2014 through the eyes of Isaac Asimov: prediction of 1964

Probably the most part habrasoobschestva in 1964 even in the project was not. However, at the time he lived and worked great (dare I say it) a science fiction writer, philosopher, scientist, science popularizer and just man Isaac Asimov. In 1964, while under the influence of the World Expo, held in New York, he decided to see how the world will look in half a century. In this, 2014, just 50 years old this prediction, so I propose to recall those predictions Asimov that come true.
predictions are not in order of priority, and chaotic, rank them in order of importance is not possible, all these achievements are equally important. At least most.
1. After 50 years, the majority of routine tasks will be shifted to the shoulders of the art. The kitchen will operate the device with a "avtogotovkoy" that will prepare toast, eggs cook, fry the bacon and cook coffee.
B can be already ordered one day before the required time.
2. In 2014, the world population will reach 6, 5 billion people, and the US population will increase to 350 million.
Boston-Washington region merge into a single metropolis with a population of 40 million people (this prediction has not come true yet).
3. With regard to television, the wall screens replace the conventional television sets, in addition, there will be 3D TVs (here, however, did not mean stereoscopic displays, which are not particularly something new, namely the volume TV).
4. Communications gone far ahead, at the same time during a call you can still see his companion. Plus, the phone will be equipped with screens, and work with the screens will be not only to see the person, but also to perform other functions, such as reading books, taking notes, working with photos and images.
Satellites allow to make calls from one end of the planet, and for communication will simply dial the number.
5. In 2014, some works will be executed by a machine is better than any of the people.
6. Schools will be automated and high school students will be trained in computer science, in addition, will explore "computer language" that will evolve from the current «Fortran» (from «formula translation»).
7. Robots are not very common in 2014, but they will be present in the life of man. There will be a miniature computers that serve as the "brain" for robots. Probably, at the headquarters of IBM 2014 will operate the robot cleaner. Slow, big robot, which, however, be able to perform routine tasks cleaners.
General Electric in 2014 will show 3D films from the series "Robot of the future».
8. Advertising posters will be replaced by a glowing wall advertising.
9. The Company in 2014 will be a "society of forced rest," and this problem will be the people of the future boredom. A large number of illnesses associated with mental disorders and psychiatry will be a very important area of medicine.
10. You will see a lot of products on the basis of algae and microorganisms. In 2014 there will be bars with products from algae, such as "psevdosteyk." An important step will be to overcome the psychological barrier that prevents a person begin to treat artificial products as well as to natural.
Agree, these predictions, as they say, "the nail in the eye." Most of the true, but there is something that has yet to be - for example, the spread of vehicles hovering over the road (something like an air cushion).
The complete list can be available here .
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/208144/