At McDonald's diluted tea for its customers ....
Employee McDonald's in the city of Simpsonville (USA), was arrested on suspicion that he spat in the tea customers. Arrest of 19-year-old Marvin Washington was held April 18. Collateral to secure his release established in the amount of $ 5,000. The incident occurred on Saturday, April 14. Mother and daughter have come to McDonald's and ordered a sweet tea. After receiving the order, they noticed that the tea unsweetened. They returned to the order, but the tea to them, they say, once again gave the savory. After that, they decided to bring it home and sweeten yourself. Opening the glass, they found in each dish large amounts of mucus. It was found a video in which we see as Washington leans over the cup before pouring the tea back. He was charged with spoilage, for which faces up to 20 years in prison. As stressed by the representative of the sheriff's office Laura Campbell, spoilage can threaten human health.
via ru.tsn.ua/tsikavinki/sotrudnik-mcdo...i-plevkami.html
via ru.tsn.ua/tsikavinki/sotrudnik-mcdo...i-plevkami.html
