Utilities - This "Live Like Hosh" and not what you think
This post written by me not with the cavalry swoop, but gradually, so that less welter text was. But still got a lot of letters, so do not judge strictly.
In recent years, contrary to the opinion and desire vlastprederzhaschih, it was not that fashionable, but quite relevant and strongly criticize complain about the situation in the country, which in some online publications goes under the code word "Royce". And like many would be happy to not criticize this country, be proud of it and the fact that they live in it, but for some reason every year, it does not fucking work. Smear, smear and slander be. For out in the sheep brain zomboyaschika average citizen-viewer poured verbal diarrhea demagogic politicians, while the reality is different from the smooth of words like sandpaper on silk sheets.
Do you know why? Yes, because all do not care everything and no one wants to do. I was surprised you, right? The discovery of the century, epta.
SchA you will be entertaining and at the same time banal story about how one simple Russian man in his prime, with the average earnings of office plankton living in an apartment building on the top of his floor with his family of five people tried on their own, writing, having asked for help from the president and his administration (the details are below) to solve their housing and municipal issues (well, or at least to obtain adequate explanation why everything is happening so and not otherwise). Letters many sufferings for himself. Mata least, though without him is hard to describe all the charm of senile Russian reality.
Floor we have 12 minutes. Last. Above - only tehetazha and spaceships. We live in our house since 1986, that is, already, it turns out, nearly a quarter century. We live with a bunch of the same tenants, including humans, dogs, cats, mice, and cockroaches the size of a sparrow.
At our house, like many other homes across the country, after the introduction of the new Housing Code (yes breaks endless diarrhea, the authors) has appeared Management Company in the field of housing and communal services (hereinafter - CC), without success replaced the previously existing housing maintenance areas (housing department). [next]
For those who do not know the Criminal Code - is a beast, which is designed independently, without reminders (or, at the request of tenants) and troubleshoot, conduct preventive maintenance on their territory (with advance warning residents to hold them), to monitor the proper condition intrahouse and surrounding communications, and te te and te pe ... In fact, unlike the Criminal Code of the housing department is only in the fact that in the Criminal Code are still working lazy and selfish raspizdyai, but now above them is the type of "white collar", education and authority (to which all, or "hammer", or just do not have time to perform).
As I said, the house for 24 years. Status intrahouse communications pleases the mind and nervous system. Here is a short list of the very few "bonus", which receives regular inhabitant of our high-rises:
- From the hot tap "rusty" water being cold, dripping times for 30-60 minutes, until finally become hot, and just a little, but clean. Wasting tens of cubic meters of water per month (probably we are just spoiled spenders). One could, of course, wash in brown stinking mire, but that's a small child bathe in the liquid as a bit scary. Although we have not tried, can not so scary?
- Cold faucet often starts to go hot water. Typically, overnight. Special positive emotions arise when it occurs during bathing: wash your head, or there, even what a vital part of the body, and then Herak - kipyatochek! The pressure of cold water on a hot order of magnitude lower (12th floor, do not forget - working suspension). Moreover, after midnight / morning from the cold tap is hot water in a thin stream, until seven o'clock in the morning (although often the water ceases to go).
- In the cold season radiators are included late work badly (though radiators are good). You have to include the heaters, for living in an apartment 2-year-old child and a disabled senior citizen group 1. Accordingly, enormously increasing electricity charges (but this is what we need powerful people as well? They are then at least their family in Bali Boys oh boys just dumped. At least someone will be glad)
- Water (any) sometimes turns off without warning. Day two. And then the three. Or five. Or, for seven days. Accumulated dirty laundry, and you at this time machine washable? And you have it because of the long stop and lack of water can break? No problem, buy a new one! And anyway, what are you slut, right. Wash hands, in the pre-scored in the basin water. And it is then possible and to wash, brush your teeth with the whole family, and in the toilet wash. And best to wash just like before: once a week, on Saturdays! That's the savings. And shit on the street under a bush. And it took fashion to monitor hygiene.
- Cockroaches at night and the people imagine themselves playing different social game: gather in the center of the bathroom (sometimes in the closet), and as soon as it is activated the light begin to scatter in all directions, which greatly resemble the unauthorized opposition rally crackdown by the authorities. And the power in my face is not so hot, because at least one nail is not always possible - nimble, you bastards. Baiting than cockroaches whatsoever - exercise useless and ungrateful (who tried it - knows). Even those etched in the apartment, then come those in the attic / basement / neighbors. And away we go over again.
