Franz Josef Land
Will be 45 photos and some letters.
UPD: a continuation of a third page comments!
Franz Josef Land - one of the most northern territories of Russia and the world - consists of 191 islands. We were dropped off by helicopter to Cape Flora, located in the south of the archipelago. Cape Coast is free of ice and stayed here many polar expeditions.
From polar bears we guarded the 3 submachine 9-mm armor-piercing bullets, but the trouble is not crept out.
At take-off the helicopter one million birds living in the poultry market on top of the plateau, got into our helicopter blade and the beginning of sausage. If not for the professionalism of the pilots, you have not read these lines ...
The existence of land to the east of Spitsbergen, yet Lomonosov predicted, but it was only opened in 1873, and then only by accident. The Austro-Hungarian schooner tried to find the Northeast Passage along the coast of Russia, but it was icebound. Gradually it has issued to the shores of an unknown land, which they named after the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph:
Our icebreaker embarked on a raid near the shore and a helicopter with a team of organizers and security guards, took off in the direction of Cape Flora:
At the foot of 300-meter-high plateau, lick clouds, stops most polar expedition:
The helicopter made a couple of laps to make sure that the bears are not chosen by myself is a place for walking, and landed the first group:
At the top of the plateau, in the cliffs, helicopter disturbed rookery, but then nothing happened:
On the ground began to carry passengers, 20 people at a time:
After landing on the beach, all passed the mandatory briefing. The organizers showed the boundaries of the protected area. After that, the helicopter flew for the next group. Over 12 walker on the ground moved everyone:
I do not know how here in the winter, but in summer there pretty awesome:
Much recalls wintering polar expeditions on this patch of land:
The first wintered here Britons, whose ship was crushed by ice. From the debris and stones, they built the first cabin on the island, and the next spring for 4 boats made it to the New Earth.
Another British polar explorer Frederick Jackson founded a stationary base, and later it came out 2 Norwegian Nansen and Johansen. Nansen led the famous Norwegian polar expedition when the ship Fram deliberately vmorozili in ice and hoping for 5 years drifted over the North Pole.
At Cape Flora wintered Scots, Americans, Italians, and many others:
"Here, August 9, 1901 during a test campaign of the world's first icebreaker" Ermak "under the command of Admiral SO Makarova was raised by the Russian flag "
"It met Fridtjof Nansen and Frederick Jackson 17.06.1896g. after drifting "Fram" in the Arctic Ocean (1893-1896gg.) and wintering Nansen with Hjalmar Yuhansenom on the island of Jackson »
On the one hand, we are protected by sea, and the other three have guarded security officers:
They are armed with machine guns and stun grenades. When one bears in it, of course, does not shoot. First the number of shots in the air, and then start to shoot on the rocks next to the bear. Shards fall into the bear and it usually runs.
More bears are afraid of metal banging and loud noises. Just as on the brown bear, in any case, can not run away from them - will catch up and eat:
Posted in [mergetime] 1310565111 [/ mergetime]
Dwight minute have to shrink some photos (please do not break the collection)
The whole island is covered with multi-colored moss:
The snow has melted almost everywhere, and moss underfoot great champs. Well, that all of us were given rubber boots:
At the top of these mountains explorers found a cave with deposits of coal, so the lack of fuel was not here:
Unfortunately, human waste poisoning, and this virgin region:
All roamed the coast and waiting for their turn to fly to the ship:
Safety on each of us had a lifejacket:
Each helicopter arrival disturbed the birds at the top of the plateau. They were removed from their seats and clouds circling in the sky:
Basically, it was murres - birds like flying penguins:
I flew to the island on one of the last flights:
Somewhere a minute after takeoff, the helicopter began to shake with a great amplitude, and the sound of propellers with monotone changed to pulsing. Mark grabbed the bench or his fingers neighbors, the helicopter fell down, but the pilot was caught in time.
Pilots managed to stabilize the car, dial small height and return to the airfield. All sigh of relief when we found ourselves on solid ground.
A quick inspection showed that we are faced with a bird, judging by the remains - Kairi:
Here's what a normal blade. If the bird is not got to wingtip, and the blade itself, everything would be over a much sadder:
The pilots refused to overtake the helicopter with people on the ship, so all walked to the bay, where it was possible to go down to the water:
Soon we came dinghy:
The boys were afraid of the pitfalls and carefully Gaugeable depth. Despite this, it is still great to beat the board:
Together with the rescue boat arrived and the organizers of the Zodiac:
We have been "saved»:
The pilots returned to the ship after all passengers were on board:
The captain of the icebreaker [info] Dmitry Lobusov showed miracle of navigation and icebreaker led to the minimum distance to the beach. Helicopter almost could only fly and immediately board the ship:
The heroes who risked their lives: (all)
UPD: a continuation of a third page comments!

