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10 functions of the body, who continue to work after his death

Many functions of the body continue to act in a matter of minutes, hours, days or even weeks after the death. It's hard to believe, but our body of incredible things happen.

If you are ready to unflattering details, this information is for you.

1. The growth of nails and volosEto rather technical and not a real function. The body does not produce more hair and nail tissue, but also continues to grow both within a few days after the death. In fact, the skin loses moisture and slightly delayed, which exposes more hair, and nails look longer. Since we measure the length of hair and nails from the point where the hair out of the skin, then technically it turns out that they "grow" after death.

2. Activity mozgaOdnim of the side effects of modern technology is the effacement of time between life and death. The brain can be completely shut down, but my heart is pounding. If the heart stops for a moment, and there is no breath, the person dying and the doctors announced the death of a person, even when the brain is technically still alive for a few minutes. Brain cells in this time trying to turn up the oxygen and nutrients to sustain life to such an extent that most often leads to irreparable damage, even if the heart is forced to knock again. These minutes until complete damage can be extended by certain drugs and relevant circumstances, up to several days. Ideally, this could give doctors a chance to save you, but this is not guaranteed.

3. Cell growth kozhiEto another function of different parts of our body that fades at different speeds. At that time, as the loss of blood flow can kill brain in minutes, other cells do not need a constant supply. Skin cells that live on the outer shell of the body, are accustomed to getting what they can through a process called osmosis, and can live for several days.

4. MocheispuskanieMy believe that urination is an arbitrary function, although the absence of such action is not conscious. We basically do not have to think about it as a certain part of the brain responsible for this function. The same region is involved in the regulation of breathing and heartbeat, which explains why people often involuntary urination occurs unless they get drunk. The fact that part of the brain that keeps the urinary sphincter closed, suppressed, and very large amounts of alcohol can disable the functions of regulation of respiration and heart, and because alcohol can be really dangerous.

Although rigor mortis muscles woody, this does not happen a few hours after death. Immediately after death, the muscles relax, causing urination.

5. DefekatsiyaMy all know that in times of stress, our body gets rid of waste. Just relax certain muscles, and there was an awkward situation. But in case of death, all this also contributes to the gas which is released within the body. This can happen in a few hours after death. Considering that the fetus in the womb also performs the act of defecation, we can say that this is the first and last thing we do in our lives.

6. PischevarenieOkazyvaetsya that when we die, we will not only get rid of the digested, but also actively produces it. Do not forget that our body is a habitat for many other organisms, many of which are useful for us. The bacteria in your intestines do not die just because you no longer have. While some of these are parasites, many of which promote digestion and do the work for us, even when we were moved to another world. Other bacteria in the lining of the intestine produce gas that propels digested food out.

7. Erection and eyakulyatsiyaKogda heart stops pumping blood throughout the body, blood is collected at the lowest point. Sometimes people die standing up, sometimes lying face down, and because many people understand, where can collect blood. Meanwhile, not all muscles of the body relax. Some types of muscle cells are activated by calcium ions. After activation, the cells consume energy, removing calcium ions. After the death of our shell becoming more permeable to calcium and the cells do not consume so much energy to eject ions and muscles contract. This leads to rigor mortis, and even ejaculation.

8. Movement myshtsHotya brain may die, other areas of the nervous system may be active. Nurses do not just notice the action of reflexes in which the nerves send signals to the spinal cord, not the head, leading to muscle twitching and spasms after death. There is even evidence of small movements of the chest after death.

9. VokalizatsiyaPo fact, our body is full of gas and mucus, supported by bones. Decay occurs when bacteria begin to act, and the share of gas increases. Since most of the bacteria is inside of our body, the gas builds up inside.

Rigor mortis leads to the woodiness of many muscles, including those working on the vocal cords, and all this combination can lead to a terrible sound coming from a dead body. So there is evidence that people have heard the groans and squeaks of dead people.

10. Birth rebenkaEti terrible scenes do not even want to present, but there were times when women died during pregnancy and are not buried, giving rise to the term called "posthumous expulsion of the fetus." The gases that accumulate in the body, combined with the softening of the flesh, leading to the expulsion of the fetus.

Although such cases are very rare and they cause a lot of rumors, they were documented in the period before proper embalming and rapid burial. All this seems the description of a horror movie, but these things do happen, and it makes us once again rejoice that we live in the modern world.

via factroom.ru