This is the second theme, like the first, dedicated to the field of collectibles and hobbies, and also intended to cause the older generation nostalgic Yap
Gallery will be 32, please do not break. As finish, let you know.
It all started a long time ago, when we moved from apartment to apartment. Then I found an old album with his father's icons. Badges were many, they were pinned to paralonovym pages. And if the matter paralon, or in time, but it was very sticky and falling apart before our eyes. Then I carefully removed all the icons and folded in a bag, he threw paralon and leather album cover left. After a couple of months I had free time, and I, at the request of the pope, decided to restore the record. And I do not regret! I went to the hardware store and bought the cheapest carpeting and cut it from the page to the icons. Actually it all looked like this.
Next page
The end of the album
Icons dumped on the table ...
I began to sort them. There was a difficulty that would clear them from the remnants parolona, since it was very sticky.
And yet I did it and I present to you the updated album! With a focus on the most important items for me!
Page first-Cities!
And Smolensk (my second home!)
The second page is an extension of cities and museums and start building!
The third page-a bit of history and achievements!
I'll note that Pope collected the icons of five years and for many it has a direct bearing!
The fourth page, I call all that floats!
Particularly pleased with the collection "The revolutionary squadron»
The fifth page, there's a lot of things. And the fact that flies, space and a little bit hot.
Here, my dad (the climber in his youth) traveled.
Next-sport and the remaining icons!
One of my favorite pages as historian page with Lenin! =))
And the last page, the plastic, but no less valuable icons!
Gallery will be 32, please do not break. As finish, let you know.
It all started a long time ago, when we moved from apartment to apartment. Then I found an old album with his father's icons. Badges were many, they were pinned to paralonovym pages. And if the matter paralon, or in time, but it was very sticky and falling apart before our eyes. Then I carefully removed all the icons and folded in a bag, he threw paralon and leather album cover left. After a couple of months I had free time, and I, at the request of the pope, decided to restore the record. And I do not regret! I went to the hardware store and bought the cheapest carpeting and cut it from the page to the icons. Actually it all looked like this.

Next page


The end of the album

Icons dumped on the table ...

I began to sort them. There was a difficulty that would clear them from the remnants parolona, since it was very sticky.


And yet I did it and I present to you the updated album! With a focus on the most important items for me!
Page first-Cities!

And Smolensk (my second home!)

The second page is an extension of cities and museums and start building!

The third page-a bit of history and achievements!
I'll note that Pope collected the icons of five years and for many it has a direct bearing!

The fourth page, I call all that floats!

Particularly pleased with the collection "The revolutionary squadron»

The fifth page, there's a lot of things. And the fact that flies, space and a little bit hot.

Here, my dad (the climber in his youth) traveled.

Next-sport and the remaining icons!

One of my favorite pages as historian page with Lenin! =))


And the last page, the plastic, but no less valuable icons!
