Tickle shark ...
Andre Hartman (Andre Hartman) calls himself "schekotalschikom sharks" and says that he knows the technique of touch sharks, in which she literally falls into a trance and not bite.
Hartman people fairly well-known in certain circles. At the time, the Discovery Channel movie took off about him «Great White Sharks: Uncaged», where Andre was swimming among the sharks without any - any protective means and felt quite organically with these terrible predators. He also managed to swim with Jean -Mishelem Cousteau and showed him how to get a decent shot of adrenaline ride on the shark fin.
3 photos via goodnewsanimal
According to Andre, he had found a great white shark on the head of a special place on the nose. If you touch it, the shark begins to open his mouth wide, but never attack. Andre's a big fan of the ocean catch fish on a spear in the Cape coast of South Africa, and because quite often meets with great white sharks, when he goes to the next fishing trip.
Andre gladly demonstrated his openness to all curious and surprising, then what about Andre trick learned by all and sundry, and began to imitate him. Soon, however, conservationists began to prohibit such tricks, which are explained logically.
Shark in their opinion really falls into a stupor, as such touching her nose uncommon for sharks in the ocean of life. Meeting with the unusual, the shark does not know what has faced and how to behave.
Andre had seen thousands of sharks in his life and believes that they are not dangerous to humans, if you know how to behave and understand the habits of sharks. Sharks are in fact just very curious and at the same time is not stupid.
Hartman people fairly well-known in certain circles. At the time, the Discovery Channel movie took off about him «Great White Sharks: Uncaged», where Andre was swimming among the sharks without any - any protective means and felt quite organically with these terrible predators. He also managed to swim with Jean -Mishelem Cousteau and showed him how to get a decent shot of adrenaline ride on the shark fin.
3 photos via goodnewsanimal
According to Andre, he had found a great white shark on the head of a special place on the nose. If you touch it, the shark begins to open his mouth wide, but never attack. Andre's a big fan of the ocean catch fish on a spear in the Cape coast of South Africa, and because quite often meets with great white sharks, when he goes to the next fishing trip.
Andre gladly demonstrated his openness to all curious and surprising, then what about Andre trick learned by all and sundry, and began to imitate him. Soon, however, conservationists began to prohibit such tricks, which are explained logically.
Shark in their opinion really falls into a stupor, as such touching her nose uncommon for sharks in the ocean of life. Meeting with the unusual, the shark does not know what has faced and how to behave.
Andre had seen thousands of sharks in his life and believes that they are not dangerous to humans, if you know how to behave and understand the habits of sharks. Sharks are in fact just very curious and at the same time is not stupid.