Without Photoshop
All these photos were taken with the help of graphic editors ...
Cthulhu awakens from his long sleep
It seems that these three surfers are about to swallow Cthulhu, or at least a pack of huge octopus. It all depends on how malobyudzheten the horror movie, which is taken from this frame. In fact, here's what a wave of direct sunlight when there is enough algae to choke sperm whale and it's not so rare. Of course, this simply means that when a monster with tentacles still decide to attack, they will be hidden in the midst of these algae, until it is too late.
You can almost hear their cheerful whistling while working
What looks like a picture of the new advertising of Coca-Cola, in fact the real picture. And no, this is not the corpses of ants glued to their tiny paws lid, if you think about it, Professor Heartless. This is a series of pictures that photographer Andrey Pavlov did outside his home, after studying the life of an ant colony. He is a former designer, allowing him to make a stunning installation, with whom they could interact ants in the most human way.
Invisible Man playing hockey
Even knowing that this is the real picture, you spend a few minutes on it to find out what is happening in this photo from the archives of Sports Illustrated. And judging by the surprised expression on the right Maltz, live too all looked strange. Unfortunately for Norwegian hockey team, player number 55 Ole-Kristian Tollefsen has no ability to teleport out of a sticky situation. If you look at the left armpit, you can see the hair and define the position of his head clamped. I would like to think that the red-haired lad was a fan of X-Men, and left with the game, saying to his father: "I saw it, they exist!"
The artist did not have to strain to write this picture
We got used to artists, depicting the world around them with less and less realism, but it seems no one told Nature that is the prerogative of dudes with easels. Australian photographer Ken Pryor filmed almost visible brush strokes in the sky over Scotland. The photo shows a mysterious, yet do not have an official name, the clouds.
Meteorologists call them "cloud asperatus", while people who do not want to be mistaken for a weather forecaster, using a simple name - "Clouds Jacques Cousteau." The name refers to the fact that these clouds make the sky look like upside-down ocean during a storm, though, looking at some of the other frames, realize that they have in common only that they all look like the sky in the Night Watch.
Entrance is strictly by ticket
In this semi-finished collage of Photoshop's hard to say what was in the end the author wanted to portray. Our first assumption is that he wanted to use different elements of urban development, to protest against the construction of the tower of Gazprom in St. Petersburg
Our version of the 347 would have been the truth: this is a real picture "Stadium in Osaka." It was converted into a residential quarter after the baseball club Nankai Hawks moved to the stadium better. Whatever else, let alone shops in the quarter in abundance.
The obvious "extension" in Photoshop
These legs - not Photoshop or stilts. At the maned wolf a very long and very thin legs. We're not sure what the evolutionary advantage of giving what you are the living embodiment of Disney cartoons. But we can not look at this unusual photo without presenting the corresponding male wolf who, smoking somewhere under a tree a cigarette, can not let go of the "foot of the stunning beauty».
Cartoons + Beatles?
It depicts the characters of the popular comic book and cartoon «Peanuts», recreating the famous Beatles album cover «Abbey Road». This collage is located on the road leading to the Universal Studios theme park in Japan. Distracting drivers on the road in the children's park is probably not the best idea, but the Japanese are likely to have become accustomed to walking the streets of the characters from the cartoons (and a heap of other oddities). In addition, the form shown in the photo is only open strictly at a certain angle. Anyone who will look at it from above, surprised "why these lovely kids sucks unit from Ghostbusters».
50 euros for a ticket ?! I'd rather go on foot!
No view, no man on the rope does not look real in this photo, but it is a real stuntman, going by cable car, which leads from the bottom to the top of the Zugspitze in southern Bavaria. He completed the 3-kilometer ascent to the Guinness World Records in the category "the longest and highest pass on a rope above sea level without rocker." And, for good measure, he did it without a damn insurance.
Apartment god. The cloud is certainly cool, but intererchik little bit poor.
It turns out that under carefully controlled conditions, you can create a cloud in the room. Artist Berndnaut Smilde creates clouds with fog generator, then carefully control temperature and humidity in the room to be an artificial cloud of second-hand long enough for the captured image. We must assume that he still can not get it to survive long enough to bring his friends stoned and start to give them a loud booming voice command.
When the Ents are tired, they just sit there, where there were ...
These trees can be found in the so-called curve of forest in Poland, all of them bowed trunks inexplicable north. What is even more strange, no one knows how they became such. Experts believe that this is due to human intervention, but someone did not raise them in his plans for World War II intervened, and now, the reasons for giving such a form of tree lost. While some of the more boring theories associated with the creation of molded wood for the ribs of the hull, unprecedentedly powerful bunch on the south side is also not excluded from options
We hope you did not pay much for this fake bag, dude ...
These bags of Jump from paper stickers look like giant, but as you can see in a 360-degree animations from their website, this is a real bag in which you can store your belongings. Finally, someone has made a bag for people who want to look as if they are living in two worlds: in our world of three dimensions and the brightest in the world of two-dimensional illustrations.
It does not look sufficiently detailed to be a photoshop. But we have bad news for those who did not know that bats are the size of the "flying wolf." It may look as if someone had put a suit on your dog to meet one of his bizarre fetishes, but once you learn the truth, you will regret that it is not. It maned atserodon, one of the largest (not the greatest? Well, damn it!) From the so-called mega-bats. Not the scientific name for giant bats, but when you're in search of a way to retreat and try to come up with the name of this thing, to attempt to be clever no.
It boasts a wingspan of almost 2 meters, which (as we think we should underline) will be enough to completely "wrap" you in his arms.
Shot from the remake of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas»
This feverish hallucination - in fact, a giant platform Photo carnival in Rio de Janeiro. It would be easy to ask why these girls are fed huge head with tribal tattoos, but we prefer to respect other cultures. The picture was taken on the so-called Sambadrome (still photos), which perfectly combines glamor and a terrible apocalyptic horror.
Crop circles are not so impressive, but they are, at least, do not melt
You may ask, what's so great is the image, but then you realize that the small dot in the upper right corner is a guy who did all this with your feet. Artist Simon Beck creates these giant snow sculptures, for it uses only snow and their feet (well, and again, a little head).
It will be impolite to say that he has a toothpick instead of a cane?
Earlier this year, the world of little people stirred up the news of the 72-year-old Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dungy. He was as much as 5 centimeters lower than a person who previously was considered the smallest in the world, also COMMITTEE Guinness announced its lowest in history.
Disagreement was not there, but the previous lowest man lived to age 40, and the next - only 18 years old, while Dungy has stooped old man. If the title is challenged, all define the fight without rules in a box out of the vacuum cleaner (at least, if we had the right to vote on this issue).
Nyan cat broke loose
You no longer need three kinds of drugs and some dubstep remixes to see something similar in the sky. «Global Rainbow» is an art project that was recently in London in honor of the upcoming Olympic Games.
"There was Kolya»
This photograph captures a real room in a French hotel (Eng.), Which offers the best or the worst in the world of sleep, depending on which side of the bed you sleep.
№ 1. Cat Harvey Dengta
This two-faced Janus cat is called - after the Roman god who looked forward and backward. Deformation caused by a gene called "Sonic the Hedgehog". Yes, it is a gene named after a character in the game ... but you said that scientists do not have a sense of humor!
Source: asaratov.livejournal.com
Cthulhu awakens from his long sleep
It seems that these three surfers are about to swallow Cthulhu, or at least a pack of huge octopus. It all depends on how malobyudzheten the horror movie, which is taken from this frame. In fact, here's what a wave of direct sunlight when there is enough algae to choke sperm whale and it's not so rare. Of course, this simply means that when a monster with tentacles still decide to attack, they will be hidden in the midst of these algae, until it is too late.

