Last of the Mohicans: A History of Man,
In the village Petrikov district Chelyuschevichi hardly know who my grandfather Casimir. And the house of his grandfather Bones show immediately. Early morning, just started working day, the old man is waiting for us, picking something in the garage, where his old car "Oka". Constantine Kolyada soon to be 90, but he remembers everything and is ready to live up to 100 years. In the traditional category "Know our" today - the "non". Our hero - not a fashion director, the designer is not glamorous, but a real Polessky guerrillas. Here is his story -hronika nearly extinct generation.
17 photos
Constantine Kolyada - the same age as the worst era in the history of the country. He was born on January 21, 1924, the day of Lenin's death and the collapse of the Union of cheerful hope. Kolyada lived under Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, all subsequent transient general secretary. He lived under Gorbachev, when Lukashenko. "With him, - he jokes - and die."
Posted in [mergetime] 1371199200 [/ mergetime]
- I was born in dire poverty. Father caught a cold and died young, we've got seven children and mother - begins Konstantin story. - They lived on a farm until the Soviet government did not say to move into the village. My childhood was difficult. We had to dress up in something, to go to school. But there was nothing. The mother survived this was said kazachina. He puts on me - I went. I go to class, I pull this sheepskin coat. Children again - come and laugh. And lived.
We had to somehow help, went to the distillery in Chelyuschevichah. There fattened cattle, cattleman worked. Kopeika was.
Then they started to send young people to work in Minsk, to the factory. Nobody wanted! Such were the times. They collected all the meeting, they say - it is necessary. I was, two of my friends. We were persuaded to go. I was 16 years old. In Minsk, we went in the fall of 1940.
In Stepyanka wanted to build an aircraft factory, the construction site and visiting us. What if there was a Minsk? Not now. Dolgobrodskaya first, second Dolgobrodskaya ... beautiful. On the dance went. It was, yes.
They lived in dugouts. They gave us such hostel in the ground, with windows. Nothing is normal. Works well, Soviet-style. I had a great team leader, by the name of Shkut. From Khoiniki area.
Winter winter. And then - the war.
- Then we thought: Who will win the Soviet Union? We heard on the radio this morning that the Germans were treacherously attacked Brest, and went to work. We started to do something even. And then the elder said, "Guys, do not try too much, how little it will ...»
And on the 23rd the Germans bombed Minsk. We understood that we should get together and go home. All dissolved. They took the documents and went on foot through villages, forests in the Gomel region. The Germans did not exist, were cars on the roads, the troops. The bombings were. For two days and two nights without a break, come down. Fear not then experienced. How were we to know what war is.
All men have until got mobilized. We do not have: the young.
I remember how, in the village were Germans. We've got a complex, near the cemetery. Our soldiers entrenched in the cemetery with machine guns, the Germans were chained. There was a firefight. Where there have - silischa ...
The Germans have hardly stood. A policemen immediately ran up wanting. These bastards were worse than the Germans. I remember such a case. The older brother was a bicycle. And here comes a bastard by the name Drone - a policeman. He says: "You Kolyada?" - "Yes." - "Constantine?" - "Yes, Constantine." - "Give the bike to an hour standing in the street!" And the matches in the hands of holding "And then burn the whole house, and you along with him." I do not want to give me, but my mother persuaded her late Let choke.
- All around were guerrillas. We heard that the troops are in the woods - there, there, everywhere. And we have created: Chemise squad number 50 125 Brigade polis'ky connection. So it was called.
All young and old who remained took to the guerrillas. There were different job went to explosions in the exploration ... I with a rifle, who with a gun. Were injured by shrapnel mines scratched leg ... When the Germans began to press, they are brutalized. I'll tell you.
How many raids, no longer count. Together with us, the guerrillas were hiding in the forests of civilians. They were caught and killed. It is well to remember that day ...
Detachment said - in the forest to find the inhabitants of one village, transfer to a safe place. They sent four on the case. The exploration
At night, find people, some even with the cows were hiding. Senior group says, "Kolyada, you better know the area, take them to a safe place, and we are back - in the squad." Okay.