There used to be more of the mouse. In the sense that they sometimes (perhaps on a bet) alone ran from one end of the room, or the kitchen or hallway. Right now, you see, serlivoe generation mice increased and they are now just under the floor where a swarm. Now attention, dear scholars, the question: Where on the 12th floor MOUSE bleat ???
In the general area on the floor (in front of the apartment) radiators do not work for more than 15 years (although payment "for the content of houses" regularly included in the bill for utility services.
House territory no less happy: in front of the entrance 2-meter (diameter) deep pit somewhere 20 centimeters, more than 15 years regularly filled with rain water. Asphalt vzdyblen and pokorёzhen. Although what I mean? Normal state of Russian roads, in the end. Federal highways in the obstacle course like, but I've been crying about the local area. Remove item from the agenda. Crabs in the galleys could not outline this paragraph (a parody of himself at the machine with the root "cal" in the title, we would find it difficult to park).
It was, so to speak, the preamble. Preamble simpler and more prosaic.
I wrote a little letter on e-site of the President and to the site of his administration, outlining a brief (no more than 2000 characters), their complaints and lamentations (well, I do nefig just) on the above subject.
Ironically, the electronic response is not long in coming. The friendly robot automatically (as taught) unsubscribed my cry not go unanswered, because my letter forwarded to the authorities "on the ground", that is to say to the Administration of the Rostov region with the requirement to "report on the implementation."
Well, fucking, I think. SchA you I have all naplachetes, bloodsuckers, because Eye of Czar stands out day and night.
Two months passed.
It comes to me the letter from the Administration of the Rostov region with cheerful reports that my wishes submitted to the district administration at the location of the "problem", so to speak. With the requirement to "report and report back." Hmm. Well, everything seems logical. Hierarchical structure can be traced. My hopes are growing stronger, as a member in the form of high-quality porn.
It took another two weeks. In the end, we came to our home as much as two representatives of the Management Company (aka santehniki), who very politely and carefully examined our bathrooms for confirmation of our testimony. Unfortunately, the evidence confirmed: from the cold tap properly poured hot water; from the hot tap is not raining at all; heated towel rail was abundantly covered with condensation and cold as the heart of Chubais. From toilet priyatstvenno drawn carefully digested food, abundantly washed off an hour before the bucket of boiling water, drawn from the cold tap.
Reassure and comfort us more than the deputies before elections, plumbing retired to save our little world.
Towel earned the next day, as soon as the water in the taps is messed up and went cold from the cold and from the hot, surprisingly hot (although the difference in pressure and weak pressure remained). "Hurrah!" - Cheered us, and especially me, as an initiator, inspirer and performer of all this tub.
A week later the water turned off. Somewhere below us someone rushed risers, and the salvation of the whole house, it was decided to turn off the water around the wing from the 1st to 12th floors. We had to urgently repair the pipe. Money to repair pipes Criminal collected from all residents, through whose apartment they (tube) passed. 6, 5 "haymakers" to the apartment. Residents objected violently and extremely obscenely. But, as in the bathroom to bathe and wash in the toilet of a human like all the money still passed. And you would not pass?
Forgot to say, in the summer we are two (!!!) months were without water because on the lower floors of leaking pipes and repair them required 5 thousand rubles (each apartment). While they gathered - it was on the spot.
All event took the time period from September to November. That is, if in particular. But in general this mess lasts as long as I can remember in this apartment in this house, which became my mother.
Now December. The last four days again no water (for some reason the cold, although it is usually turned off the hot).
Last night beat several very large and brazen cockroaches (kill killed, but their health is not something ©).
At night, I woke up that some cheeky mouse is almost gnawed through a tunnel somewhere under the doors in the hall, for the rustle stood all too shameless.
Perhaps many who read my post say that I'm snickering that someone worse than us that in Somalia in general children are starving, that "do not like - I have a house / flat / country" that "dude, fublya bore you, earn, and will those Happiness ", etc. etc. I will not argue. In some ways you're right, what do not. But fuckt fucktom remains: people and their problems all the shit with a high steeple.
To sum up, I hope that all concerned a lower court in strict hierarchical order reported vertically upward of accurate, timely and, most importantly, the effectiveness of solving the problem of taxpayer and a citizen of the Russian Federation, for which they, of course, thank you very much and I'm sorry, as they say, that It took time.
P.S. The average monthly rent from our happy family is:
- In the summer - 6-7 thousand / month;
- In the winter - up to 10 thousand / month (see. Screen)
P.P.S. And there is still waiting for the compulsory installation of meters for hot and cold water in January 2011. At the expense of tenants, of course. Otherwise, pay for water at the double tariff. Although, given how we have a supply of water, less probably will pay twice as much without meters than countless grandmother for nothing spilled cubic meters of dirty water.
