Therefore it is especially convenient to remove from surfaces, paving slabs laid out: it is convenient to measure at regular intervals between shots and follow the exact path.
When the shooting frame, where the sunset on the Nemiga where lights light up, people are constantly distracted by the same issues. At this point, he was the finale of the World Cup, and for some reason, thought I was through the camera down from the bridge watch football, which was shown on the screen next to the Palace of Sports.
The shooting did not help me one, and I think over the technique of shooting so that it was as easy to carry and mobile, without the extra help. Sponsors at me too, of course, was not. If there were, then the movie would have made much better! It's a test shoot, you can remove a lot better. Next summer I plan a sequel, but more interesting, better and more effective ».
During the day, after the appearance of the video on the Internet, it acquired the status of the virus: who saw his men transferred videos to your friends, those - to other friends, who put the link as a status to Facebook, put it on a page "VKontakte", post it in the Live Journal, etc. .
Comments on the page author - expressive and extremely laudatory: "Hey, brother! Just no words, well done, thank you for this video and your talent! "," Belarus - SUPER, I myself am from Armenia, I know two Belarusians, they are also very talented! "" Well, here again! Once you have all the cool! "," It's just great. I do not want to throw these words, but he would not otherwise express already reviewed 5 times. And it would be desirable. Very cool! "," Video came out great. Thanks you! Now, the best way to quickly and beautifully to show our city - this is your movie! "," This video made my day! ».
None of branding the country, made to order and for the money, did not cause such resonance and unambiguously positive emotions as enthusiast created virtually "on the knee" video, for which he has not received a penny.
And since we have people with brains, talent, desire, why television commercials about Belarus and Belarusian come up and shoot other people ?! And for a lot of money, but it is very bad and unprofessional that vividly demonstrated poor movie about Belarus on Euronews.
In just a few hours after the three-minute video in livejournal spread across the world: Belarusians in different countries relished advertising the capital and the main attractions of Belarus, which, despite the roughness is by far the best roller imidzhevym country.
Author Artem Pryadko 30 years old, he engaged in photo and video that is both for him and the work and passion. For 10 years, I am interested in time-lapse shooting (from the German zeit - time and raffen - collect) - it is a special kind of film and photography, at which the photograph a series of pictures of the same object with the same survey points at regular intervals. The intervals can last from a fraction of a second (continuous shooting) until hours or even days. In a demonstration of the film at normal speed there is an effect of acceleration of movement - the illusion of a higher speed of the processes. All once we saw instantly drop down and fading flower on the screen - this is slozhnoproiznosimaya lapse recording, which is also called the technique Stop Motion. - So do rarely removed, and all slightly different techniques. Earlier this summer it occurred to me how to make a movement of the camera output smoother. So I decided to work this idea into practice, shoot a little bit in his spare time. However, some points there and thanks to the work - this footage from a balloon castles and ruins (filmed for transmission channel LAD "History and geography & quot;).
"This movie was just my experiment, and became the subject of Minsk, because it is about me and more calm object for filming hard to think. And, of course, I knew that the movie on this topic will be of interest Minsk dwellers - said Artem browser portal www.interfax.by. - I shoot video a few days in the summer and a few fall. The process took about 12 days together with the installation. Jobs, in my view, is simple, interesting, although it requires great concentration and attention to technical detail. Therefore it is especially convenient to remove from surfaces, paving slabs laid out: it is convenient to measure at regular intervals between shots and follow the exact path.
When the shooting frame, where the sunset on the Nemiga where lights light up, people are constantly distracted by the same issues. At this point, he was the finale of the World Cup, and for some reason, thought I was through the camera down from the bridge watch football, which was shown on the screen next to the Palace of Sports.
The shooting did not help me one, and I think over the technique of shooting so that it was as easy to carry and mobile, without the extra help. Sponsors at me too, of course, was not. If there were, then the movie would have made much better! It's a test shoot, you can remove a lot better. Next summer I plan a sequel, but more interesting, better and more effective ».
During the day, after the appearance of the video on the Internet, it acquired the status of the virus: who saw his men transferred videos to your friends, those - to other friends, who put the link as a status to Facebook, put it on a page "VKontakte", post it in the Live Journal, etc. .
Comments on the page author - expressive and extremely laudatory: "Hey, brother! Just no words, well done, thank you for this video and your talent! "," Belarus - SUPER, I myself am from Armenia, I know two Belarusians, they are also very talented! "" Well, here again! Once you have all the cool! "," It's just great. I do not want to throw these words, but he would not otherwise express already reviewed 5 times. And it would be desirable. Very cool! "," Video came out great. Thanks you! Now, the best way to quickly and beautifully to show our city - this is your movie! "," This video made my day! ».
None of branding the country, made to order and for the money, did not cause such resonance and unambiguously positive emotions as enthusiast created virtually "on the knee" video, for which he has not received a penny.
And since we have people with brains, talent, desire, why television commercials about Belarus and Belarusian come up and shoot other people ?! And for a lot of money, but it is very bad and unprofessional that vividly demonstrated poor movie about Belarus on Euronews.
