With the speed of death!
240 km / h squeezed bikers to get to the "Ob wave" and a drink with friends martial
End of the season for biker - more important celebration of the New Year. For several consecutive years of romance with a big road mark it by arranging large-scale festival on the banks of the Ob reservoir. And although after the official closing of many will go all around the track until the cold weather, this is the last opportunity to get together. This year, the event attracted a record number of motor-fans from Novosibirsk, neighboring regions and even from abroad. Distance is not a problem for them - a long way from Omsk to Novosibirsk, some manage to overcome a little more than 2, 5:00 (take a word). Being among rollicking kinds of people in chains and leather, even the first robeesh - it seems that they are very different from the world and live by the laws of the wolf pack. But relaxed alcohol Night Wolves quickly lose their romantic brutality and are quite ordinary people.
Reference: "Ob wave" - an annual festival of bikers. The first was held in 2007. This year's "Ob wave" was held from 5 to 7 August in the area of recreation "Youth" under the Berd. At the festival came about 4 thousand motor-fans of the cities of Siberia and Kazakhstan and Germany.
Will 30 images (boobs are, cats - no) with comments taken here.
A typical biker - from head to toe dressed in leather, thick middle-aged man, austere detachment face reminiscent of a Native American chief.
2. Festival slender ranks of bikers went by SPSTL. Column bikers in full regalia made a lasting impression on passers-by.
3. At the entrance to the festival meadow each received a set of respectable tourist: garbage bag, soap and disposable toothbrush.
4. Camp Night Wolves also resembles a park lovers of barbecue in nature.
5. From mortals conquerors of different ways, first of all, boundless love for motorcycles and leather clothing.
6. Once on such a festival, you feel like at the exhibition of leather jackets. Among them are quite intricately decorated copies, quite meet the latest fashion trends. Fringe this season as relevant as ever.
7. Biker fashion generally quite conservative. Leather Corset for women as required, as well as a jacket for men. Drunken depravity of view gives the image a special piquancy.
8. As expected, the show ended with catwalk in a swimsuit.
9. Russian bikers, though borrowed from western paraphernalia in his heart betrayed Russian traditions and native Russian drink.
10. By their iron horses with severe motor-fans are genuine tenderness, decorating them who toys ...
11. ... and who - in these paintings.
12. Interviewing a considerable number of bikers, NGS.RELAKS correspondent learned that unhealthy passion for motorcycles occurs in childhood.
13. "I drive a motorcycle for five years. It's the genes. As a child I watched my brothers ride, and I wanted to do the same. This is pure adrenaline! "- Shared Catherine. In the life of Katya is less cheerful stewardesses shape and raising a child.
14. This biker is ready to give up a lot for the two-wheeled friend. "It was possible to make money, and the question arose - an apartment or a motorcycle. My choice was obvious, "- smiling Alex from Novokuznetsk. Is Smiling wife Alexis, history is silent.
15. Among the bikers have businessmen, realtors and even jewelers. Drive at a speed of 240 km / h makes them simple human curiosity. "It is terrible, but the food. I would like something new to experience, to look over the edge, "- he confessed Mikhail from Omsk.
16. Some riders with motorcycles linked whole life. Semen from Omsk worked in the repair shop, and participates in the winter motocross. "In the winter it is more dangerous than in summer. Accidents? Yes, there were. To be honest, from whole bones at me - only the left thigh. "
17. Someone such obsession can seriously scare.
18. However, despite the horror stories and brutal kind, bikers - people are good-natured and cheerful ...
19. ... and bursting with love for one's neighbor.
20. At the festival, the Night Wolves fun from the soul, actively taking part in the competition on the loudest engine, the slowest driving, in the women's skiing ...
21. ... and the traditional competition "Bike-banger" for victory in which participants dressed ...
22. ... denude ...
23. ... but Laura got very clever rider and rider.
24. For those who are a little sausage, near the cafe scene, offering a hodgepodge, rice, soup and other pleasures field kitchen for a small fee.
25. Sami bikers also no stranger to commerce and were not averse to offer his services.
26. The most important thing in such festivals, according to participants - it's the atmosphere. "It brings people together. Here we are with Sasha found each other at one of these festivals, "- says Marina, who moved to Novosibirsk from Kemerovo after his love.
27. In the evening, those who love not warmed up, gather around bonfires.
28. Other ongoing flushed and spirits, gathered at the scene.
29. There were headliners - Group "Crematorium", whose performance and finished the festival.
30. Even those bikers who are already fairly nafestivalilsya continued to listen to the voice Armen Grigoryan in his sleep.
End of the season for biker - more important celebration of the New Year. For several consecutive years of romance with a big road mark it by arranging large-scale festival on the banks of the Ob reservoir. And although after the official closing of many will go all around the track until the cold weather, this is the last opportunity to get together. This year, the event attracted a record number of motor-fans from Novosibirsk, neighboring regions and even from abroad. Distance is not a problem for them - a long way from Omsk to Novosibirsk, some manage to overcome a little more than 2, 5:00 (take a word). Being among rollicking kinds of people in chains and leather, even the first robeesh - it seems that they are very different from the world and live by the laws of the wolf pack. But relaxed alcohol Night Wolves quickly lose their romantic brutality and are quite ordinary people.
Reference: "Ob wave" - an annual festival of bikers. The first was held in 2007. This year's "Ob wave" was held from 5 to 7 August in the area of recreation "Youth" under the Berd. At the festival came about 4 thousand motor-fans of the cities of Siberia and Kazakhstan and Germany.
Will 30 images (boobs are, cats - no) with comments taken here.
A typical biker - from head to toe dressed in leather, thick middle-aged man, austere detachment face reminiscent of a Native American chief.