At night, we stopped housed. I spent the night in the bush. In the morning I think I will go out perekushu. Rifle left. Only reached the camp - Riding the Germans. One boy, 10 years old, frightened, jumped up and ran, but his turn killed.
They took all of us put together, lead. As the herd. The convoy, all on horseback. Then pull up the two, the title of senior, stopped column. One shows me: "Get in here." I Went. I took me 10 meters to palpate carefully searched. Shows Go, free. What to do? I Went. Only I heard the German rear pulls out a gun. Then, abruptly - shot. So shoot me.
- It was in February 1944. Frost was not strong. I do not know how long I was lying in the snow in a pool of blood - fainted. Then he woke up and thought: this is me still alive! Povorushilsya, I can not move. I crawled up, grabbed some tree stump. I sat. I found a stick, somehow crawled along the road. There, where people can be. And I noticed. Bandaged grandmother. So I survived.
Then all the doctors who looked, talked - a miracle. The bullet passed through his head and went out through the nose. In Minsk, I do the operation. I remember one researcher showed me colleagues, said: "Here, look, this is a very happy man, Constantine Kolyada. Survived with this injury! »
In the army I was not taken away: given disability. My memory is excellent. Maybe there were any consequences, but, see, I live.
- When the war ended, I was in Khoiniki area. There has been a driving school, I was in it. I get your hands on "intern" - a document that probation by car, went to Kobrin. I remember getting sent to the machine, American trucks "Chevrolet". Gave 10 liters of petrol, as there will be enough? TRAILER one to another, empty, stalled. Standing on the road, stopped the car. Nobody wanted to share petrol. But still bought trucks dovezli.
I have a car now - "Oka". Right there. Cars on the move.
- It is his car better than watching me - laughing wife of Konstantin Mikhailovich.
Santa Kolyada shows us the law. And then lay neatly in the same place where he took.
- I was foreman, collected taxes, worked as a financial agent, inspector, taught at the school work, was the manager of the farm, he studied and graduated from college. He worked as an agronomist. Money some have always been. And I've always worked on conscience, no one did not ask.
Married. We had to build a house, and the ground is not allowed. Where I live now, rye was. Dali land here. He built a house on their own. Mark himself.
I have four children, and grandchildren. I, of course, a happy man.
Constantine Kolyada tired to speak, silence. And we think. Belarus survived a little more than 20 thousand war veterans. If desired, the state could they get rich. The State will have to think twice when the veterans will not, on which to build their ideology, in which the victory of the 45th - still one of the cornerstones.
But Kolyada says that he does not have gold as the Turkish beaches: he and so everything is there. In the house, behind the stove, the old man holds a portrait of the president. He prescribes "Sovetskaya Belorussia". Each year, before May 9 he was given honor and gratitude. We invite you to a school where he happily talks about his war children. Pension at it - 3, 5 million, together with his wife out of 6 million.
- We do not need much more than half grandchildren pay - says the veteran. - Go to the store - enough gasoline - enough. Chickens own. Apples. At lunch and dinner, 50 grams sip - no more. And it is enough. Normal we, the veterans, the life.
If there were no children, grandchildren, who knows - not shared Would Konstantin their "surplus" to the state. How lonely pensioner Maria Gomel Sazonenkova who donated millions to build in Minsk Museum of war and wanted to give as much at the plant, but did not have time ... Their generation has not learned to live for themselves, and their children could not teach it. And now they're gone, almost gone.
... Somehow Konstantin was bad - felt pain in my heart. Doctor did not call, started his "Oka", he went to the clinic. It was sent to Petrik, to the hospital. It is in any: first, he said, will drive the car in place, put in the garage, and then - please. And so it went: he "Oka", followed by "fast." At the hospital, a pensioner immediately placed in intensive care.
- On Sunday, I think it is necessary to once again leave my people: to see how people live - says us goodbye man-era Constantine Kolyada. - I'll go slowly, to see everything, do not miss.
Konstantin and husband
Local kote
Posted in [mergetime] 1371199670 [/ mergetime]
that's all
Author: Arthur Borovoy. Photo: Maxim Malinovsky
17 photos

