The exercises of the Northern Fleet
Writes blogger twower: During a press tour to the Kola Peninsula for the first time I had visited the Northern Fleet and enter the battleship at sea. The solution was not to ride the visiting journalists were worked out joint maneuvers surface ships, interaction with aviation fleet, the submarine search and conduct artillery firing.
66 photos
1. On the morning of the 28th we arrived at the dock in the port of Severomorsk №3, where we waited for a large anti-submarine ship pr.1155 "Vice-Admiral Kulakov". Approaching the jetty, he took a picture of the other ships pr.1164 missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov»
2. A large anti-submarine ship pr.1155 "Severomorsk»
3. Gyuis "Severomorsk»
5. The four-pipe 533 mm torpedo tube PTA-53-1155 on the "Kulakov»
6. The six-barreled 30 mm anti-aircraft-gun mount AK-630
7. While climbs a ladder
9. He made a couple of photos "Severomorsk»
11. taken away from the pier
13. Raid lift pr.498 RB-265
14. BOD "Severomorsk»
15. The missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov". In the background pr.1155 BOD "Admiral Levchenko" and heavy nuclear missile cruiser pr.11442 "Peter the Great»
16. Go Kola Bay
The exercises consisted of five episodes:
1. Provision of the craft from the base of the trawlers, which produce sweeping fairway.
2. Search for the submarine, which ships waiting at the exit of the Gulf.
3. Reflection torpedo attack submarine and its destruction by means of anti-submarine warfare.
4. Maintain an artillery battle with the conventional surface ships with the performance of firing the main fire.
5. The reflection of air attacks by the anti-aircraft artillery and universal. The ships maneuver and put the active interference.
20. Basic pr.1265 coastal minesweeper minesweepers-111, "Kotel'nich" and "Polar" go to the BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" and trawl fairway
21. coastal minesweeper "Kotel'nich»
22. For the "Kulakov" were small antisubmarine ships pr.1124M IPC "Young" and the IPC "Monchegorsk".
23. IPC "Jung»
24. The Ka-27 antisubmarine outposts near produce ships and submarine search using the lowering sonar HCV-3 "Ros-In»
26. Pilots great respect because they had to work during gusty wind and snow. Leading couples - pilot Colonel Kudrets first class AV, driven - the pilot of the second class, Major A. Wroblewski
One of the helicopter was to coordinate the activities on board, "Kulakov" managed to have a little talk with him. In his words:
- Navy needs updating helicopter fleet, the old machines.
- Pilots swoop low, 30-40 hours per year. Trite not enough machines (plenty of fuel), so that all could fly.
There was an invisible submarine hunt down our BOD and fired a torpedo practice. In the role of the silent hunter made diesel submarine pr.877 (TN. "Warszawianka") "Yaroslavl".
27. In order to establish the precise location of a submarine in the area of its search arrived anti-IL-38.
28. All submarine discovered and opened fire on her jet setting bombometnye RBU-6000 "Cyclone-2" BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" and the IPC "Young" and "Monchegorsk". The photo RBU-6000 "Kulakov»
30. After the destruction of the submarine, troop ships engage the conventional surface ships carrying guns firing of the main fire. IL-38 exhibited surface targets, which opened fire and artillery systems AK-100 BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" and AK-176 IPC "Young" and "Monchegorsk". In the photo the AK-100 "Kulakov," far seen accompanying the IPC
31. After firing ships turned, heading to the Kola Bay. According to the plan exercise at this time they were to attack a couple of deck fighters Su-33, but we got back in the thick snow and the aircraft charge is simply not seen. Nevertheless, reflecting the attack, "fist" opened fire with AK-100 complex and 30 mm six-barrel anti-aircraft gun mount AK-630. There was a little confusion and the moment of shooting, I did not take off. AK-630
32. To reflect impacts guided weapons ships completed staging false leading away goals complexes clutter near the turn from launchers CT-216. This trigger in the form of unfilled
33. Received a team charged. Naturally gear was before the beginning of the active phase of the exercises, but I will show the whole process over time.
34. equip installation
35. Done!
36. At the same time, scientists completed the order and ships headed for the base. While returning took a few photos on the bridge
40. The radar system and automated radar plotting
41. At the same time the ship's course notes and a navigator on a paper map. Those wishing to make fun of using paper maps to go here.
42. binocular periscope sight CAP-451M. Used to monitor the surroundings in the upper hemisphere at any time of the day, determine its azimuth, elevation and bearing on the benchmarks.
43. Mooring to return
44. While waiting for the fleet commander photographed view of the base
46. Several photos forecastle. Lower shelf replacement, in case of transport by ship additional personnel (for example, the same Marines in the Indian Ocean)
47. Under the bottom bunk lifejackets and, as I have explained, there must be personal belongings of sailors
48. The only cabinet (Fender) for contract
50. Legal education side by side with space for ironing
51. TV buckled, but not in order to prevent possible theft, and to keep it from falling in the roll
53. Under the Officer's Cabin carpet folding bed of the second tier
56. Operating in the infirmary
57. Hours at the entrance to the wardroom
58. Unfortunately, I could not take pictures in the dining room during meals because the descent from the deck fogged optics and so on until the end of the afternoon and did not come into operation. SEEN appreciate food as a standard army, anyway guys complained only the lack of fruit. Finally, before leaving, I made sure that I was shown a new seasonal food rations.
60. At the end of your stay on the ship took a few photos of BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" with the bow deck
61. Launcher 121 Mill-ship complex setting decoys PC 2M
66 photos
1. On the morning of the 28th we arrived at the dock in the port of Severomorsk №3, where we waited for a large anti-submarine ship pr.1155 "Vice-Admiral Kulakov". Approaching the jetty, he took a picture of the other ships pr.1164 missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov»