You can almost hear their cheerful whistling while working

What looks like a picture of the new advertising of Coca-Cola, in fact the real picture. And no, this is not the corpses of ants glued to their tiny paws lid, if you think about it, Professor Heartless. This is a series of pictures that photographer Andrey Pavlov did outside his home, after studying the life of an ant colony. He is a former designer, allowing him to make a stunning installation, with whom they could interact ants in the most human way.

Invisible Man playing hockey

Even knowing that this is the real picture, you spend a few minutes on it to find out what is happening in this photo from the archives of Sports Illustrated. And judging by the surprised expression on the right Maltz, live too all looked strange. Unfortunately for Norwegian hockey team, player number 55 Ole-Kristian Tollefsen has no ability to teleport out of a sticky situation. If you look at the left armpit, you can see the hair and define the position of his head clamped. I would like to think that the red-haired lad was a fan of X-Men, and left with the game, saying to his father: "I saw it, they exist!"
The artist did not have to strain to write this picture

We got used to artists, depicting the world around them with less and less realism, but it seems no one told Nature that is the prerogative of dudes with easels. Australian photographer Ken Pryor filmed almost visible brush strokes in the sky over Scotland. The photo shows a mysterious, yet do not have an official name, the clouds.

Meteorologists call them "cloud asperatus", while people who do not want to be mistaken for a weather forecaster, using a simple name - "Clouds Jacques Cousteau." The name refers to the fact that these clouds make the sky look like upside-down ocean during a storm, though, looking at some of the other frames, realize that they have in common only that they all look like the sky in the Night Watch.
Entrance is strictly by ticket

In this semi-finished collage of Photoshop's hard to say what was in the end the author wanted to portray. Our first assumption is that he wanted to use different elements of urban development, to protest against the construction of the tower of Gazprom in St. Petersburg

Our version of the 347 would have been the truth: this is a real picture "Stadium in Osaka." It was converted into a residential quarter after the baseball club Nankai Hawks moved to the stadium better. Whatever else, let alone shops in the quarter in abundance.
The obvious "extension" in Photoshop

These legs - not Photoshop or stilts. At the maned wolf a very long and very thin legs. We're not sure what the evolutionary advantage of giving what you are the living embodiment of Disney cartoons. But we can not look at this unusual photo without presenting the corresponding male wolf who, smoking somewhere under a tree a cigarette, can not let go of the "foot of the stunning beauty».
Cartoons + Beatles?