Constantine Kolyada - the same age as the worst era in the history of the country. He was born on January 21, 1924, the day of Lenin's death and the collapse of the Union of cheerful hope. Kolyada lived under Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, all subsequent transient general secretary. He lived under Gorbachev, when Lukashenko. "With him, - he jokes - and die."
Posted in [mergetime] 1371199200 [/ mergetime]
- I was born in dire poverty. Father caught a cold and died young, we've got seven children and mother - begins Konstantin story. - They lived on a farm until the Soviet government did not say to move into the village. My childhood was difficult. We had to dress up in something, to go to school. But there was nothing. The mother survived this was said kazachina. He puts on me - I went. I go to class, I pull this sheepskin coat. Children again - come and laugh. And lived.
We had to somehow help, went to the distillery in Chelyuschevichah. There fattened cattle, cattleman worked. Kopeika was.
Then they started to send young people to work in Minsk, to the factory. Nobody wanted! Such were the times. They collected all the meeting, they say - it is necessary. I was, two of my friends. We were persuaded to go. I was 16 years old. In Minsk, we went in the fall of 1940.

In Stepyanka wanted to build an aircraft factory, the construction site and visiting us. What if there was a Minsk? Not now. Dolgobrodskaya first, second Dolgobrodskaya ... beautiful. On the dance went. It was, yes.
They lived in dugouts. They gave us such hostel in the ground, with windows. Nothing is normal. Works well, Soviet-style. I had a great team leader, by the name of Shkut. From Khoiniki area.
Winter winter. And then - the war.
- Then we thought: Who will win the Soviet Union? We heard on the radio this morning that the Germans were treacherously attacked Brest, and went to work. We started to do something even. And then the elder said, "Guys, do not try too much, how little it will ...»
And on the 23rd the Germans bombed Minsk. We understood that we should get together and go home. All dissolved. They took the documents and went on foot through villages, forests in the Gomel region. The Germans did not exist, were cars on the roads, the troops. The bombings were. For two days and two nights without a break, come down. Fear not then experienced. How were we to know what war is.

All men have until got mobilized. We do not have: the young.
I remember how, in the village were Germans. We've got a complex, near the cemetery. Our soldiers entrenched in the cemetery with machine guns, the Germans were chained. There was a firefight. Where there have - silischa ...
The Germans have hardly stood. A policemen immediately ran up wanting. These bastards were worse than the Germans. I remember such a case. The older brother was a bicycle. And here comes a bastard by the name Drone - a policeman. He says: "You Kolyada?" - "Yes." - "Constantine?" - "Yes, Constantine." - "Give the bike to an hour standing in the street!" And the matches in the hands of holding "And then burn the whole house, and you along with him." I do not want to give me, but my mother persuaded her late Let choke.

- All around were guerrillas. We heard that the troops are in the woods - there, there, everywhere. And we have created: Chemise squad number 50 125 Brigade polis'ky connection. So it was called.
All young and old who remained took to the guerrillas. There were different job went to explosions in the exploration ... I with a rifle, who with a gun. Were injured by shrapnel mines scratched leg ... When the Germans began to press, they are brutalized. I'll tell you.
How many raids, no longer count. Together with us, the guerrillas were hiding in the forests of civilians. They were caught and killed. It is well to remember that day ...
Detachment said - in the forest to find the inhabitants of one village, transfer to a safe place. They sent four on the case. The exploration

At night, find people, some even with the cows were hiding. Senior group says, "Kolyada, you better know the area, take them to a safe place, and we are back - in the squad." Okay.
At night, we stopped housed. I spent the night in the bush. In the morning I think I will go out perekushu. Rifle left. Only reached the camp - Riding the Germans. One boy, 10 years old, frightened, jumped up and ran, but his turn killed.
They took all of us put together, lead. As the herd. The convoy, all on horseback. Then pull up the two, the title of senior, stopped column. One shows me: "Get in here." I Went. I took me 10 meters to palpate carefully searched. Shows Go, free. What to do? I Went. Only I heard the German rear pulls out a gun. Then, abruptly - shot. So shoot me.

