April 1
As I wrote that spit a nice holiday on March 8th, oh shit, and then in the comments vysrano was a sign of disapproval.
And I'm not talking specifically about the eighth number, and any date in particular. They are for me does not matter, it did not interest me as interesting to live not on a schedule. I have my choice, its important things, its memory and its attitude towards them.
Several times a year, boring biomass gives flowers to women, do not get drunk after work, calling their mothers and grandmothers, every other day about why you do not remember. The same substance accurately in May loves his homeland, on the other days do not continue to give priority to pedestrians and garbage litter their cities. There is even a strange days of freedom, constitutional unity. Do you know anything about these things, read the constitution of the country? I now do not remember.
There are days for everything, such as penta remember that they serve and protect the people of exactly one day under Gazmanov songs, other times behave like bandits with flashing lights, take away the children candy)
But today we have a day of provocative jokes, jokes, humor. Yes?
Ie today it is necessary to thrash wildly, teasing, jokes, play, surprise, bring to the horror? Each woman is obliged podebat her boyfriend on the topic of pregnancy. Classical, yes?
Such an indulgence to the most obtuse and hard jokes, for which a normal day, you can snatch a ebach stupid (I'm not about women).
And yesterday we were doing, and the day before yesterday, and the rest of the time? Probably not, but today should, of course, have something zabatsat such things, that would be all around crap!
Go fuck you horned creature with its KVN yumorkom and his stupid jokes. Comedy Club fuck you crying for, Olenin aduvnye. Jam.
Ha ha ha, a joke!
A very good day funny, really, let's laugh and rejoice, Nuka, podkoly me in the comments, as well?
And I'm not talking specifically about the eighth number, and any date in particular. They are for me does not matter, it did not interest me as interesting to live not on a schedule. I have my choice, its important things, its memory and its attitude towards them.
Several times a year, boring biomass gives flowers to women, do not get drunk after work, calling their mothers and grandmothers, every other day about why you do not remember. The same substance accurately in May loves his homeland, on the other days do not continue to give priority to pedestrians and garbage litter their cities. There is even a strange days of freedom, constitutional unity. Do you know anything about these things, read the constitution of the country? I now do not remember.
There are days for everything, such as penta remember that they serve and protect the people of exactly one day under Gazmanov songs, other times behave like bandits with flashing lights, take away the children candy)
But today we have a day of provocative jokes, jokes, humor. Yes?
Ie today it is necessary to thrash wildly, teasing, jokes, play, surprise, bring to the horror? Each woman is obliged podebat her boyfriend on the topic of pregnancy. Classical, yes?
Such an indulgence to the most obtuse and hard jokes, for which a normal day, you can snatch a ebach stupid (I'm not about women).
And yesterday we were doing, and the day before yesterday, and the rest of the time? Probably not, but today should, of course, have something zabatsat such things, that would be all around crap!
Go fuck you horned creature with its KVN yumorkom and his stupid jokes. Comedy Club fuck you crying for, Olenin aduvnye. Jam.
Ha ha ha, a joke!
A very good day funny, really, let's laugh and rejoice, Nuka, podkoly me in the comments, as well?
