Silent PC
Recently, Yap was a topic about how PC noise prevented went into another room.
I decided to tell you about their experience build a computer for the night draining torrents vkusnyashek.
Do not fan immediately intrigue that I brought the car out of the garbage.
It was like - I decided to get out of the closet with the old iron, throwing trash realized that there is almost a whole system lies in the different corners.
It will be eight different ph, pliz it does not break.
What was found: Power Supply 400W (one was going to throw, and I washed, and left), a few hardy 2, 4, 8 and 32 gig, aspiring mother seleronchikom (left after the repair companies girlfriend), memory strip 256 metrov.Vsyakih wires, of course, dofiga old vidyuhi ATI Rage Pro, and the like generally almost ready computer.
In the evening went to a friend deryabnut pifka, and he just put together a new computer and gave the old zhelezo.Vkusnyatina course uzho razoshlas.Zato stayed Zalman 100500tysyach model and a couple of bars opery.Posle little persuasion it is migrated successfully to me, could sobirat.No in what? The option was nadybat old korpusok at work, but drag was lazy, and the system would weigh a lot ... Poking around on the balcony I naryl old box of sapog.Korobka be a good, dense, waterproof, moderately bolshaya.Mozhno collect.
(PHOTO - Donor cooler and memory)
(PHOTO - First tests)
But the calculation of the assembly was that the computer will either Ultra Quiet or silent, otherwise no sense.
Disassembled unit pitaniya.Pri hot melt glue to the standard radiator prisuropil boxed cooler from hemp chetvёrtogo.Nemnogo pogemoroilsya and attached the same Zalman.V during the test revealed that the bridge's mother also heated robust design, naryl old radiator not-remember-what-on and glued the standard on the mother, everything is OK.
Carved in the box and cover all the holes beneath bulging, attached a rope handle for comfortable bokam.Postavil this matter to the cabinet, connected all the necessary extensions (extensions, too, God knows where) and gotovo.Zvukov zero, full of joy pants.
(PHOTO - The first option)
(Photo - Top view)
Do you think it? - But no!
Podbesila mother and vidyuhi - old slag! I found on the forum a guy who was selling a good mother and a good vstroenkoy (500 rubles per sort of) in the closet .Zamenil.Nashёl old micro wifi kontroller.Nastroil udalёnku, pee joy.
Do you think it?
It works great deal to upgrade a basic mashinu.Staroe god.Reshil iron scrap was prodavat.Moy computer and so was fairly quiet, though hot, but it was necessary to make silent.
The new piece of iron was more powerful than the previous one, the corresponding burden on the PSU had to tie him to the micro ventel, hung it on the controller and put it in Minimal oboroty.Perekinul Harden with the third of his car on this, in the end, instead of two WD Black Edition grunting like a real wild boars - two WD Green Edition talking in whispers, I breathe louder.
(PHOTO - second donor)
Perc put colder on the other machine instead of the E2140 E4300.Ogromny radiator by Ice Hummer.Mat - passionate nature, in one of her bridge copper hedgehog on Ice Hummer, in another mini-tower from him zhe.No mother is so hot that she this is not enough .Prishlos mini-tower supply standard ventel and remove turns to zero at the same time he is a monster from protsovogo heat cleaned - profit.
After tests revealed that Hardy puff pie heated nehilo.Postavil on rails made of cardboard, cut the ducts, he chose the quietest vosmidesyatki, prislyunyavil contrary, zero turnovers.
Dorezal box sobral.Namertvo all screwed and glued, held a test paduchest.VSЁ.
As such, I have it now stoit.Shum ventel at Hardy, on the night of his cabinet absolutely slyshno.Kayf.
(PHOTO - final version)
(PHOTO - unencrypted)
Oh yeah, forgot about vidyuhi napisat.Obychno shove it in that same ATI Rage Pro, but my new computer and one of three vidyahi perekochёvyvaet in perfectly quiet, out of need, it is also the benefit of the regulator (wanted to make it silent, I do not get a reptile nothing in the slot)
Thank you for vnimanie.Daёsh longer geeks on Yap!
(PHOTO - My car, from which roams lower vidyuhi)
I decided to tell you about their experience build a computer for the night draining torrents vkusnyashek.
Do not fan immediately intrigue that I brought the car out of the garbage.
It was like - I decided to get out of the closet with the old iron, throwing trash realized that there is almost a whole system lies in the different corners.
It will be eight different ph, pliz it does not break.

