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In most countries, trade in marijuana - totally illegal, a criminal offense. But, for example, some states in the US is quite possible to buy cannabis for medical purposes. And, now it can be done using a special vending machine Autospense.
Autospense - is a vending machine for the sale of marijuana! The fact that in some US states, such as California, this forbidden elsewhere in the product is considered quite legitimate, if you take it for medical purposes by prescription. There are even entire stores specializing in the sale of cannabis.
2 photos via novate
Here, in order to simplify and automate the process and avoid the illegal sale of soft drugs, just been created Autospense! Manage these vending machines using the touch screen, which is working with it will remove fingerprints buyer and will bring them to the base!
Moreover, buy marijuana through Autospense can only those who receive a special authorization code from the medical establishment. It must be entered during the purchase, or the vending machine will reject your attempt to get "medical" grass. Furthermore, all client actions will be recorded for a few camcorders. The attempt to hack the device will lead to momentary arrival on the scene of the crime police!
Now several of these vending machines already installed in the streets of some cities in California. Moreover, new ones appear literally on a daily basis. And other states are studying the experience to deploy such a network at home.
In most countries, trade in marijuana - totally illegal, a criminal offense. But, for example, some states in the US is quite possible to buy cannabis for medical purposes. And, now it can be done using a special vending machine Autospense.
Autospense - is a vending machine for the sale of marijuana! The fact that in some US states, such as California, this forbidden elsewhere in the product is considered quite legitimate, if you take it for medical purposes by prescription. There are even entire stores specializing in the sale of cannabis.
2 photos via novate
Here, in order to simplify and automate the process and avoid the illegal sale of soft drugs, just been created Autospense! Manage these vending machines using the touch screen, which is working with it will remove fingerprints buyer and will bring them to the base!
Moreover, buy marijuana through Autospense can only those who receive a special authorization code from the medical establishment. It must be entered during the purchase, or the vending machine will reject your attempt to get "medical" grass. Furthermore, all client actions will be recorded for a few camcorders. The attempt to hack the device will lead to momentary arrival on the scene of the crime police!
Now several of these vending machines already installed in the streets of some cities in California. Moreover, new ones appear literally on a daily basis. And other states are studying the experience to deploy such a network at home.