Unclaimed Baggage
Unclaimed Baggage Center (UBC) - a retail store in Scottsboro, Alabama. The store, which opened about 40 years ago, buying up unclaimed luggage and resells it. The shop receives more than 7,000 new / used items on a daily basis, who are in their respective departments. Airlines do everything that any lost luggage finally found its owner, but the luggage was in this store does not have any labels, inscriptions or any other identifying marks of the owner. Luggage goes into this facility only after 3-4 months after the date of travel.
21 Photo © Chris Maluszynski / MOMENT for msnbc.com
1. A sign Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro, Alabama.
2. Lucas and Stewart Devries arrived in Scottsboro, to shoot video for a church group, but could not not go to the store to look for new running shoes.
3. Every day on store shelves UBC added 7,000 goods, and every year more than one million visits a store buyers.
5. "I practically grew up in this store - says event organizer Lindsay Miles, who drove three o'clock from Atlanta to choose a wedding dress for one of her clients. - Someone working here since the beginning, changing only the price. " The photo Lindsey checks by phone site eBay, to find out the cost of the bag, which she found in the store. Once she bought shoes from here «Chanel» for $ 30 and then sell them online for 400.
6. The future bride can find a dress in the store, like this dress by St. Tropez, just 140 dollars.
7. Or high heels from Jimmy Choo for $ 100.
8. It is a gold ring in 18 carat diamond (15 000 dollars) comes in a set with a gold pendant with a diamond (12 500) on a gold chain in 14 carat (528 dollars).
9. A 66-year-old Pat West and 68-year-old Bonnie Sibern looking for a mobile phone.
10. Store receives over 7,000 new / used items on a daily basis, who are in their respective departments.
11. "We come here every day. The Scottsboro nothing much to do, so if we do not at McDonalds, we come here, "- says senior Colin Lott, trying green jacket
12. The Director of the Marketing Department store UBC Brenda Cantrell demonstrates one of the most unusual products - stuffed Canadian goose.
13. No, this goose is not for sale.
14. Linda McKee from Huntsville, Alabama, comes at UBC once a month. This time she found a charger for the phone 2, 06 dollars, which is in stores costs 30 dollars. McKee also bought the jacket and pants.
15. The customer browses the collection of winter clothes. The store was founded in 1970 by Doyle and Sue Owens as a source of additional income, but soon the store has become their main source of income
16. Too often in airplanes leave iPods. The prices depend on models.
17. Panties with American flag patriot will cost just 99 cents.
18. The store sells not only clothes, electronics, books, and sporting goods. This t-shirt autographed Meddzhika Johnson is 225, 99 dollars.
19. However, the store has items that can not be bought in stores, for example, that the cap of the New York guide ...
20. ... the dagger handmade ...
21 ... and these huge elk antlers. Unclaimed Baggage Store is located in Scottsboro, Alabama. It is open from Monday to Friday from 9 to 18:00, and on Saturday from 8 to 18:00. Sunday is a day off.
21 Photo © Chris Maluszynski / MOMENT for msnbc.com

1. A sign Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro, Alabama.

2. Lucas and Stewart Devries arrived in Scottsboro, to shoot video for a church group, but could not not go to the store to look for new running shoes.

3. Every day on store shelves UBC added 7,000 goods, and every year more than one million visits a store buyers.


5. "I practically grew up in this store - says event organizer Lindsay Miles, who drove three o'clock from Atlanta to choose a wedding dress for one of her clients. - Someone working here since the beginning, changing only the price. " The photo Lindsey checks by phone site eBay, to find out the cost of the bag, which she found in the store. Once she bought shoes from here «Chanel» for $ 30 and then sell them online for 400.

6. The future bride can find a dress in the store, like this dress by St. Tropez, just 140 dollars.

7. Or high heels from Jimmy Choo for $ 100.

8. It is a gold ring in 18 carat diamond (15 000 dollars) comes in a set with a gold pendant with a diamond (12 500) on a gold chain in 14 carat (528 dollars).

9. A 66-year-old Pat West and 68-year-old Bonnie Sibern looking for a mobile phone.

10. Store receives over 7,000 new / used items on a daily basis, who are in their respective departments.

11. "We come here every day. The Scottsboro nothing much to do, so if we do not at McDonalds, we come here, "- says senior Colin Lott, trying green jacket

12. The Director of the Marketing Department store UBC Brenda Cantrell demonstrates one of the most unusual products - stuffed Canadian goose.

13. No, this goose is not for sale.

14. Linda McKee from Huntsville, Alabama, comes at UBC once a month. This time she found a charger for the phone 2, 06 dollars, which is in stores costs 30 dollars. McKee also bought the jacket and pants.

15. The customer browses the collection of winter clothes. The store was founded in 1970 by Doyle and Sue Owens as a source of additional income, but soon the store has become their main source of income

16. Too often in airplanes leave iPods. The prices depend on models.

17. Panties with American flag patriot will cost just 99 cents.

18. The store sells not only clothes, electronics, books, and sporting goods. This t-shirt autographed Meddzhika Johnson is 225, 99 dollars.

19. However, the store has items that can not be bought in stores, for example, that the cap of the New York guide ...

20. ... the dagger handmade ...

21 ... and these huge elk antlers. Unclaimed Baggage Store is located in Scottsboro, Alabama. It is open from Monday to Friday from 9 to 18:00, and on Saturday from 8 to 18:00. Sunday is a day off.