What was found: Power Supply 400W (one was going to throw, and I washed, and left), a few hardy 2, 4, 8 and 32 gig, aspiring mother seleronchikom (left after the repair companies girlfriend), memory strip 256 metrov.Vsyakih wires, of course, dofiga old vidyuhi ATI Rage Pro, and the like generally almost ready computer.
In the evening went to a friend deryabnut pifka, and he just put together a new computer and gave the old zhelezo.Vkusnyatina course uzho razoshlas.Zato stayed Zalman 100500tysyach model and a couple of bars opery.Posle little persuasion it is migrated successfully to me, could sobirat.No in what? The option was nadybat old korpusok at work, but drag was lazy, and the system would weigh a lot ... Poking around on the balcony I naryl old box of sapog.Korobka be a good, dense, waterproof, moderately bolshaya.Mozhno collect.
(PHOTO - Donor cooler and memory)

(PHOTO - First tests)

But the calculation of the assembly was that the computer will either Ultra Quiet or silent, otherwise no sense.
Disassembled unit pitaniya.Pri hot melt glue to the standard radiator prisuropil boxed cooler from hemp chetvёrtogo.Nemnogo pogemoroilsya and attached the same Zalman.V during the test revealed that the bridge's mother also heated robust design, naryl old radiator not-remember-what-on and glued the standard on the mother, everything is OK.
Carved in the box and cover all the holes beneath bulging, attached a rope handle for comfortable bokam.Postavil this matter to the cabinet, connected all the necessary extensions (extensions, too, God knows where) and gotovo.Zvukov zero, full of joy pants.
(PHOTO - The first option)

(Photo - Top view)

Do you think it? - But no!
Podbesila mother and vidyuhi - old slag! I found on the forum a guy who was selling a good mother and a good vstroenkoy (500 rubles per sort of) in the closet .Zamenil.Nashёl old micro wifi kontroller.Nastroil udalёnku, pee joy.
Do you think it?
It works great deal to upgrade a basic mashinu.Staroe god.Reshil iron scrap was prodavat.Moy computer and so was fairly quiet, though hot, but it was necessary to make silent.
The new piece of iron was more powerful than the previous one, the corresponding burden on the PSU had to tie him to the micro ventel, hung it on the controller and put it in Minimal oboroty.Perekinul Harden with the third of his car on this, in the end, instead of two WD Black Edition grunting like a real wild boars - two WD Green Edition talking in whispers, I breathe louder.
(PHOTO - second donor)

Perc put colder on the other machine instead of the E2140 E4300.Ogromny radiator by Ice Hummer.Mat - passionate nature, in one of her bridge copper hedgehog on Ice Hummer, in another mini-tower from him zhe.No mother is so hot that she this is not enough .Prishlos mini-tower supply standard ventel and remove turns to zero at the same time he is a monster from protsovogo heat cleaned - profit.
After tests revealed that Hardy puff pie heated nehilo.Postavil on rails made of cardboard, cut the ducts, he chose the quietest vosmidesyatki, prislyunyavil contrary, zero turnovers.
Dorezal box sobral.Namertvo all screwed and glued, held a test paduchest.VSЁ.
As such, I have it now stoit.Shum ventel at Hardy, on the night of his cabinet absolutely slyshno.Kayf.
(PHOTO - final version)

(PHOTO - unencrypted)

Oh yeah, forgot about vidyuhi napisat.Obychno shove it in that same ATI Rage Pro, but my new computer and one of three vidyahi perekochёvyvaet in perfectly quiet, out of need, it is also the benefit of the regulator (wanted to make it silent, I do not get a reptile nothing in the slot)
Thank you for vnimanie.Daёsh longer geeks on Yap!
(PHOTO - My car, from which roams lower vidyuhi)