- It was in February 1944. Frost was not strong. I do not know how long I was lying in the snow in a pool of blood - fainted. Then he woke up and thought: this is me still alive! Povorushilsya, I can not move. I crawled up, grabbed some tree stump. I sat. I found a stick, somehow crawled along the road. There, where people can be. And I noticed. Bandaged grandmother. So I survived.
Then all the doctors who looked, talked - a miracle. The bullet passed through his head and went out through the nose. In Minsk, I do the operation. I remember one researcher showed me colleagues, said: "Here, look, this is a very happy man, Constantine Kolyada. Survived with this injury! »

In the army I was not taken away: given disability. My memory is excellent. Maybe there were any consequences, but, see, I live.

- When the war ended, I was in Khoiniki area. There has been a driving school, I was in it. I get your hands on "intern" - a document that probation by car, went to Kobrin. I remember getting sent to the machine, American trucks "Chevrolet". Gave 10 liters of petrol, as there will be enough? TRAILER one to another, empty, stalled. Standing on the road, stopped the car. Nobody wanted to share petrol. But still bought trucks dovezli.
I have a car now - "Oka". Right there. Cars on the move.

- It is his car better than watching me - laughing wife of Konstantin Mikhailovich.
Santa Kolyada shows us the law. And then lay neatly in the same place where he took.

- I was foreman, collected taxes, worked as a financial agent, inspector, taught at the school work, was the manager of the farm, he studied and graduated from college. He worked as an agronomist. Money some have always been. And I've always worked on conscience, no one did not ask.
Married. We had to build a house, and the ground is not allowed. Where I live now, rye was. Dali land here. He built a house on their own. Mark himself.
I have four children, and grandchildren. I, of course, a happy man.

Constantine Kolyada tired to speak, silence. And we think. Belarus survived a little more than 20 thousand war veterans. If desired, the state could they get rich. The State will have to think twice when the veterans will not, on which to build their ideology, in which the victory of the 45th - still one of the cornerstones.
But Kolyada says that he does not have gold as the Turkish beaches: he and so everything is there. In the house, behind the stove, the old man holds a portrait of the president. He prescribes "Sovetskaya Belorussia". Each year, before May 9 he was given honor and gratitude. We invite you to a school where he happily talks about his war children. Pension at it - 3, 5 million, together with his wife out of 6 million.

- We do not need much more than half grandchildren pay - says the veteran. - Go to the store - enough gasoline - enough. Chickens own. Apples. At lunch and dinner, 50 grams sip - no more. And it is enough. Normal we, the veterans, the life.
If there were no children, grandchildren, who knows - not shared Would Konstantin their "surplus" to the state. How lonely pensioner Maria Gomel Sazonenkova who donated millions to build in Minsk Museum of war and wanted to give as much at the plant, but did not have time ... Their generation has not learned to live for themselves, and their children could not teach it. And now they're gone, almost gone.

... Somehow Konstantin was bad - felt pain in my heart. Doctor did not call, started his "Oka", he went to the clinic. It was sent to Petrik, to the hospital. It is in any: first, he said, will drive the car in place, put in the garage, and then - please. And so it went: he "Oka", followed by "fast." At the hospital, a pensioner immediately placed in intensive care.
- On Sunday, I think it is necessary to once again leave my people: to see how people live - says us goodbye man-era Constantine Kolyada. - I'll go slowly, to see everything, do not miss.

Konstantin and husband

Local kote

Posted in [mergetime] 1371199670 [/ mergetime]
that's all
Author: Arthur Borovoy. Photo: Maxim Malinovsky
