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Problems convey meaning

When you try to transfer some new idea, there are problems: need to find form of transmission is so intuitive that the idea was there is available in mind, and not something of their own. New for one of the participants in the transfer of information itself means the absence of existing forms of transmission, sometimes I miss words and gestures, and attempts is what is meant isn't what was transmitted.

An interesting situation occurs when a person who knows a foreign language, hear some interesting word on it, tries to ask its value, the natives, owning in addition to his and the language of the questioner. He pronounces the word and asks what it means? But aborigine stares and doesn't understand. It doesn't recognize the word in their own language, uttered in isolation from his usual phrases, and even errors of pronunciation.

It is as if to ask a Russian, and that is "spit", but also to distort the pronunciation to "Cassa" (female braid, sea braid tool mower), and meant heard the phrase, "she spit" — type cross-eyed. The distortion of pronunciation alone makes uncertain almost any of the words, and in the absence of a context that determines its meaning, there is an irresistible gravitas.

To be clearly understood it is necessary not only to accurately Express the definition is as a set of signs (precisely enough to speak words as a set of phonemes), but, more importantly, to determine in what sense it is said, i.e. the conditions of application of this definition.

When describing the totality of show signs object definitions you must use a previously defined and accurately understand the words. An attempt to describe the tokamak inhabitant of the depths of the Siberian taiga in one pass is impossible if instead of words to start drawing tokamak on paper.

The definition should always be the level of certainty of its components, corresponding to possibilities of understanding, on whom it is intended: it should be adequate level of understanding.

But since all people this level is different, the handbooks, which define, have different levels of promotion, from a public encyclopedia, which it is possible to find the values of the misunderstood elements of the definition — to guides specialized terms.

The terms of these definitions, which have unambiguous meaning in the context of a specialized area. The same word as a term may have quite different meanings in different fields of use.

The word "aroma" of perfume means the combination of smells and quantum physics a property of quarks. Therefore, the meaning of terms is always conditional, sometimes even within a certain area, when there arises the need to clarify old concepts or introducing new ones.

But not always there is a task to accurately convey the meaning, and sometimes the intention, on the contrary, to confuse or replace, and then resort to rhetorical techniques.

The formation of a specialist subject area always passes through the stages of initiation into the meaning of all the intermediate terms. And the very first words associated with the transferred sense, arise in the child at an early age of development of the relevant critical period. If at this age will be limited to the range of words perceived from the surrounding, then for life there is a limitation in the personal vocabulary range (vocabulary), which, although will be able to expand, but much more complex. Everyone can test their range of vocabulary.

Thus, understanding of a specialized term is necessary requires an understanding of all used to describe words, and each word in turn, so is the knowledge about them. The words associated by the experience of its perception and use, is associated with a personal meaning for each of the conditions of use or with the importance attached to this person.

Every word not just occurs suddenly and remains in the Luggage of memory, and is experienced in some specific situations. Similarly, if the term wasn't just a familiar sound, it must be perceived in the practice of its use and to its importance in all its situations.

Many are not versed in the specifics of the term, there is the illusion of understanding heard of the term, by analogy with something already known, especially if the specialist will try to explain its meaning. This is a typical manifestation of the previously documented effect of Dunning-Kruger: actually will be missing all those connections with the meanings that arise in many cases the use of the term specialist, which makes impossible its effective and even appropriate use. Hence a great many episodes amateurish interpretations and interpretations in a strange specificity — negative effect Fomenko.

This does not take into account most people, imagining themselves to be experts in the topic of discussion, even the majority of scientists who speak with very high confidence and authority of his title on matters not of his expertise. Therefore, although the authority and gives information that, with varying degrees of credulity to relate to the message, but in any case, can not itself be a criterion of truth.

Axiomatic level of personal beliefs requires a form of its description, to provide information to others to fully convey how the properties involved in the interaction of the components and, certainly, all the conditions in which those properties are manifested. In science, this set of conditions in which the process always leads to a specific result, called the boundary conditions.

Often they are described, not directly, but only implied. But such default specifying boundary conditions shall the transfer of information to be unambiguous. There is a certain technique of formalization of ideas, which provides an unambiguous understanding of the information specialists with a well-developed system default context of understanding. To define something as a single equation is impossible and therefore the default prior determination remains as a personal component of a specialist.

If you ask an inexperienced person to give an example of something clearly defined, then it after several unsuccessful attempts to Express something like: "2x2=4" with full confidence that always, even in Africa, even on Mars the multiplication of twos will give 4. In fact, he molchalina meant, and often simply did not know the other that the numbers in this formula are represented in the decimal numeral system. But if that's wrong and mean system 4, then the result will be 10.

Let's turn on explicitly the condition that a number is represented exactly in the decimal system, whether the formula is now definitely true? Again no, because in math it is allowed to override any of the formula components, including the symbols of operations, and the symbol x can mean the operation is not multiplication, but any other.

Mathematics arbitrarily gives significance to everything that explicitly requires the definition and allows you to construct a system description that is most suitable for formalization of this phenomenon. No one here demands that the terms have always had a hard, once and for all a common value, and only when they are explicitly specified, it implies the most appropriate default value in the context of the mathematical description.

In General such privilege for any other science, the other thing is that it is not so accepted and is often a surprise to experts, who see a clear definition of the term known to them in a slightly different value. But sometimes it is just needed to be done due to changes in generally accepted ideas, when previously used the term becomes significant, and sometimes even inappropriate for the level of description.

In the text of this book was a lot of such examples. Literally all psychological terms, spread everywhere, including domestic use, on level descriptions of the mechanisms of adaptability to be inaccurate and even false. For example, the word "emotion" literally all seen as a manifestation of some feelings in the form of characteristic facial expressions, behaviors, actions.

Even the little drawings, conventionally, depicting such experiences are called short emotions. But starting to understand the basics of these reactions, it appears that emotions first of all that can be distinguished as a style of behaviour, characteristic for the given conditions, and that is how they are implemented in the most ancient incarnation of the animals, who generally has no mechanisms to subjective experience.

It turns out that when we are talking about discussing something serious and requires uniqueness of understanding, first of all, you need to take care of the unique understanding of the words usedto define what is important for discussion, without which the discussion just can't end a shared understanding. And just need to always pay attention to the correctness of the definitions used in such discussions, what happens quite difficult, if not impossible. But in failing to provide it, the right will stop the fruitless debate if we do not aim to win the dispute what it may.

Option of fruitless discussions is often a "debate about words" — stubborn insistence on your own interpretation of the meaning of the word that was used in the discussion. In the case of the term it's simple: the reference is given its most General sense. But if it is not a specialized reference, meaning might be too General and ambiguous, or even incorrect, when the drafters of the Handbook had led an obsolete value, adjusted by subsequent research.

In all cases, the uncertainty of words, the only way out may be a suggestion to conditionally accept the proposed value and to proceed from this, i.e. just to say what is the form of this word. Even then found the discrepancy of such common values, the errors in the discussion will not arise because the source was available in mind the meaning, not the sound of the words.


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Children is a game when they agree on the fact that the usual words they now have an entirely different meaning, and when they begin to speak these words, but for the uninitiated it doesn't make much sense, but terms children understand. This technique is used not only by children but also conspirasies people. And then it becomes especially obvious conditionality attached to said values. published


Source: scorcher.ru/