It depicts the characters of the popular comic book and cartoon «Peanuts», recreating the famous Beatles album cover «Abbey Road». This collage is located on the road leading to the Universal Studios theme park in Japan. Distracting drivers on the road in the children's park is probably not the best idea, but the Japanese are likely to have become accustomed to walking the streets of the characters from the cartoons (and a heap of other oddities). In addition, the form shown in the photo is only open strictly at a certain angle. Anyone who will look at it from above, surprised "why these lovely kids sucks unit from Ghostbusters».

50 euros for a ticket ?! I'd rather go on foot!

No view, no man on the rope does not look real in this photo, but it is a real stuntman, going by cable car, which leads from the bottom to the top of the Zugspitze in southern Bavaria. He completed the 3-kilometer ascent to the Guinness World Records in the category "the longest and highest pass on a rope above sea level without rocker." And, for good measure, he did it without a damn insurance.

Apartment god. The cloud is certainly cool, but intererchik little bit poor.

It turns out that under carefully controlled conditions, you can create a cloud in the room. Artist Berndnaut Smilde creates clouds with fog generator, then carefully control temperature and humidity in the room to be an artificial cloud of second-hand long enough for the captured image. We must assume that he still can not get it to survive long enough to bring his friends stoned and start to give them a loud booming voice command.
When the Ents are tired, they just sit there, where there were ...

These trees can be found in the so-called curve of forest in Poland, all of them bowed trunks inexplicable north. What is even more strange, no one knows how they became such. Experts believe that this is due to human intervention, but someone did not raise them in his plans for World War II intervened, and now, the reasons for giving such a form of tree lost. While some of the more boring theories associated with the creation of molded wood for the ribs of the hull, unprecedentedly powerful bunch on the south side is also not excluded from options
We hope you did not pay much for this fake bag, dude ...

These bags of Jump from paper stickers look like giant, but as you can see in a 360-degree animations from their website, this is a real bag in which you can store your belongings. Finally, someone has made a bag for people who want to look as if they are living in two worlds: in our world of three dimensions and the brightest in the world of two-dimensional illustrations.


It does not look sufficiently detailed to be a photoshop. But we have bad news for those who did not know that bats are the size of the "flying wolf." It may look as if someone had put a suit on your dog to meet one of his bizarre fetishes, but once you learn the truth, you will regret that it is not. It maned atserodon, one of the largest (not the greatest? Well, damn it!) From the so-called mega-bats. Not the scientific name for giant bats, but when you're in search of a way to retreat and try to come up with the name of this thing, to attempt to be clever no.

It boasts a wingspan of almost 2 meters, which (as we think we should underline) will be enough to completely "wrap" you in his arms.
Shot from the remake of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas»

This feverish hallucination - in fact, a giant platform Photo carnival in Rio de Janeiro. It would be easy to ask why these girls are fed huge head with tribal tattoos, but we prefer to respect other cultures. The picture was taken on the so-called Sambadrome (still photos), which perfectly combines glamor and a terrible apocalyptic horror.
Crop circles are not so impressive, but they are, at least, do not melt

You may ask, what's so great is the image, but then you realize that the small dot in the upper right corner is a guy who did all this with your feet. Artist Simon Beck creates these giant snow sculptures, for it uses only snow and their feet (well, and again, a little head).
It will be impolite to say that he has a toothpick instead of a cane?

Earlier this year, the world of little people stirred up the news of the 72-year-old Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dungy. He was as much as 5 centimeters lower than a person who previously was considered the smallest in the world, also COMMITTEE Guinness announced its lowest in history.

Disagreement was not there, but the previous lowest man lived to age 40, and the next - only 18 years old, while Dungy has stooped old man. If the title is challenged, all define the fight without rules in a box out of the vacuum cleaner (at least, if we had the right to vote on this issue).

Nyan cat broke loose

You no longer need three kinds of drugs and some dubstep remixes to see something similar in the sky. «Global Rainbow» is an art project that was recently in London in honor of the upcoming Olympic Games.
"There was Kolya»

This photograph captures a real room in a French hotel (Eng.), Which offers the best or the worst in the world of sleep, depending on which side of the bed you sleep.

№ 1. Cat Harvey Dengta

This two-faced Janus cat is called - after the Roman god who looked forward and backward. Deformation caused by a gene called "Sonic the Hedgehog". Yes, it is a gene named after a character in the game ... but you said that scientists do not have a sense of humor!
Source: asaratov.livejournal.com