Bloggers atheist reminded Putin and Sobyanin Satversme
via teh_nomad
The original gift for participants of Fund officials prepared a "Sanity". Despite numerous obstacles, we were able to place on the streets of Moscow, posters with quotations from the 14th article of the Constitution: "Russia - a secular state", "Religious associations are separated from the state and equal before the law." A billboard posted at the White House, close to the government building in Moscow (famous building-book), so now the officials have a handy cheat sheet: the next time an invitation to put the interests of a single religious organization above the interests of citizens, the correct solution will be directly under the windows .
Make it was not easy. We are faced with the fact that in Russia there is allegedly no - religious censorship. The vast majority of advertising agencies of the city refuses to place our posters. In this connection I would like to express special gratitude to the agency Gallery, which experts found no sedition in the Constitution.

The original gift for participants of Fund officials prepared a "Sanity". Despite numerous obstacles, we were able to place on the streets of Moscow, posters with quotations from the 14th article of the Constitution: "Russia - a secular state", "Religious associations are separated from the state and equal before the law." A billboard posted at the White House, close to the government building in Moscow (famous building-book), so now the officials have a handy cheat sheet: the next time an invitation to put the interests of a single religious organization above the interests of citizens, the correct solution will be directly under the windows .

Make it was not easy. We are faced with the fact that in Russia there is allegedly no - religious censorship. The vast majority of advertising agencies of the city refuses to place our posters. In this connection I would like to express special gratitude to the agency Gallery, which experts found no sedition in the Constitution.
