The absurdity of historical predictions and statements
10 most ridiculous predictions and statements ever spoken renowned engineers, doctors, manufacturers ...
"It was the first, and no doubt the last expedition, litsezrevshaya this useless place." These are the words of Lieutenant Joseph Ives, uttered after his expedition to the Great Grand Canyon in 1861. Today, five million people annually visit this "useless space"
"HIV - not the cause of AIDS." In 1988, a rash statement put forward Peter Dyursberg, at the time one of the world's most respected microbiologists
"People will never build a big plane!". So the engineer said Boeing after the flight of Boeing 247, which seats 10 passengers
"You'd better be a secretary or to marry than to do it." Advice given model fotoagenstvom Marilyn Monroe in 1944
"You're crazy if you think that we are looking for oil!". Travel Partners Edwin Drake were completely confused by this "stupid idea", while Drake soon became the first person to start drilling oil wells in the United States in 1859
"We do not like their sound, and guitar sound is long since gone out of fashion." The biggest mistake of the publishing house Grandpa Recording, made in 1962, after all that, the refusal was motivated by the Beatles. Rather, he "Grandpa" went out of fashion))
"The phone is too many shortcomings to be seriously considered it as a means of communication & quot ;. Statement by Western Union, made in 1876. A little mistake ...
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers ..". The words of Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, told them in 1943. If you look at the next 10 years, it is in principle right, though on the same market as something strange has grown rapidly - may have to be a more far-sighted director?)
"Television for a long time will not live, because people quickly get tired of looking at one point ..." incredibly stupid statement is also directly related to their own field of activity, it's words in 1957, Lee de Forest, an American radio pioneer and inventor of the electronic lamp ...
"I see no reason for anyone to want to have at home PC." The most idiotic statement in our list, authored by Ken Olson, president and founder of Digital Equipment. And he said it's not so long ago, in 1977
Behind this all! You can kick!
"It was the first, and no doubt the last expedition, litsezrevshaya this useless place." These are the words of Lieutenant Joseph Ives, uttered after his expedition to the Great Grand Canyon in 1861. Today, five million people annually visit this "useless space"
"HIV - not the cause of AIDS." In 1988, a rash statement put forward Peter Dyursberg, at the time one of the world's most respected microbiologists
"People will never build a big plane!". So the engineer said Boeing after the flight of Boeing 247, which seats 10 passengers
"You'd better be a secretary or to marry than to do it." Advice given model fotoagenstvom Marilyn Monroe in 1944
"You're crazy if you think that we are looking for oil!". Travel Partners Edwin Drake were completely confused by this "stupid idea", while Drake soon became the first person to start drilling oil wells in the United States in 1859
"We do not like their sound, and guitar sound is long since gone out of fashion." The biggest mistake of the publishing house Grandpa Recording, made in 1962, after all that, the refusal was motivated by the Beatles. Rather, he "Grandpa" went out of fashion))
"The phone is too many shortcomings to be seriously considered it as a means of communication & quot ;. Statement by Western Union, made in 1876. A little mistake ...
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers ..". The words of Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, told them in 1943. If you look at the next 10 years, it is in principle right, though on the same market as something strange has grown rapidly - may have to be a more far-sighted director?)
"Television for a long time will not live, because people quickly get tired of looking at one point ..." incredibly stupid statement is also directly related to their own field of activity, it's words in 1957, Lee de Forest, an American radio pioneer and inventor of the electronic lamp ...
"I see no reason for anyone to want to have at home PC." The most idiotic statement in our list, authored by Ken Olson, president and founder of Digital Equipment. And he said it's not so long ago, in 1977
Behind this all! You can kick!