Afghan heroin and drug addicts in today's post
Ilya Varlamov writes:
We are accustomed to thinking of Afghanistan, the most problematic place in the world in terms of drug production. This opinion will not argue. In fact, the production of opium, the basis for the production of heroin, monopolized Afghanistan. Only the region of the "Golden Triangle" while Afghan producers to compete, but the incredible efficiency of the Taliban established a comprehensive system of drug production is still in the 90s ruined the once-rich opium drug manufacturers working at the intersection of the borders of Laos, Myanmar and Thailand.
Since coming to power of the Taliban, production grew rapidly, and only in 1999 - 2001 year, having achieved concessions from the international community, the Taliban banned poppy cultivation simultaneously, reducing the planting of 80% in just one year. However, since the beginning of the "counterterrorist operation" in Afghanistan in October 2001 and the subsequent fall of the Taliban, the country once again came out on top for the production of heroin. During the year the growth of production in 1400 amounted to%! However, if in the 90 major markets for Afghan heroin were Russia and European countries, after the invasion, a large part of the exports were shipped to the United States.
However, in this story there is a third party - domestic consumption, every 5th Afghan - addict. Afghan heroin and drug addicts in today's post
01. One of the most popular gathering places of drug addicts are called simply "under the bridge»
There is a myth that the United States is not fighting against drugs in Afghanistan, on the other hand, Americans are making every effort to increase the production of heroin. Supporters of the wildest conspiracy theories believe that the Americans are doing it deliberately to poison the population of Russia ... and so on, you know. However, sound analysis, we see that this is not true. The opening of new transit routes and increasing the efficiency of the Russian Drug Control Service redirected a significant portion of the flow of heroin just to the United States. Americans trapped. Destroy crops - it means to push farmers into the ranks of the Taliban. Leave crops - grasses own citizens.
However, in this story there is a Third Party internal consumption. The phenomenon, unthinkable in 1970-80, and even in the '90s under the Taliban, is now gaining momentum at an alarming rate.
According to the UN from 2005 to 2009, the number of heroin addicts has increased by 140%, and that's just the official figures. According to local residents, more than 25 million people of the Afghan population about 5 million - addicts in varying degrees. In other words, every 5th Afghan - addict, these data confirmed by representatives of the authorities in informal conversations.
02. It is indeed located under one of the bridges over the river Kabul. The river bed has long been used by locals as a dump. It does not hesitate to take off all the waste.
03. In a decaying and stinking piles of garbage hundreds of addicts use heroin.
05. I have never been to a more disgusting, repulsive place than the bridge over the Kabul River, somewhere on the outskirts of the city. A terrible stench, decomposing waste, black, similar to oil, water, river ... However, the width of the river is not more than a meter, and its depth will want to sane people hardly dare to check - the feeling that this water may corrode not that leg or arm, steel Rod decompose in it for a minute.
06. Breathing is very difficult, partly because of the foul-smelling fumes, partly set on fire by the mountains of garbage, but mostly from the smoke that give the "wicks", in which heroin addicts heated - Afghan know-how in the use of heroin.
07. Every now and then step on the chi- konechnosti.To what seemed shapeless sack of garbage, is a man, or what was left of it. Are covered with yellow skin and skull meaningless, hollow eyes, unnaturally inhibited movement - it's a zombie! Hollywood directors apparently happens in such brothels, the image is very clear read.
08. Just under the bridge is constantly using drugs about 200 people. There crowded at any time of the day. Some live here for months.
10. Go here falls on the substance of such waste.
11. Divide heroin.
13. To be completely "fresh", here still flock urban sewerage.
14. Even the locals close handkerchiefs nose, smell the acrid watery eyes. I can not imagine how one can live for months.