2. Festival slender ranks of bikers went by SPSTL. Column bikers in full regalia made a lasting impression on passers-by.

3. At the entrance to the festival meadow each received a set of respectable tourist: garbage bag, soap and disposable toothbrush.

4. Camp Night Wolves also resembles a park lovers of barbecue in nature.

5. From mortals conquerors of different ways, first of all, boundless love for motorcycles and leather clothing.

6. Once on such a festival, you feel like at the exhibition of leather jackets. Among them are quite intricately decorated copies, quite meet the latest fashion trends. Fringe this season as relevant as ever.

7. Biker fashion generally quite conservative. Leather Corset for women as required, as well as a jacket for men. Drunken depravity of view gives the image a special piquancy.

8. As expected, the show ended with catwalk in a swimsuit.

9. Russian bikers, though borrowed from western paraphernalia in his heart betrayed Russian traditions and native Russian drink.

10. By their iron horses with severe motor-fans are genuine tenderness, decorating them who toys ...

11. ... and who - in these paintings.

12. Interviewing a considerable number of bikers, NGS.RELAKS correspondent learned that unhealthy passion for motorcycles occurs in childhood.

13. "I drive a motorcycle for five years. It's the genes. As a child I watched my brothers ride, and I wanted to do the same. This is pure adrenaline! "- Shared Catherine. In the life of Katya is less cheerful stewardesses shape and raising a child.

14. This biker is ready to give up a lot for the two-wheeled friend. "It was possible to make money, and the question arose - an apartment or a motorcycle. My choice was obvious, "- smiling Alex from Novokuznetsk. Is Smiling wife Alexis, history is silent.

15. Among the bikers have businessmen, realtors and even jewelers. Drive at a speed of 240 km / h makes them simple human curiosity. "It is terrible, but the food. I would like something new to experience, to look over the edge, "- he confessed Mikhail from Omsk.

16. Some riders with motorcycles linked whole life. Semen from Omsk worked in the repair shop, and participates in the winter motocross. "In the winter it is more dangerous than in summer. Accidents? Yes, there were. To be honest, from whole bones at me - only the left thigh. "

17. Someone such obsession can seriously scare.

18. However, despite the horror stories and brutal kind, bikers - people are good-natured and cheerful ...

19. ... and bursting with love for one's neighbor.

20. At the festival, the Night Wolves fun from the soul, actively taking part in the competition on the loudest engine, the slowest driving, in the women's skiing ...

21. ... and the traditional competition "Bike-banger" for victory in which participants dressed ...

22. ... denude ...

23. ... but Laura got very clever rider and rider.

24. For those who are a little sausage, near the cafe scene, offering a hodgepodge, rice, soup and other pleasures field kitchen for a small fee.

25. Sami bikers also no stranger to commerce and were not averse to offer his services.

26. The most important thing in such festivals, according to participants - it's the atmosphere. "It brings people together. Here we are with Sasha found each other at one of these festivals, "- says Marina, who moved to Novosibirsk from Kemerovo after his love.

27. In the evening, those who love not warmed up, gather around bonfires.

28. Other ongoing flushed and spirits, gathered at the scene.

29. There were headliners - Group "Crematorium", whose performance and finished the festival.

30. Even those bikers who are already fairly nafestivalilsya continued to listen to the voice Armen Grigoryan in his sleep.
