The State Duma propose to ban alcohol
MOSCOW, February 24. / ITAR-TASS /. The State Duma proposes to ban the use of alcohol to the full age, ie 21 years. The draft law to increase from 18 to 21 years of age citizens, from which is allowed sale and consumption / drinking / alcohol and alcohol products, today introduced in the lower house.
Today, Russian law binds the opportunity to buy alcoholic beverages majority, ie the achievement of 18 years of age, "- recalls the author of the initiative Anton Belyakov. However, he said, referring to the sociological and psychological studies, 18-year-olds are not in a position to make an informed decision on the issue of alcohol and usually drink alcohol under the influence of their peers, "for the company" without thinking about the negative consequences for their health. But at age 21, "the young man finished high school or are already working on their own will be able to assess for themselves the need for the use of alcohol," says Belyakov.
The explanatory note to the bill notes that to date, alcohol consumption in Russia per capita almost twice the maximum level defined by WHO as a mortal danger to health. At present in Russia for one adult person per year account for 17 liters of ethanol / ethyl alcohol /, whereas this figure should not exceed 8. The proportion of people who regularly consume alcohol is 76 percent. The average age at which a person begins to regularly drink alcohol in Russia is 14 years.
The initiator of the bill notes that the situation is exacerbated by the fact that the increase in excise duties and other "restrictive" government measures although exert their effects, but still leads to an inevitable shift in demand towards cheaper and, therefore, for the most part a surrogate alcohol, which puts the issue is not only the preservation of health, but also the preservation of the life of the majority of consumers.
In addition, changes to the existing legislation, equating beer with alcohol, according to Belyakov, "will not be fully effective until the drink will not be subject to restrictions on sale of similar restrictions for a strong alcoholic drinks, as it is beer in recent years, becoming a "launching pad" for alcoholism Russian youth ».
A similar bill was introduced by a deputy in 2009, but was never considered by the relevant committee. Since the law has since changed, the deputy had to make it again.

Today, Russian law binds the opportunity to buy alcoholic beverages majority, ie the achievement of 18 years of age, "- recalls the author of the initiative Anton Belyakov. However, he said, referring to the sociological and psychological studies, 18-year-olds are not in a position to make an informed decision on the issue of alcohol and usually drink alcohol under the influence of their peers, "for the company" without thinking about the negative consequences for their health. But at age 21, "the young man finished high school or are already working on their own will be able to assess for themselves the need for the use of alcohol," says Belyakov.
The explanatory note to the bill notes that to date, alcohol consumption in Russia per capita almost twice the maximum level defined by WHO as a mortal danger to health. At present in Russia for one adult person per year account for 17 liters of ethanol / ethyl alcohol /, whereas this figure should not exceed 8. The proportion of people who regularly consume alcohol is 76 percent. The average age at which a person begins to regularly drink alcohol in Russia is 14 years.
The initiator of the bill notes that the situation is exacerbated by the fact that the increase in excise duties and other "restrictive" government measures although exert their effects, but still leads to an inevitable shift in demand towards cheaper and, therefore, for the most part a surrogate alcohol, which puts the issue is not only the preservation of health, but also the preservation of the life of the majority of consumers.
In addition, changes to the existing legislation, equating beer with alcohol, according to Belyakov, "will not be fully effective until the drink will not be subject to restrictions on sale of similar restrictions for a strong alcoholic drinks, as it is beer in recent years, becoming a "launching pad" for alcoholism Russian youth ».
A similar bill was introduced by a deputy in 2009, but was never considered by the relevant committee. Since the law has since changed, the deputy had to make it again.