15. Judging by the clothes, this guy here in the winter.
18. Part of the dose is divided with friends, scarves covering.
19. And then sleep on cardboard.
21. Some aesthetes take heroin intravenously, but this is an exception - get disposable syringes big problem.
23. Oh, I forgot to say, even under the bridge a lot of flies. Lots of. Look how cute they are flying over the addicts.
24. Easy to shoot turned out no more than 5 minutes. At some point, the zombies have realized that something was going wrong, and pay attention to me. One by one, they climbed out from under their cloaks and shouting something coming. I managed to get out of this hell without loss and dusty Kabul street, which is still 15 minutes ago seemed dirty garbage, clean impressive. Not everyone is so lucky, two weeks before my visit, German TV journalists were severely beaten by inmates of a brothel and lost all the equipment and money.
25. addicts are a variety of ways. Some addicts - former refugees who tried to escape from the civil war in camps in Pakistan and Iran and there to try drugs.
26. Another part - Mujahideen who fought, often on different sides of the barricades. Recently, they were joined by people who somehow injured the present war - the soldiers themselves, and people who have lost on it all they had.
The third largest group is Afghans who have left to work in neighboring countries, and there are addicted to drugs. They returned home only to come under the infamous bridge over the Kabul River.
The first question of the Hazara - they often go to work in Iran, which they have in common with one language and one faith (Hazara Shiites unlike most Afghans). Earning money on the heavy and thankless work, they often can not cope with the temptation to try heroin to relax. The result is almost always the same - medical institutions for drug addicts in the country, and there they are rapidly roll "under the bridge."
27. Points mass gathering of addicts in every city. If Kabul junkies chosen bridges, then, for example, in Mazar-e-Sharif, they settled in the city dump.
28. In the slopes of the landfill addicts themselves hollowed caves, where you can live for months.
29. Only sometimes they choose to steal or beg for money for the next dose.
31 grams of heroin costs about 100 afghanis - roughly $ 2 and the price of a jar of cold Red Bula. Petty theft and begging addicts manage to collect per dose. How to tell one of the not yet fully descended junkies - the development of mutual support. Addict comrade in trouble will not leave.
32. In each hole sits a group of addicts who inject heroin.
34. The land around is strewn with cigarette butts and syringes.
37. Some come from neighboring countries, where a drug could face the death penalty.
40. The majority of heroin addicts smoke. For this rolled paper wick.
41. Heroin poured onto the foil, the wick is ignited.
43. sucked through a straw pair vaporizing potion.
45. pribaldela
49. And the children of drug addicts do not like. They throw stones at them.
We are accustomed to thinking of Afghanistan, the most problematic place in the world in terms of drug production. This opinion will not argue. In fact, the production of opium, the basis for the production of heroin, monopolized Afghanistan. Only the region of the "Golden Triangle" while Afghan producers to compete, but the incredible efficiency of the Taliban established a comprehensive system of drug production is still in the 90s ruined the once-rich opium drug manufacturers working at the intersection of the borders of Laos, Myanmar and Thailand.
Since coming to power of the Taliban, production grew rapidly, and only in 1999 - 2001 year, having achieved concessions from the international community, the Taliban banned poppy cultivation simultaneously, reducing the planting of 80% in just one year. However, since the beginning of the "counterterrorist operation" in Afghanistan in October 2001 and the subsequent fall of the Taliban, the country once again came out on top for the production of heroin. During the year the growth of production in 1400 amounted to%! However, if in the 90 major markets for Afghan heroin were Russia and European countries, after the invasion, a large part of the exports were shipped to the United States.
However, in this story there is a third party - domestic consumption, every 5th Afghan - addict. Afghan heroin and drug addicts in today's post
01. One of the most popular gathering places of drug addicts are called simply "under the bridge»

