Pensioner rescued children

tourists from the UK two-meter shark dragged from small children playing in the shallow waters off the coast of Avstralii.

62-year-old Paul Marshallsi rushed along with two volunteers in the direction whence came the cries of children, noticed hischnitsu.

"My instinct took over and I just grabbed the shark by the tail" - said the man izdaniyu.

According to P. Marshallsi, he was lucky, and he escaped injury during a meeting with akuloy.

"She attacked me and nearly bitten. Shark almost took my foot, it all happened in a matter of seconds, "- he said. After that, the tourist managed to pull the shark into the depths.
He also added that he understood the danger of the situation, but at the same time aware of the fact that the "shark in its own beautiful creature, and she, too, need help."
Source: mirfactov.com/