Franz Josef Land - one of the most northern territories of Russia and the world - consists of 191 islands. We were dropped off by helicopter to Cape Flora, located in the south of the archipelago. Cape Coast is free of ice and stayed here many polar expeditions.
From polar bears we guarded the 3 submachine 9-mm armor-piercing bullets, but the trouble is not crept out.
At take-off the helicopter one million birds living in the poultry market on top of the plateau, got into our helicopter blade and the beginning of sausage. If not for the professionalism of the pilots, you have not read these lines ...

The existence of land to the east of Spitsbergen, yet Lomonosov predicted, but it was only opened in 1873, and then only by accident. The Austro-Hungarian schooner tried to find the Northeast Passage along the coast of Russia, but it was icebound. Gradually it has issued to the shores of an unknown land, which they named after the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph:

Our icebreaker embarked on a raid near the shore and a helicopter with a team of organizers and security guards, took off in the direction of Cape Flora:

At the foot of 300-meter-high plateau, lick clouds, stops most polar expedition:

The helicopter made a couple of laps to make sure that the bears are not chosen by myself is a place for walking, and landed the first group:

At the top of the plateau, in the cliffs, helicopter disturbed rookery, but then nothing happened:

On the ground began to carry passengers, 20 people at a time:

After landing on the beach, all passed the mandatory briefing. The organizers showed the boundaries of the protected area. After that, the helicopter flew for the next group. Over 12 walker on the ground moved everyone:

I do not know how here in the winter, but in summer there pretty awesome:





Much recalls wintering polar expeditions on this patch of land:

The first wintered here Britons, whose ship was crushed by ice. From the debris and stones, they built the first cabin on the island, and the next spring for 4 boats made it to the New Earth.
Another British polar explorer Frederick Jackson founded a stationary base, and later it came out 2 Norwegian Nansen and Johansen. Nansen led the famous Norwegian polar expedition when the ship Fram deliberately vmorozili in ice and hoping for 5 years drifted over the North Pole.
At Cape Flora wintered Scots, Americans, Italians, and many others:

"Here, August 9, 1901 during a test campaign of the world's first icebreaker" Ermak "under the command of Admiral SO Makarova was raised by the Russian flag "

"It met Fridtjof Nansen and Frederick Jackson 17.06.1896g. after drifting "Fram" in the Arctic Ocean (1893-1896gg.) and wintering Nansen with Hjalmar Yuhansenom on the island of Jackson »


On the one hand, we are protected by sea, and the other three have guarded security officers:


They are armed with machine guns and stun grenades. When one bears in it, of course, does not shoot. First the number of shots in the air, and then start to shoot on the rocks next to the bear. Shards fall into the bear and it usually runs.
More bears are afraid of metal banging and loud noises. Just as on the brown bear, in any case, can not run away from them - will catch up and eat:
Posted in [mergetime] 1310565111 [/ mergetime]
Dwight minute have to shrink some photos (please do not break the collection)

The whole island is covered with multi-colored moss:

The snow has melted almost everywhere, and moss underfoot great champs. Well, that all of us were given rubber boots:


At the top of these mountains explorers found a cave with deposits of coal, so the lack of fuel was not here:


Unfortunately, human waste poisoning, and this virgin region:

All roamed the coast and waiting for their turn to fly to the ship:

Safety on each of us had a lifejacket:

Each helicopter arrival disturbed the birds at the top of the plateau. They were removed from their seats and clouds circling in the sky:


Basically, it was murres - birds like flying penguins:

I flew to the island on one of the last flights:

Somewhere a minute after takeoff, the helicopter began to shake with a great amplitude, and the sound of propellers with monotone changed to pulsing. Mark grabbed the bench or his fingers neighbors, the helicopter fell down, but the pilot was caught in time.
Pilots managed to stabilize the car, dial small height and return to the airfield. All sigh of relief when we found ourselves on solid ground.
A quick inspection showed that we are faced with a bird, judging by the remains - Kairi:

Here's what a normal blade. If the bird is not got to wingtip, and the blade itself, everything would be over a much sadder:

The pilots refused to overtake the helicopter with people on the ship, so all walked to the bay, where it was possible to go down to the water:

Soon we came dinghy:

The boys were afraid of the pitfalls and carefully Gaugeable depth. Despite this, it is still great to beat the board:

Together with the rescue boat arrived and the organizers of the Zodiac:

We have been "saved»:


The pilots returned to the ship after all passengers were on board:

The captain of the icebreaker [info] Dmitry Lobusov showed miracle of navigation and icebreaker led to the minimum distance to the beach. Helicopter almost could only fly and immediately board the ship:

The heroes who risked their lives: (all)