2. A large anti-submarine ship pr.1155 "Severomorsk»

3. Gyuis "Severomorsk»


5. The four-pipe 533 mm torpedo tube PTA-53-1155 on the "Kulakov»

6. The six-barreled 30 mm anti-aircraft-gun mount AK-630

7. While climbs a ladder


9. He made a couple of photos "Severomorsk»


11. taken away from the pier


13. Raid lift pr.498 RB-265

14. BOD "Severomorsk»

15. The missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov". In the background pr.1155 BOD "Admiral Levchenko" and heavy nuclear missile cruiser pr.11442 "Peter the Great»

16. Go Kola Bay



The exercises consisted of five episodes:
1. Provision of the craft from the base of the trawlers, which produce sweeping fairway.
2. Search for the submarine, which ships waiting at the exit of the Gulf.
3. Reflection torpedo attack submarine and its destruction by means of anti-submarine warfare.
4. Maintain an artillery battle with the conventional surface ships with the performance of firing the main fire.
5. The reflection of air attacks by the anti-aircraft artillery and universal. The ships maneuver and put the active interference.

20. Basic pr.1265 coastal minesweeper minesweepers-111, "Kotel'nich" and "Polar" go to the BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" and trawl fairway

21. coastal minesweeper "Kotel'nich»

22. For the "Kulakov" were small antisubmarine ships pr.1124M IPC "Young" and the IPC "Monchegorsk".

23. IPC "Jung»

24. The Ka-27 antisubmarine outposts near produce ships and submarine search using the lowering sonar HCV-3 "Ros-In»


26. Pilots great respect because they had to work during gusty wind and snow. Leading couples - pilot Colonel Kudrets first class AV, driven - the pilot of the second class, Major A. Wroblewski
One of the helicopter was to coordinate the activities on board, "Kulakov" managed to have a little talk with him. In his words:
- Navy needs updating helicopter fleet, the old machines.
- Pilots swoop low, 30-40 hours per year. Trite not enough machines (plenty of fuel), so that all could fly.
There was an invisible submarine hunt down our BOD and fired a torpedo practice. In the role of the silent hunter made diesel submarine pr.877 (TN. "Warszawianka") "Yaroslavl".

27. In order to establish the precise location of a submarine in the area of its search arrived anti-IL-38.

28. All submarine discovered and opened fire on her jet setting bombometnye RBU-6000 "Cyclone-2" BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" and the IPC "Young" and "Monchegorsk". The photo RBU-6000 "Kulakov»


30. After the destruction of the submarine, troop ships engage the conventional surface ships carrying guns firing of the main fire. IL-38 exhibited surface targets, which opened fire and artillery systems AK-100 BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" and AK-176 IPC "Young" and "Monchegorsk". In the photo the AK-100 "Kulakov," far seen accompanying the IPC

31. After firing ships turned, heading to the Kola Bay. According to the plan exercise at this time they were to attack a couple of deck fighters Su-33, but we got back in the thick snow and the aircraft charge is simply not seen. Nevertheless, reflecting the attack, "fist" opened fire with AK-100 complex and 30 mm six-barrel anti-aircraft gun mount AK-630. There was a little confusion and the moment of shooting, I did not take off. AK-630

32. To reflect impacts guided weapons ships completed staging false leading away goals complexes clutter near the turn from launchers CT-216. This trigger in the form of unfilled

33. Received a team charged. Naturally gear was before the beginning of the active phase of the exercises, but I will show the whole process over time.

34. equip installation

35. Done!

36. At the same time, scientists completed the order and ships headed for the base. While returning took a few photos on the bridge




40. The radar system and automated radar plotting

41. At the same time the ship's course notes and a navigator on a paper map. Those wishing to make fun of using paper maps to go here.

42. binocular periscope sight CAP-451M. Used to monitor the surroundings in the upper hemisphere at any time of the day, determine its azimuth, elevation and bearing on the benchmarks.

43. Mooring to return

44. While waiting for the fleet commander photographed view of the base


46. Several photos forecastle. Lower shelf replacement, in case of transport by ship additional personnel (for example, the same Marines in the Indian Ocean)

47. Under the bottom bunk lifejackets and, as I have explained, there must be personal belongings of sailors

48. The only cabinet (Fender) for contract


50. Legal education side by side with space for ironing

51. TV buckled, but not in order to prevent possible theft, and to keep it from falling in the roll


53. Under the Officer's Cabin carpet folding bed of the second tier



56. Operating in the infirmary

57. Hours at the entrance to the wardroom

58. Unfortunately, I could not take pictures in the dining room during meals because the descent from the deck fogged optics and so on until the end of the afternoon and did not come into operation. SEEN appreciate food as a standard army, anyway guys complained only the lack of fruit. Finally, before leaving, I made sure that I was shown a new seasonal food rations.


60. At the end of your stay on the ship took a few photos of BOD "Vice-Admiral Kulakov" with the bow deck

61. Launcher 121 Mill-ship complex setting decoys PC 2M