There is a myth that the United States is not fighting against drugs in Afghanistan, on the other hand, Americans are making every effort to increase the production of heroin. Supporters of the wildest conspiracy theories believe that the Americans are doing it deliberately to poison the population of Russia ... and so on, you know. However, sound analysis, we see that this is not true. The opening of new transit routes and increasing the efficiency of the Russian Drug Control Service redirected a significant portion of the flow of heroin just to the United States. Americans trapped. Destroy crops - it means to push farmers into the ranks of the Taliban. Leave crops - grasses own citizens.
However, in this story there is a Third Party internal consumption. The phenomenon, unthinkable in 1970-80, and even in the '90s under the Taliban, is now gaining momentum at an alarming rate.
According to the UN from 2005 to 2009, the number of heroin addicts has increased by 140%, and that's just the official figures. According to local residents, more than 25 million people of the Afghan population about 5 million - addicts in varying degrees. In other words, every 5th Afghan - addict, these data confirmed by representatives of the authorities in informal conversations.
02. It is indeed located under one of the bridges over the river Kabul. The river bed has long been used by locals as a dump. It does not hesitate to take off all the waste.

03. In a decaying and stinking piles of garbage hundreds of addicts use heroin.


05. I have never been to a more disgusting, repulsive place than the bridge over the Kabul River, somewhere on the outskirts of the city. A terrible stench, decomposing waste, black, similar to oil, water, river ... However, the width of the river is not more than a meter, and its depth will want to sane people hardly dare to check - the feeling that this water may corrode not that leg or arm, steel Rod decompose in it for a minute.

06. Breathing is very difficult, partly because of the foul-smelling fumes, partly set on fire by the mountains of garbage, but mostly from the smoke that give the "wicks", in which heroin addicts heated - Afghan know-how in the use of heroin.

07. Every now and then step on the chi- konechnosti.To what seemed shapeless sack of garbage, is a man, or what was left of it. Are covered with yellow skin and skull meaningless, hollow eyes, unnaturally inhibited movement - it's a zombie! Hollywood directors apparently happens in such brothels, the image is very clear read.

08. Just under the bridge is constantly using drugs about 200 people. There crowded at any time of the day. Some live here for months.


10. Go here falls on the substance of such waste.

11. Divide heroin.


13. To be completely "fresh", here still flock urban sewerage.

14. Even the locals close handkerchiefs nose, smell the acrid watery eyes. I can not imagine how one can live for months.

15. Judging by the clothes, this guy here in the winter.



18. Part of the dose is divided with friends, scarves covering.

19. And then sleep on cardboard.


21. Some aesthetes take heroin intravenously, but this is an exception - get disposable syringes big problem.


23. Oh, I forgot to say, even under the bridge a lot of flies. Lots of. Look how cute they are flying over the addicts.

24. Easy to shoot turned out no more than 5 minutes. At some point, the zombies have realized that something was going wrong, and pay attention to me. One by one, they climbed out from under their cloaks and shouting something coming. I managed to get out of this hell without loss and dusty Kabul street, which is still 15 minutes ago seemed dirty garbage, clean impressive. Not everyone is so lucky, two weeks before my visit, German TV journalists were severely beaten by inmates of a brothel and lost all the equipment and money.

25. addicts are a variety of ways. Some addicts - former refugees who tried to escape from the civil war in camps in Pakistan and Iran and there to try drugs.

26. Another part - Mujahideen who fought, often on different sides of the barricades. Recently, they were joined by people who somehow injured the present war - the soldiers themselves, and people who have lost on it all they had.

The third largest group is Afghans who have left to work in neighboring countries, and there are addicted to drugs. They returned home only to come under the infamous bridge over the Kabul River.
The first question of the Hazara - they often go to work in Iran, which they have in common with one language and one faith (Hazara Shiites unlike most Afghans). Earning money on the heavy and thankless work, they often can not cope with the temptation to try heroin to relax. The result is almost always the same - medical institutions for drug addicts in the country, and there they are rapidly roll "under the bridge."
27. Points mass gathering of addicts in every city. If Kabul junkies chosen bridges, then, for example, in Mazar-e-Sharif, they settled in the city dump.

28. In the slopes of the landfill addicts themselves hollowed caves, where you can live for months.

29. Only sometimes they choose to steal or beg for money for the next dose.


31 grams of heroin costs about 100 afghanis - roughly $ 2 and the price of a jar of cold Red Bula. Petty theft and begging addicts manage to collect per dose. How to tell one of the not yet fully descended junkies - the development of mutual support. Addict comrade in trouble will not leave.

32. In each hole sits a group of addicts who inject heroin.


34. The land around is strewn with cigarette butts and syringes.



37. Some come from neighboring countries, where a drug could face the death penalty.



40. The majority of heroin addicts smoke. For this rolled paper wick.

41. Heroin poured onto the foil, the wick is ignited.


43. sucked through a straw pair vaporizing potion.


45. pribaldela




49. And the children of drug addicts do not like. They throw stones at them.