P.P.P.S. Again, eh, the President write? ..
In recent years, contrary to the opinion and desire vlastprederzhaschih, it was not that fashionable, but quite relevant and strongly criticize complain about the situation in the country, which in some online publications goes under the code word "Royce". And like many would be happy to not criticize this country, be proud of it and the fact that they live in it, but for some reason every year, it does not fucking work. Smear, smear and slander be. For out in the sheep brain zomboyaschika average citizen-viewer poured verbal diarrhea demagogic politicians, while the reality is different from the smooth of words like sandpaper on silk sheets.
Do you know why? Yes, because all do not care everything and no one wants to do. I was surprised you, right? The discovery of the century, epta.
SchA you will be entertaining and at the same time banal story about how one simple Russian man in his prime, with the average earnings of office plankton living in an apartment building on the top of his floor with his family of five people tried on their own, writing, having asked for help from the president and his administration (the details are below) to solve their housing and municipal issues (well, or at least to obtain adequate explanation why everything is happening so and not otherwise). Letters many sufferings for himself. Mata least, though without him is hard to describe all the charm of senile Russian reality.
Floor we have 12 minutes. Last. Above - only tehetazha and spaceships. We live in our house since 1986, that is, already, it turns out, nearly a quarter century. We live with a bunch of the same tenants, including humans, dogs, cats, mice, and cockroaches the size of a sparrow.
At our house, like many other homes across the country, after the introduction of the new Housing Code (yes breaks endless diarrhea, the authors) has appeared Management Company in the field of housing and communal services (hereinafter - CC), without success replaced the previously existing housing maintenance areas (housing department). [next]
For those who do not know the Criminal Code - is a beast, which is designed independently, without reminders (or, at the request of tenants) and troubleshoot, conduct preventive maintenance on their territory (with advance warning residents to hold them), to monitor the proper condition intrahouse and surrounding communications, and te te and te pe ... In fact, unlike the Criminal Code of the housing department is only in the fact that in the Criminal Code are still working lazy and selfish raspizdyai, but now above them is the type of "white collar", education and authority (to which all, or "hammer", or just do not have time to perform).
As I said, the house for 24 years. Status intrahouse communications pleases the mind and nervous system. Here is a short list of the very few "bonus", which receives regular inhabitant of our high-rises:
- From the hot tap "rusty" water being cold, dripping times for 30-60 minutes, until finally become hot, and just a little, but clean. Wasting tens of cubic meters of water per month (probably we are just spoiled spenders). One could, of course, wash in brown stinking mire, but that's a small child bathe in the liquid as a bit scary. Although we have not tried, can not so scary?
- Cold faucet often starts to go hot water. Typically, overnight. Special positive emotions arise when it occurs during bathing: wash your head, or there, even what a vital part of the body, and then Herak - kipyatochek! The pressure of cold water on a hot order of magnitude lower (12th floor, do not forget - working suspension). Moreover, after midnight / morning from the cold tap is hot water in a thin stream, until seven o'clock in the morning (although often the water ceases to go).
- In the cold season radiators are included late work badly (though radiators are good). You have to include the heaters, for living in an apartment 2-year-old child and a disabled senior citizen group 1. Accordingly, enormously increasing electricity charges (but this is what we need powerful people as well? They are then at least their family in Bali Boys oh boys just dumped. At least someone will be glad)
- Water (any) sometimes turns off without warning. Day two. And then the three. Or five. Or, for seven days. Accumulated dirty laundry, and you at this time machine washable? And you have it because of the long stop and lack of water can break? No problem, buy a new one! And anyway, what are you slut, right. Wash hands, in the pre-scored in the basin water. And it is then possible and to wash, brush your teeth with the whole family, and in the toilet wash. And best to wash just like before: once a week, on Saturdays! That's the savings. And shit on the street under a bush. And it took fashion to monitor hygiene.
- Cockroaches at night and the people imagine themselves playing different social game: gather in the center of the bathroom (sometimes in the closet), and as soon as it is activated the light begin to scatter in all directions, which greatly resemble the unauthorized opposition rally crackdown by the authorities. And the power in my face is not so hot, because at least one nail is not always possible - nimble, you bastards. Baiting than cockroaches whatsoever - exercise useless and ungrateful (who tried it - knows). Even those etched in the apartment, then come those in the attic / basement / neighbors. And away we go over again.
There used to be more of the mouse. In the sense that they sometimes (perhaps on a bet) alone ran from one end of the room, or the kitchen or hallway. Right now, you see, serlivoe generation mice increased and they are now just under the floor where a swarm. Now attention, dear scholars, the question: Where on the 12th floor MOUSE bleat ???
