Afghan catering
Blogger Ilya Varlamov wrote:
Today I tell you about the kitchen. Like other eastern cuisine, kitchen Afghanistan is very ancient. But because of the natural features of the country's Afghan table does not differ by such a variety, such as the Armenian. Nevertheless, the local food is delicious and nutritious. There pilaf and eat kebabs, stews and rice, cheese and cakes, milk and dairy products. At first glance, a set of dishes is very similar to other dishes of Central Asian countries. However, if you look closely, but rather to compare the tastes, you find that the similarity is only superficial. Spices, cooking technique, a combination of products - everything has a distinct national character.
29 photos
The pride of the Afghan cooks safely be called Shami kebab (made from minced meat mixed with egg and vegetable puree), tas-kebab (beef, first fried in boiling oil. And then boiled in wine). Absolutely superb variety of options for pilaf, such as Kabul drank and drank e-Shahi (royal pilaf). The first is made from rice and lamb with sliced yellow carrots and raisins, and the second (real triumph of culinary genius!) - Of unpolished rice from Afghan lamb, sheep fat, raisins and pistachios. Sometimes the royal pilaf add cloves.
By the way, the Afghan culinary tradition is very loyal to replace meat pilaf. Therefore, if there is no yangyatiny. That it is possible to replace a bone beef and even chicken. The only thing that banned - it is pork, as in other Islamic countries.
1. Average outdoor café where you can taste the real Afghan cuisine.
2. Afghan cuisine is impossible to imagine without tea.
3. Here, drink it a lot: in the morning and in the evening for a meal and just. Number of tea drinking is simply amazing.
4. Average Afghan cafes.
5. Water supply and sewage nowhere. So, wash the dishes in the basin. Water rarely changes.
6. Many guests prefer tea squat.
8. Tea Street
9. Tea generally packaged. His crappy taste can only drown out a lot of sugar.
10. Sometimes tea is served in such plastic thermoses.
12. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of this soup. There throw bread, peas, meat.
14. Be sure to try the Afghan kebab! I have never eaten tastier kebab. The meat is separated from the fat ... and strung on 4 slices on a skewer. 3 pieces of pure meat and 1 slice of pure fat.
19. That's how it looks. Delicious. Eat in bread wrapping.
21. pilaf usually served naan flat bread, yogurt, salt and fresh vegetables.
22. pilaf Eat without instruments.
24. What are some sweets.
25. Street Catering.
26. Also on the street selling fresh juices.
27. This home desk. Pilaf, salad, as usual. The main thing is soda. The best that the owner can offer its guests - a Pepsi or Coke.
29. And apricots. In Afghanistan, the first time I tasted such delicious apricots. Just eat about a kilogram. Now they dream of me.
Today I tell you about the kitchen. Like other eastern cuisine, kitchen Afghanistan is very ancient. But because of the natural features of the country's Afghan table does not differ by such a variety, such as the Armenian. Nevertheless, the local food is delicious and nutritious. There pilaf and eat kebabs, stews and rice, cheese and cakes, milk and dairy products. At first glance, a set of dishes is very similar to other dishes of Central Asian countries. However, if you look closely, but rather to compare the tastes, you find that the similarity is only superficial. Spices, cooking technique, a combination of products - everything has a distinct national character.
29 photos
The pride of the Afghan cooks safely be called Shami kebab (made from minced meat mixed with egg and vegetable puree), tas-kebab (beef, first fried in boiling oil. And then boiled in wine). Absolutely superb variety of options for pilaf, such as Kabul drank and drank e-Shahi (royal pilaf). The first is made from rice and lamb with sliced yellow carrots and raisins, and the second (real triumph of culinary genius!) - Of unpolished rice from Afghan lamb, sheep fat, raisins and pistachios. Sometimes the royal pilaf add cloves.
By the way, the Afghan culinary tradition is very loyal to replace meat pilaf. Therefore, if there is no yangyatiny. That it is possible to replace a bone beef and even chicken. The only thing that banned - it is pork, as in other Islamic countries.
1. Average outdoor café where you can taste the real Afghan cuisine.

2. Afghan cuisine is impossible to imagine without tea.

3. Here, drink it a lot: in the morning and in the evening for a meal and just. Number of tea drinking is simply amazing.

4. Average Afghan cafes.

5. Water supply and sewage nowhere. So, wash the dishes in the basin. Water rarely changes.

6. Many guests prefer tea squat.


8. Tea Street

9. Tea generally packaged. His crappy taste can only drown out a lot of sugar.

10. Sometimes tea is served in such plastic thermoses.


12. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of this soup. There throw bread, peas, meat.


14. Be sure to try the Afghan kebab! I have never eaten tastier kebab. The meat is separated from the fat ... and strung on 4 slices on a skewer. 3 pieces of pure meat and 1 slice of pure fat.





19. That's how it looks. Delicious. Eat in bread wrapping.


21. pilaf usually served naan flat bread, yogurt, salt and fresh vegetables.

22. pilaf Eat without instruments.


24. What are some sweets.

25. Street Catering.

26. Also on the street selling fresh juices.

27. This home desk. Pilaf, salad, as usual. The main thing is soda. The best that the owner can offer its guests - a Pepsi or Coke.


29. And apricots. In Afghanistan, the first time I tasted such delicious apricots. Just eat about a kilogram. Now they dream of me.
