Rare determination everyday things
Many of the things that we face every day, have their own definition of interest.
Personally, I've never heard of this.
Akersekomik (Acersecomic) - people who have never had a haircut
Biblioklasm (Biblioclasm) - Ceremony of burning books and scientific papers, often solemn.
Cacodemonomania (Cacodemonomania) - pathological belief that man lives in an evil spirit
Daktilion (Dactylion) - Medical symbol thumb, or rather the tip of the middle finger
Enantiodromia (Enantiodromia) - transition from one action to the opposite.
Bragging (Fanfaronade) - bragging, boasting, panache, boasting.
The effect of the Gorgon (Gorgonize) - have a look, which focuses on the attention
Hamartomas (Hamartia) - concept that refers to the tragic flaw in the character of the main man because he makes a fatal mistake.
Infandis (Infandous) - a fact that is so damning that it should always keep in yourself.
Dzhettatura (Jettatura) - removal of evil eye
Ktenologiya (ktenology) - the science of how to devitalization people
Leptos (Leptosome) - lean and skinny man, when you look at that it seems that he is now "break»
Montivagant (Montivagant) - a loving man to walk on the mountains and hills
Noegenezis (Noegenesis) - the process of obtaining knowledge
Ostentiferos (Ostentiferous) - the story about the fantastic or supernatural manifestations
Pogonotrofiya (Pogonotrophy) - courtship mustache, beard
Kvokervodzher (Quockerwodger) - popular in the nineteenth century wooden toy puppet, the word at the moment represents a political figure (considered offensive). Very precisely, by the way.
Rekumbentibus (Recumbentibus) - knockout verbal argument, which is impossible to find an adequate response
Skripturient (Scripturient) - a person with an obsessive desire to write
Tarantizm (Tarantism) - a disease characterized by an uncontrollable urge to dance.
Ultrakrepidarian (Ultracrepidarian) - the person giving advice and answers to questions that are beyond his knowledge.
Vernalagniya (Vernalagnia) - a romantic mood with the arrival of spring
Muddle (Welter) - disarray thoughts, deeds, words
Ksenizatsiya (Xenization) - the act of traveling without direction
Ёnderlyatsiya (Yonderly) - the state of mental and emotional scattering
Zugzwang (Zugzwang) - position at which any decision or course lead to problems.
Source: muz4in.net
Personally, I've never heard of this.
Akersekomik (Acersecomic) - people who have never had a haircut
Biblioklasm (Biblioclasm) - Ceremony of burning books and scientific papers, often solemn.
Cacodemonomania (Cacodemonomania) - pathological belief that man lives in an evil spirit
Daktilion (Dactylion) - Medical symbol thumb, or rather the tip of the middle finger
Enantiodromia (Enantiodromia) - transition from one action to the opposite.
Bragging (Fanfaronade) - bragging, boasting, panache, boasting.
The effect of the Gorgon (Gorgonize) - have a look, which focuses on the attention
Hamartomas (Hamartia) - concept that refers to the tragic flaw in the character of the main man because he makes a fatal mistake.
Infandis (Infandous) - a fact that is so damning that it should always keep in yourself.
Dzhettatura (Jettatura) - removal of evil eye
Ktenologiya (ktenology) - the science of how to devitalization people
Leptos (Leptosome) - lean and skinny man, when you look at that it seems that he is now "break»
Montivagant (Montivagant) - a loving man to walk on the mountains and hills
Noegenezis (Noegenesis) - the process of obtaining knowledge
Ostentiferos (Ostentiferous) - the story about the fantastic or supernatural manifestations
Pogonotrofiya (Pogonotrophy) - courtship mustache, beard
Kvokervodzher (Quockerwodger) - popular in the nineteenth century wooden toy puppet, the word at the moment represents a political figure (considered offensive). Very precisely, by the way.
Rekumbentibus (Recumbentibus) - knockout verbal argument, which is impossible to find an adequate response
Skripturient (Scripturient) - a person with an obsessive desire to write
Tarantizm (Tarantism) - a disease characterized by an uncontrollable urge to dance.
Ultrakrepidarian (Ultracrepidarian) - the person giving advice and answers to questions that are beyond his knowledge.
Vernalagniya (Vernalagnia) - a romantic mood with the arrival of spring
Muddle (Welter) - disarray thoughts, deeds, words
Ksenizatsiya (Xenization) - the act of traveling without direction
Ёnderlyatsiya (Yonderly) - the state of mental and emotional scattering
Zugzwang (Zugzwang) - position at which any decision or course lead to problems.
Source: muz4in.net