In the general area on the floor (in front of the apartment) radiators do not work for more than 15 years (although payment "for the content of houses" regularly included in the bill for utility services.
House territory no less happy: in front of the entrance 2-meter (diameter) deep pit somewhere 20 centimeters, more than 15 years regularly filled with rain water. Asphalt vzdyblen and pokorёzhen. Although what I mean? Normal state of Russian roads, in the end. Federal highways in the obstacle course like, but I've been crying about the local area. Remove item from the agenda. Crabs in the galleys could not outline this paragraph (a parody of himself at the machine with the root "cal" in the title, we would find it difficult to park).
It was, so to speak, the preamble. Preamble simpler and more prosaic.
I wrote a little letter on e-site of the President and to the site of his administration, outlining a brief (no more than 2000 characters), their complaints and lamentations (well, I do nefig just) on the above subject.
Ironically, the electronic response is not long in coming. The friendly robot automatically (as taught) unsubscribed my cry not go unanswered, because my letter forwarded to the authorities "on the ground", that is to say to the Administration of the Rostov region with the requirement to "report on the implementation."
Well, fucking, I think. SchA you I have all naplachetes, bloodsuckers, because Eye of Czar stands out day and night.
Two months passed.
It comes to me the letter from the Administration of the Rostov region with cheerful reports that my wishes submitted to the district administration at the location of the "problem", so to speak. With the requirement to "report and report back." Hmm. Well, everything seems logical. Hierarchical structure can be traced. My hopes are growing stronger, as a member in the form of high-quality porn.
It took another two weeks. In the end, we came to our home as much as two representatives of the Management Company (aka santehniki), who very politely and carefully examined our bathrooms for confirmation of our testimony. Unfortunately, the evidence confirmed: from the cold tap properly poured hot water; from the hot tap is not raining at all; heated towel rail was abundantly covered with condensation and cold as the heart of Chubais. From toilet priyatstvenno drawn carefully digested food, abundantly washed off an hour before the bucket of boiling water, drawn from the cold tap.
Reassure and comfort us more than the deputies before elections, plumbing retired to save our little world.
Towel earned the next day, as soon as the water in the taps is messed up and went cold from the cold and from the hot, surprisingly hot (although the difference in pressure and weak pressure remained). "Hurrah!" - Cheered us, and especially me, as an initiator, inspirer and performer of all this tub.
A week later the water turned off. Somewhere below us someone rushed risers, and the salvation of the whole house, it was decided to turn off the water around the wing from the 1st to 12th floors. We had to urgently repair the pipe. Money to repair pipes Criminal collected from all residents, through whose apartment they (tube) passed. 6, 5 "haymakers" to the apartment. Residents objected violently and extremely obscenely. But, as in the bathroom to bathe and wash in the toilet of a human like all the money still passed. And you would not pass?
Forgot to say, in the summer we are two (!!!) months were without water because on the lower floors of leaking pipes and repair them required 5 thousand rubles (each apartment). While they gathered - it was on the spot.
All event took the time period from September to November. That is, if in particular. But in general this mess lasts as long as I can remember in this apartment in this house, which became my mother.
Now December. The last four days again no water (for some reason the cold, although it is usually turned off the hot).
Last night beat several very large and brazen cockroaches (kill killed, but their health is not something ©).
At night, I woke up that some cheeky mouse is almost gnawed through a tunnel somewhere under the doors in the hall, for the rustle stood all too shameless.
Perhaps many who read my post say that I'm snickering that someone worse than us that in Somalia in general children are starving, that "do not like - I have a house / flat / country" that "dude, fublya bore you, earn, and will those Happiness ", etc. etc. I will not argue. In some ways you're right, what do not. But fuckt fucktom remains: people and their problems all the shit with a high steeple.
To sum up, I hope that all concerned a lower court in strict hierarchical order reported vertically upward of accurate, timely and, most importantly, the effectiveness of solving the problem of taxpayer and a citizen of the Russian Federation, for which they, of course, thank you very much and I'm sorry, as they say, that It took time.
P.S. The average monthly rent from our happy family is:
- In the summer - 6-7 thousand / month;
- In the winter - up to 10 thousand / month (see. Screen)
P.P.S. And there is still waiting for the compulsory installation of meters for hot and cold water in January 2011. At the expense of tenants, of course. Otherwise, pay for water at the double tariff. Although, given how we have a supply of water, less probably will pay twice as much without meters than countless grandmother for nothing spilled cubic meters of dirty water.
P.P.P.S. Again, eh, the President write? ..
